Visão Geral
Curso Blazor and Razor. Crie aplicativos web de página única com .NET e sem Javascript. Use o Blazor para criar um aplicativo Web progressivo do lado do servidor ou Blazor.
Após realizar este Curso Blazor and Razor, você será capaz de:
- Explore os componentes do Razor com layout e atributos
- Criar e configurar aplicativos Blazor
- Crie um aplicativo Web progressivo do lado do servidor ou Blazor
- Use os modos de renderização do .NET 8 Blazor
- Crie componentes genéricos
- Fornece validação para entrada
- Obtenha uma introdução ao Entity Framework Core
- Chame serviços REST
- Use Bootstrap para fornecer uma interface de usuário responsiva
Aqui está um pequeno vídeo de um exercício, como seria visto no curso de treinamento Blazor do JBI
Publico Alvo
- Desenvolvedores .NET que desejam aproveitar o poder de uma linguagem familiar para criar interfaces do lado do cliente
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico
Blazor (ASP.NET Core 3 & .NET 6) Introduction
- What are Blazor; Razor Components and Web Assembly?
- Blazor Server vs WebAssembly
- Discuss the rapid development and evolution of ASP.NET
- Comparison of features for web technologies
- Support for Dependency Injection
- Creating your first Blazor Web Application
- Configuration Options
- Core 3 / 6 Features
Introduction to Blazor Application
- Overview of Blazor
- Blazor and Razor Components
- Installing Blazor Templates
- Pages
- Layout and menu
- Dependency Injection
Razor Components
- Pages vs Components
- Component Lifecycle
- Routing
- Binding (one way and two way)
- Handling Events
- Code
- Code behind files
- Razor Syntax
- Razor Directives
Error Handling
- Exception Handling
- Error Boundary
- Error Boundary Recovery
- Introduction to QuickGrid
- Sorting
- Paging
Calling Services
- Creating Web API services
- Web API Controller
- Implementing Controller Actions
- Using HttpClient
- Configuring and Injecting HttpClient
- Using Get request for Web API service
- Using Post, Put and Delete
Components - continued
- Parameters
- Child Components
- Cascading Parameters
- RenderFragments
- Template Components
- Implementing Tabs
- DynamicComponent
Using Entity Framework
- Introduction to Entity Framework Core
- Migrations and Database creation
- DataAnnotations
- Adding Migrations
- Creating a Database
- Injection of DbContextFactory
- Working with the Database
- Introduction to Validation
- EditForm components
- Input components
- Validation components
Authentication and Authorization
- Dealing with common security threats in Web Applications
- Individual Authentication
- Authentication and Authorization
- Configuring Authorization
- Securing Pages and Components
Razor Class Library
- Creating a Razor Class Library
- Using Components from a Library
- Routing to Pages in a Library
State Management
- Introduction to ProtectedBrowserStorage
- Session vs Local
- ProtectedBrowserStorageResult
Interop with JavaScript
- Calling JavaScript from Components
- Referring to Elements within the JavaScript
- Calling .NET methods from JavaScript
CSS Isolation
- Introduction of CSS Isolation
- CSS Files
- CSS on Child Components
- Using Bootstrap to provide a Responsive User Interface
- Layout using Bootstrap
- Modal Dialog