Curso AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator

  • Cloud Computing

Curso AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator

32 horas
Visão Geral

Curso AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator. A certificação Microsoft Azure Administrator AZ104 é essencial para profissionais que gerenciam serviços de nuvem, pois os equipa com as habilidades necessárias para implementar, monitorar e manter recursos do Azure. À medida que as organizações adotam cada vez mais soluções de nuvem, a demanda por administradores experientes do Azure que podem lidar com configurações de segurança, armazenamento e rede aumentou. A proficiência na administração do Azure garante que os ambientes de nuvem operem de forma suave e segura, apoiando o crescimento e a resiliência organizacional.

Este Curso AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator é ideal para administradores de TI, profissionais de nuvem, engenheiros de sistemas e especialistas em suporte técnico que buscam aprimorar suas habilidades em gerenciamento do Azure. Também é benéfico para qualquer pessoa que trabalhe em funções que envolvam infraestrutura de nuvem, gerenciamento de rede ou segurança, com o objetivo de aprimorar sua expertise no Microsoft Azure e maximizar a eficiência da nuvem.


Ao concluir este Curso AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator, os participantes se beneficiarão de uma compreensão completa dos fundamentos do Microsoft Azure e experiência prática no gerenciamento de assinaturas do Azure. Essa expertise os posiciona para o sucesso em funções baseadas em nuvem e aprimora sua capacidade de lidar com eficiência com ambientes do Azure, contribuindo significativamente para seu crescimento profissional e avanço na carreira.

  • Para gerenciar com eficiência as assinaturas e os recursos do Azure, otimizando os custos e a utilização dos recursos
  • Para obter experiência em gerenciamento de identidade e acesso, garantindo a segurança dos recursos e dados do Azure
  • Para aprender a administrar componentes de infraestrutura do Azure, incluindo máquinas virtuais, armazenamento e rede
  • Dominar a configuração de redes virtuais para permitir uma comunicação segura e eficiente entre o Azure e os ambientes locais
  • Adquirir habilidades para implementar várias soluções de armazenamento no Azure, incluindo armazenamento de blobs, armazenamento de arquivos e discos gerenciados
  • Para implantar e gerenciar aplicativos da Web, contêineres e outros serviços do Azure, permitindo aplicativos escaláveis ​​e confiáveis ​​na nuvem


Publico Alvo

O Curso AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator tem como objetivo fornecer aos profissionais o conjunto de habilidades necessárias para gerenciar e manter recursos e serviços do Azure. Esta Certificação Microsoft Azure pode ser benéfica para uma ampla gama de profissionais, incluindo: 

  • Profissionais de TI
  • Administradores de sistema
  • Engenheiros de Nuvem do Azure
  • Administradores de rede
  • Engenheiros de Infraestrutura
  • Arquitetos de Soluções em Nuvem
  • Administradores de Nuvem
  • Administradores do Azure bem-sucedidos com experiência em virtualização, funcionamento em rede, identidade e armazenamento.
  • Compreensão das tecnologias de virtualização on-premises, incluindo máquinas virtuais, funcionamento em rede virtual e discos rígidos virtuais.
  • Compreensão das configurações de rede, incluindo TCP/IP, Domain Name System (DNS), redes privadas virtuais (VPNs), firewalls e tecnologias de encriptação.
  • Compreensão dos conceitos do Active Directory, como usuários, grupos e controle de acesso baseado em função.
  • Compreensão das abordagens de resiliência e de recuperação após desastre, incluindo cópias de segurança e operações de restauro.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Module 1: Use Azure Resource Manager

  1. Introduction
  2. Review Azure Resource Manager Benefits
  3. Review Azure Resource Terminology
  4. Create Resource Groups
  5. Create Azure Resource Manager Locks
  6. Reorganize Azure Resources
  7. Remove Resources and Resource Groups
  8. Determine Resource Limits

Module 2: Introduction to Azure Cloud Shell

  1. Introduction
  2. What Is Azure Cloud Shell?
  3. How Does Azure Cloud Shell Work?
  4. When Should You Use Azure Cloud Shell?

Module 3: Introduction to Bash

  1. Introduction
  2. What Is Bash?
  3. Bash Fundamentals
  4. Bash Commands and Operators
  5. Exercise - Try Bash
  6. Exercise - Terminate a Misbehaving Process
  7. Exercise - Use Bash and Grep to Filter CLI Output

Module 4: Introduction to PowerShell

  1. Introduction
  2. What Is PowerShell?
  3. Exercise - Run Your First PowerShell Commands
  4. Locate Commands
  5. Exercise - Locate Commands

Module 5: Understand Microsoft Entra ID

  1. Introduction
  2. Examine Microsoft Entra ID
  3. Compare Microsoft Entra ID and Active Directory Domain Services
  4. Examine Microsoft Entra ID as a Directory Service for Cloud Apps
  5. Compare Microsoft Entra ID P1 and P2 Plans
  6. Examine Microsoft Entra Domain Services

Module 6: Configure User and Group Accounts

  1. Introduction
  2. Create User Accounts
  3. Manage User Accounts
  4. Create Bulk User Accounts
  5. Create Group Accounts
  6. Create Administrative Units

Module 7: Configure Subscriptions

  1. Introduction
  2. Identify Azure Regions
  3. Implement Azure Subscriptions
  4. Obtain an Azure Subscription
  5. Identify Azure Subscription Usage
  6. Implement Microsoft Cost Management
  7. Apply Resource Tagging
  8. Apply Cost Savings

Module 8: Configure Azure Policy

  1. Introduction
  2. Create Management Groups
  3. Implement Azure Policies
  4. Create Azure Policies
  5. Create Policy Definitions
  6. Create an Initiative Definition
  7. Scope the Initiative Definition
  8. Determine Compliance
  9. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 9: Configure Role-Based Access Control

  1. Introduction
  2. Implement Role-Based Access Control
  3. Create a Role Definition
  4. Create a Role Assignment
  5. Compare Azure Roles to Microsoft Entra Roles
  6. Apply Role-Based Access Control
  7. Review Fundamental Azure RBAC Roles
  8. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 10: Create Azure Users and Groups in Microsoft Entra ID

  1. Introduction
  2. What Are User Accounts in Microsoft Entra ID?
  3. Exercise - Add and Delete Users in Microsoft Entra ID
  4. Manage App and Resource Access by Using Microsoft Entra Groups
  5. Exercise - Assign Users to Microsoft Entra Groups
  6. Collaborate by Using Guest Accounts and Microsoft Entra B2B
  7. Exercise - Give Guest Users Access in Microsoft Entra B2B

Module 11: Secure Your Azure Resources with Azure Role-Based Access Control (Azure RBAC)

  1. Introduction
  2. What Is Azure RBAC?
  3. Knowledge Check - What Is Azure RBAC?
  4. Exercise - List Access Using Azure RBAC and the Azure Portal
  5. Exercise - Grant Access Using Azure RBAC and the Azure Portal
  6. Exercise - View Activity Logs for Azure RBAC Changes

Module 12: Allow Users to Reset Their Password with Microsoft Entra Self-Service Password Reset

  1. Introduction
  2. What Is Self-Service Password Reset in Microsoft Entra ID?
  3. Implement Microsoft Entra Self-Service Password Reset
  4. Exercise - Set Up Self-Service Password Reset
  5. Exercise - Customise Directory Branding

Module 13: Configure Virtual Networks

  1. Introduction
  2. Plan Virtual Networks
  3. Create Subnets
  4. Create Virtual Networks
  5. Plan IP Addressing
  6. Create Public IP Addressing
  7. Associate Public IP Addresses
  8. Allocate or Assign Private IP Addresses
  9. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 14: Configure Network Security Groups

  1. Introduction
  2. Implement Network Security Groups
  3. Determine Network Security Group Rules
  4. Determine Network Security Group Effective Rules
  5. Create Network Security Group Rules
  6. Implement Application Security Groups
  7. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 15: Configure Azure Virtual Network Peering

  1. Introduction
  2. Determine Azure Virtual Network Peering Uses
  3. Determine Gateway Transit and Connectivity
  4. Create Virtual Network Peering
  5. Extend Peering with User-Defined Routes and Service Chaining
  6. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 16: Configure Network Routing and Endpoints

  1. Introduction
  2. Review System Routes
  3. Identify User-Defined Routes
  4. Determine Service Endpoint Uses
  5. Determine Service Endpoint Services
  6. Identify Private Link Uses
  7. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 17: Configure Azure Load Balancer

  1. Introduction
  2. Determine Azure Load Balancer Uses
  3. Implement a Public Load Balancer
  4. Implement an Internal Load Balancer
  5. Determine Load Balancer SKUs
  6. Create Back-End Pools
  7. Create Health Probes
  8. Create Load Balancer Rules
  9. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 18: Configure Azure Application Gateway

  1. Introduction
  2. Implement Azure Application Gateway
  3. Determine Azure Application Gateway Routing
  4. Configure Azure Application Gateway Components

Module 19: Design an IP Addressing Schema for Your Azure Deployment

  1. Introduction
  2. Network IP Addressing and Integration
  3. Public and Private IP Addressing in Azure
  4. Plan IP Addressing for Your Networks
  5. Exercise - Design and Implement IP Addressing for Azure Virtual Networks

Module 20: Distribute Your Services Across Azure Virtual Networks and Integrate Them by Using Virtual Network Peering

  1. Introduction
  2. Connect Services by Using Virtual Network Peering
  3. Exercise - Prepare Virtual Networks for Peering by Using Azure CLI Commands
  4. Exercise - Configure Virtual Network Peering Connections by Using Azure CLI Commands
  5. Exercise - Verify Virtual Network Peering by Using SSH Between Azure Virtual Machines

Module 21: Host Your Domain on Azure DNS

  1. Introduction
  2. What Is Azure DNS?
  3. Configure Azure DNS to Host Your Domain
  4. Exercise - Create a DNS Zone and an A Record by Using Azure DNS
  5. Dynamically Resolve Resource Name by Using Alias Record
  6. Exercise - Create Alias Records for Azure DNS

Module 22: Manage and Control Traffic Flow in Your Azure Deployment with Routes

  1. Introduction
  2. Identify Routing Capabilities of an Azure Virtual Network
  3. Exercise - Create Custom Routes
  4. What Is an NVA?
  5. Exercise - Create an NVA and Virtual Machines
  6. Exercise - Route Traffic Through the NVA

Module 23: Improve Application Scalability and Resiliency by Using Azure Load Balancer

  1. Introduction
  2. Azure Load Balancer Features and Capabilities
  3. Configure a Public Load Balancer
  4. Exercise - Configure a Public Load Balancer
  5. Internal Load Balancer

Module 24: Configure Storage Accounts

  1. Introduction
  2. Implement Azure Storage
  3. Explore Azure Storage Services
  4. Determine Storage Account Types
  5. Determine Replication Strategies
  6. Access Storage
  7. Secure Storage Endpoints

Module 25: Configure Azure Blob Storage

  1. Introduction
  2. Implement Azure Blob Storage
  3. Create Blob Containers
  4. Assign Blob Access Tiers
  5. Add Blob Lifecycle Management Rules
  6. Determine Blob Object Replication
  7. Upload Blobs
  8. Determine Blob Storage Pricing
  9. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 26: Configure Azure Storage Security

  1. Introduction
  2. Review Azure Storage Security Strategies
  3. Create Shared Access Signatures
  4. Identify URI and SAS Parameters
  5. Determine Azure Storage Encryption
  6. Create Customer-Managed Keys
  7. Apply Azure Storage Security Best Practices
  8. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 27: Configure Azure Files and Azure File Sync

  1. Introduction
  2. Compare Storage for File Shares and Blob Data
  3. Manage Azure File Shares
  4. Create File Share Snapshots
  5. Implement Soft Delete for Azure Files
  6. Use Azure Storage Explorer
  7. Deploy Azure File Sync

Module 28: Create an Azure Storage Account

  1. Introduction
  2. Decide How Many Storage Accounts You Need
  3. Choose Your Account Settings
  4. Choose an Account Creation Tool
  5. Exercise - Create a Storage Account Using the Azure Portal

Module 29: Control Access to Azure Storage with Shared Access Signatures

  1. Introduction
  2. Authorization Options for Azure Storage
  3. Use Shared Access Signatures to Delegate Access to Azure Storage
  4. Exercise - Use Shared Access Signatures to Delegate Access to Azure Storage
  5. Use Stored Access Policies to Delegate Access to Azure Storage
  6. Exercise - Use Stored Access Policies to Delegate Access to Azure Storage

Module 30: Upload, Download, and Manage Data with Azure Storage Explorer

  1. Introduction
  2. Connect Azure Storage Explorer to a Storage Account
  3. Exercise - Connect Azure Storage Explorer to a Storage Account
  4. Connect Azure Storage Explorer to Azure Data Lake Storage
  5. Exercise - Connect Azure Storage Explorer to Azure Data Lake Storage

Module 31: Configure Virtual Machines

  1. Introduction
  2. Review Cloud Services Responsibilities
  3. Plan Virtual Machines
  4. Determine Virtual Machine Sizing
  5. Determine Virtual Machine Storage
  6. Create Virtual Machines in the Azure Portal
  7. Connect to Virtual Machines
  8. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 32: Configure Virtual Machine Availability

  1. Introduction
  2. Plan for Maintenance and Downtime
  3. Create Availability Sets
  4. Review Update Domains and Fault Domains
  5. Review Availability Zones
  6. Compare Vertical and Horizontal Scaling
  7. Implement Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets
  8. Create Virtual Machine Scale Sets
  9. Implement Autoscale
  10. Configure Autoscale
  11. Interactive Lab Simulation
  12. Module 33: Configure Azure App Service Plans
  13. Introduction
  14. Implement Azure App Service Plans
  15. Determine Azure App Service Plan Pricing
  16. Scale Up and Scale Out Azure App Service
  17. Configure Azure App Service Autoscale

Module 34: Configure Azure App Service

  1. Introduction
  2. Implement Azure App Service
  3. Create an App with App Service
  4. Explore Continuous Integration and Deployment
  5. Create Deployment Slots
  6. Add Deployment Slots
  7. Secure Your App Service App
  8. Create Custom Domain Names
  9. Back Up and Restore Your App Service App
  10. Use Azure Application Insights
  11. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 35: Configure Azure Container Instances

  1. Introduction
  2. Compare Containers to Virtual Machines
  3. Review Azure Container Instances
  4. Implement Container Groups
  5. Review Azure Container Apps
  6. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 36: Manage Virtual Machines with the Azure CLI

  1. What Is the Azure CLI?
  2. Exercise - Create a Virtual Machine
  3. Exercise - Test Your New Virtual Machine
  4. Exercise - Explore Other VM Images
  5. Exercise - Sizing VMs Properly
  6. Exercise - Query System and Runtime Information About the VM
  7. Exercise - Start and Stop Your VM with the Azure CLI
  8. Exercise - Install Software on Your VM

Module 37: Create a Windows Virtual Machine in Azure

  1. Introduction
  2. Create a Windows Virtual Machine in Azure
  3. Exercise - Create a Windows Virtual Machine
  4. Use RDP to Connect to Windows Azure Virtual Machines
  5. Exercise - Connect to a Windows Virtual Machine Using RDP

Module 38: Host a Web Application with Azure App Service

  1. Introduction
  2. Create a Web App in the Azure Portal
  3. Exercise - Create a Web App in the Azure Portal
  4. Prepare the Web Application Code
  5. Exercise - Write Code to Implement a Web Application
  6. Deploy Code to App Service
  7. Exercise - Deploy Your Code to App Service
  8. Module 39: Introduction to Azure Backup
  9. Introduction
  10. What Is Azure Backup?
  11. How Azure Backup Works
  12. When to Use Azure Backup

Module 40: Configure Virtual Machine Backups

  1. Introduction
  2. Explore Options to Protect Virtual Machine Data
  3. Create Virtual Machine Snapshots in Azure Backup
  4. Set Up Azure Recovery Services Vault Backup Options
  5. Back Up Your Virtual Machines
  6. Restore Your Virtual Machines
  7. Implement Soft Delete for Your Virtual Machines
  8. Implement Azure Site Recovery
  9. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 41: Configure Azure Monitor

  1. Introduction
  2. Describe Azure Monitor Key Capabilities
  3. Describe Azure Monitor Components
  4. Define Metrics and Logs
  5. Identify Monitoring Data and Tiers
  6. Describe Activity Log Events
  7. Query the Activity Log
  8. Interactive Lab Simulation

Module 42: Configure Log Analytics

  1. Introduction
  2. Determine Log Analytics Uses
  3. Create a Log Analytics Workspace
  4. Create Kusto Queries
  5. Structure Log Analytics Queries

Module 43: Configure Network Watcher

  1. Introduction
  2. Describe Azure Network Watcher Features
  3. Review IP Flow Verify Diagnostics
  4. Review Next Hop Diagnostics
  5. Visualise the Network Topology

Module 44: Improve Incident Response with Azure Monitor Alerts

  1. Introduction
  2. Explore the Different Alert Types That Azure Monitor Supports
  3. Use Metric Alerts for Alerts About Performance Issues in Your Azure Environment
  4. Exercise - Use Metric Alerts to Alert on Performance Issues in Your Azure Environment
  5. Use Log Alerts to Alert on Events in Your Application
  6. Use Activity Log Alerts to Alert on Events Within Your Azure Infrastructure
  7. Use Action Groups and Alert Processing Rules to Send Notifications When an Alert Is Fired
  8. Exercise -Use an Activity Log Alert and an Action Group to Notify Users About Events in Your Azure Infrastructure

Module 45: Analyse Your Azure Infrastructure by Using Azure Monitor Logs

  1. Introduction
  2. Features of Azure Monitor Logs
  3. Create Basic Azure Monitor Log Queries to Extract Information from Log Data
  4. Exercise - Create Basic Azure Monitor Log Queries to Extract Information from Log Data

Module 46: Monitor Your Azure Virtual Machines with Azure Monitor

  1. Introduction
  2. Monitoring for Azure VMs
  3. Monitor VM Host Data
  4. Use Metrics Explorer to View Detailed Host Metrics
  5. Collect Client Performance Counters by Using VM Insights
  6. Collect VM Client Event Logs

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