Curso Apache Mesos

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Apache Mesos

24 horas
Visão Geral

O Curso Apache Mesos é construído usando os mesmos princípios do kernel Linux, apenas em um nível diferente de abstração. O kernel Mesos é executado em todas as máquinas e fornece aplicativos (por exemplo, Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Elasticsearch) com APIs para gerenciamento de recursos e agendamento em todo o datacenter e ambientes de nuvem. Este Curso Apache Mesos cobre a arquitetura e vários componentes do Apache Mesos.


Ao participar do Curso Apache Mesos, os participantes aprenderão a:

  • Configurar Mesos
  • Entenda a multilocação
  • Entenda a remoção simultânea de dados
  • Entenda o agendamento e a reconciliação de trabalhos
  • Crie painéis em tempo real com Node,js e React js usando Webpack
Publico Alvo

Curso Apache Mesos é ideal para:

  • Profissionais de ciência de dados
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Deploying Apache Mesos on AWS

  1. Introduction to Apache Mesos
  2. Architecture of Mesos
  3. Introduction to Amazon Web Service (AWS)
  4. AWS environment

Setting up Mesos Single-Cluster Nodes

  1. Setup of servers on AWS
  2. Creating a VPC on AWS
  3. Creating subnets
  4. Creating a route table
  5. Creating EC2 instances
  6. Creating backup
  7. Adding a Mesosphere repository in CentOS
  8. Installing Docker Community Edition
  9. Configuring ZooKeeper
  10. ZooKeeper
  11. Installation of the Marathon framework
  12. Configuration of Marathon
  13. Mesos services
  14. Deploying the Marathon application

Installation of Mesosphere

  1. Outlining goals
  2. Setting up the framework
  3. Configuring the mesos-master servers
  4. Configuring Marathon
  5. High availability and resilience
  6. Adding slaves
  7. Mesos administration
  8. Getting started
  9. Changing hostnames on CentOS
  10. Establishing communication
  11. Installing Mesos
  12. Installing ZooKeeper
  13. Installing Marathon
  14. Validating services
  15. Installing Docker

Apache Mesos Administration

  1. Scheduling and allocating resources
  2. Understanding resource scheduling
  3. Understanding resource allocation
  4. Modifying Mesos slave resources and attributes
  5. High availability
  6. Fault tolerance
  7. Configuration setup of Mesosphere
  8. Configuring ZooKeeper connection information for Mesos
  9. Configuring Mesos on the master server
  10. Configuring the hostname and IP address
  11. Configuring Marathon services
  12. Allowing inbound access to Mesos and Marathon console in AWS

Deploying Services on Mesos Cluster

  1. Deploying applications to clusters
  2. Setting up the Marathon
  3. MySQL database on AWS
  4. Setting up Marathon-lb

Persistent Volumes

  1. Introduction to persistent volumes
  2. Need for persistent volumes
  3. Volume persistent using Docker

Securing Mesos

  1. Enabling and configuring authentication
  2. Enabling authentication
  3. Choosing authenticators
  4. Creating a file with a principal secret
  5. Configuring agents
  6. Configuring Marathon
  7. Enabling secured socket layer security
  8. Generating marathon.jks file
  9. Adding marathon.jks file in configuration

Managing Resources in Mesos

  1. Marathon-LB
  2. Installing Marathon-LB
  3. Implementing the blue/green deployment with Marathon-LB
  4. Deploying an Apache web server
  5. Zero-downtime deployment (ZDD)
  6. What is Cassandra?
  7. Deploying of a Cassandra cluster
  8. Failover mechanism

Managing Containers

  1. Enabling the Mesos containerizer
  2. Enabling POSIX isolators
  3. Configuring the shared filesystem isolator
  4. Configuring Docker image support for the Mesos containerizer

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