Curso Apache Tomcat Administration Workshop

  • Development

Curso Apache Tomcat Administration Workshop

32 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Apache Tomcat Administration Workshop, cobre os detalhes de instalação e configuração do Tomcat Web Server. Você aprenderá os detalhes do arquivo de configuração server.xml, uma visão geral das páginas Servlet e JavaServer, uma comparação do Tomcat com os servidores de aplicativos J2EE, os diretórios de instalação do Tomcat, implantação de aplicativos Java Web, o arquivo web.xml, válvulas, registro, domínios de segurança, conectando o Tomcat ao Apache Web Server, hospedando vários sites da Web, problemas de desempenho e escalabilidade, teste de carga, clustering, monitoramento, o Tomcat Manager e a ferramenta Tomcat Administration.


Após realizar este Curso Apache Tomcat Administration Workshop você será capaz de:

  • Explicar como o Tomcat se relaciona com o Java EE (J2EE) e se compara a outros servidores de aplicativos (por exemplo, JBoss)
  • Instale e configure o Tomcat em ambientes do tipo Windows e UNIX
  • Implantar, oferecer suporte e solucionar problemas de aplicativos no Tomcat
  • Navegue pela estrutura de diretórios do Tomcat
  • Entenda a arquitetura e os arquivos de configuração do Tomcat: server.xml, context.xml, .properties, etc.
  • Entenda a estrutura e configuração do aplicativo da web: web.xml
  • Tomcat seguro e aplicativos em execução nele
  • Configurar o Tomcat para SSL
  • Ajustar o desempenho do Tomcat
  • Explore diferentes estratégias de balanceamento de carga e alta disponibilidade com Tomcat, incluindo afinidade de servidor por meio de sticky sessions, bem como replicação de sessão via Tomcat
  • Agrupamento
Publico Alvo
  • Administradores de servidores Web/Aplicativos que precisam instalar, configurar, executar e ajustar o servidor de aplicativos Apache Tomcat.
  • Regras básicas de XML (ou seja, poder editar arquivos XML)
  • Protocolo HTTP (ou seja, a natureza sem estado do HTTP, a necessidade de sessões, métodos HTTP, SSL, etc.)
  • Ambientes Java (por exemplo, configurações de memória, coleta automática de lixo, JDBC)
  • Outros servidores de aplicativos Java EE (J2EE) e conceitos básicos por trás dos aplicativos da Web Java
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Intro to JavaEE

  1. Overview
  2. Relationship to Tomcat
  3. Standards vs implementation
  4. Servlets/JSPs
  5. Overview
  6. Life-cycle
  7. Advantages
  8. Role of the application server (i.e. servlet container)
  9. Comparison to other web technologies
  10. Model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern
  11. Quick overview
  12. Impact on application design and troubleshooting

Apache Tomcat Overview

  1. Background of Tomcat
  2. Apache Software Foundation
  3. Tomcat project
  4. Tomcat licensing
  5. Uses of Tomcat in the real world
  6. Versions of Tomcat
  7. Future direction for Tomcat
  8. Alternative distributions of Tomcat

Installing Apache Tomcat

  1. Installing Java
  2. Getting Java
  3. Java SE vs. Java EE
  4. JDK vs. JRE
  5. Installing on Unix/Linux/Windows
  6. Getting Tomcat
  7. Pre-built binary release
  8. Using vendor-supplied pre-compiled release
  9. What do download?
  10. Life-cycle management
  11. Which scripts to run?
  12. Running in background vs. foreground
  13. Understanding the shutdown process
  14. Running Tomcat as a system service
  15. Installing Tomcat as a NT sevice on Windows
  16. Running Tomcat with jsvc on Unix/Linux
  17. Using SysV framework to manage auto-start/shutdown

Tomcat Directory Structure

  1. The bin/ directory
  2. The lib/ directory (libraries on Tomcat pre-v6: shared/, common/, server/)
  3. Class loading on Tomcat
  4. The conf/ directory
  5. The context directories
  6. The webapps/ directory
  7. The temp/ directory
  8. The logs/ directory
  9. The work/ directory
  10. Running multiple Tomcat instances off the single installation

Tomcat Architecture and Configuration

  1. Tomcat architecture: the big-picture
  2. Overview of XML
  3. Overview of Tomcat conf/server.xml file
  4. Walk through the Tomcat component hierarchy
  5. The “Server” element
  6. Configuring the shutdown port

 The “Service” element

  1. The “Connector” element
  2. Overview of connectors
  3. Configuration
  4. Tuning

 The “Executor” element

  1. Understanding thread pooling

 The “Engine” element

  1. Overview
  2. Understanding background threads

 The “Host” element

  1. Overview
  2. Configuration
  3. Virtual hosting on Tomcat
  4. The “Alias” element

 The “Context” element

  1. Overview
  2. Configuration

 The “Context” element

  1. Overview
  2. Configuration

 The “Loader” element

  1. Overview

 The “Listener” element

  1. Overview
  2. Extending Tomcat
  3. Logging on Tomcat
  4. Default system logging
  5. Using Log4J
  6. Access Log Valve
  7. Request Dumper Valve

Deployments and Web Apps on Tomcat

  1. Directory structure of web apps
  2. Class-loading revisited
  3. The WEB-INF/web.xml deployment descriptor
  4. Common elements
  5. Defining and mapping Servlets and Filters
  6. Initializing web apps
  7. Session configuration
  8. Welcome file list
  9. Error pages
  10. Resources
  11. JNDI entries
  12. Web Archives (i.e. .war files)
  13. Overview
  14. Creating
  15. Deploying
  16. Pros/cons
  17. Tomcat’s conf/web.xml file
  18. Static file handling
  19. Performance implications

JSP handling

  1. Overview
  2. Memory/performance implications
  3. Tuning
  4. Pre-compiling JSPs
  5. Default MIME-types
  6. Default session config
  7. Default welcome file list

Monitoring and Management on Tomcat

  1. Tomcat Manager application
  2. Overview
  3. Accessing
  4. Features
  5. Starting and stopping applications
  6. Deployments and un-deployments
  7. Automation with non-HTML mode
  8. Using w-get (i.e. command-line)
  9. Ant Integration
  10. Monitoring

Java Management Extensions (JMX) on Tomcat

  1. Overview
  2. Architecture
  3. Tomcat MBeans
  4. JMX Proxy Servlet
  5. Run-time monitoring and management of the entire server
  6. Automation with Ant


  1. Overview
  2. Connecting to Tomcat
  3. JVM Monitoring
  4. MBeans support

Managing Resources on Tomcat

  1. Overview of JNDI
  2. Resources and JNDI on Tomcat
  3. The “Environment” Element
  4. Global vs. local resources
  5. The role of deployment descriptors

JavaMail on Tomcat

  1. Overview
  2. Adding support to Tomcat
  3. Configuring JavaMail as a Tomcat resource
  4. Database Integration on Tomcat
  5. Overview of JDBC: API vs. drivers
  6. Overview of Database Connection Pools (DBCP)
  7. Configuring DBCP resources on Tomcat with MySQL
  8. Handling connection pool leaks

Tomcat Security

  1. Security of Tomcat
  2. The shutdown command
  3. Running on privileged ports
  4. jsvc
  5. TCP Port Relaying
  6. User and directory permissions
  7. Running with the Security Manager
  8. Overview
  9. Java Permissions and grants
  10. Tomcat’s policy file
  11. Customizing policies
  12. Pros and cons of the security manager
  13. Securing applications running on Tomcat
  14. Using valves for access control
  15. Address vs Host valve

Authentication and Authorization

  1. Overview of container-managed security
  2. When to use?
  3. A look at Manager app security
  4. Requiring authorized users
  5. Authentication options
  6. Basic vs. form authentication


  1. Overview
  2. Types of realms

Using DataSource realm

  1. Overview of JNDI realm
  2. Protecting privacy of passwords
  3. Combining realms
  4. Lock-out realms

SSL/TLS on Tomcat

  1. Overview
  2. SSL Certificates
  3. Configuring SSL connector
  4. Requiring the use of SSL in applications

Tomcat Performance Tuning

  1. Java/JVM tuning
  2. Heap sizing
  3. Garbage collection policies
  4. HotSpot JIT compilers
  5. Scaling
  6. Approaches
  7. Tomcat tuning
  8. Connectors
  9. JSPs
  10. Sessions
  11. Scaling

High Availability (HA) and Scalability of Tomcat

  1. Fronting Tomcat with Apache
  2. Overview
  3. Pros/con
  4. AJP vs. HTTP
  5. mod_jk vs. mod_proxy_ajp
  6. Using mod_jk
  7. Compiling/Installing
  8. Configuring
  9. Monitoring
  10. Load Balancing
  11. Benefits and issues
  12. Server-affinity (sticky sessions)
  13. Pros/cons
  14. Sharing sessions via persistent manager
  15. Pros/cons
  16. Session-replication
  17. Clustering on Tomcat
  18. Architecture
  19. Configuration
  20. Monitoring
  21. Pros/cons
  22. Massive-scaling with cluster groups

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