Curso Ansible Storage Devices

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Ansible Storage Devices

32 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Ansible Storage Devices oferece uma visão geral flexível (personalizável) do uso do Ansible para automatizar o conjunto de produtos de armazenamento Dell
incluindo PowerStore. Os exemplos destacam
Os exemplos destacam os recursos mais recentes da versão atual do Ansible, a criação de manuais complexos e o desenvolvimento de estratégias de fluxo de trabalho
estratégias de fluxo de trabalho, tudo isso observando as técnicas de práticas recomendadas.
Os alunos serão encorajados a partilhar com a turma as formas manuais como estão atualmente a fazer
trabalho em um esforço para criar soluções Ansible altamente aplicáveis. Através destas demonstrações,
demonstrações, os alunos aprenderão a usar código para estender a estrutura e a consistência às suas
operações. Embora este Curso Ansible Storage Devices se concentre nas soluções de armazenamento da Dell, o Ansible é um canivete suíço
de automação abstrata. Cada lição é altamente aplicável além de "apenas" a suíte de armazenamento da Dell.

Publico Alvo
  • Engenheiros de armazenamento (especificamente aqueles que usam produtos de armazenamento da Dell), Administradores de sistema,
  • Engenheiros de rede e desenvolvedores
  • Administradores de sistema,
  • Engenheiros de rede e desenvolvedores acharão este curso uma
  • uma visão geral atraente para usar o Ansible para automatizar seus fluxos de trabalho.
  • Experiência de codificação e outras linguagem de programação, mas não obrigatória
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Ansible Introduction

  1. Ansible definition
  2. Exploring modules
  3. Building a task
  4. Places to define Ansible vars
  5. hosts aka "Inventory"
  6. Creating a A play
  7. Looking at the “handler”
  8. Running a playbook
  9. Introduction to YAML
  10. Requirements for connecting to remote hosts


  1. Configuration requirements on the control machine
  2. Understanding pre-requisites for connecting to remote infrastructure
  3. Ansible configuration with ansible.cfg
  4. Ansible connection types
  5. Touring the Ansible Python Plugin system

Ansible Static Inventory

  1. Defining Hosts and Groups
  2. Host and Group variables
  3. Understanding variable precedence


  1. YAML Gotchas
  2. YAML Dictionary
  3. YAML list
  4. YAML list of dictionaries
  5. YAML Alternate format
  6. Relationship to JSON

Writing a Simple Playbook

  1. Elements of a well written playbook
  2. Dell Storage Collection
  3. Using include files for tasks
  4. Available Dell Storage modules
  5. Creating dynamic playbooks with external variable files
  6. How a Dell inventory may differ from static inventories

Ansible base modules to know

  1. Understanding modules documentation
  2. setup / gather_facts
  3. gathering facts on Dell storage arrays
  4. apt / yum / pip
  5. command / shell
  6. uri module for API lookups
  7. git
  8. debug for variable display
  9. lineinfile for building configuration files
  10. Writing Ansible Playbooks with Dell Storage Modules and Ansible Base modules

Ansible Tower / Jenkins

  1. Running Dell Storage playbooks in Ansible Tower
  2. Running Dell Storage playbooks in Jekins
  3. Why you should consider using Jenkins as a replacement for Ansible Tower
  4. Pushing and pulling playbooks from GitHub

Variables, Conditionals and Looping Tasks

  1. Variables and Loops
  2. Building conditionals from Dell Storage module results
  3. Blocks
  4. Getting variables from the system
  5. Setting variables in playbooks
  6. Getting variables from the command line
  7. Where is the best source to derive variables values

Ansible and Jinja

  1. What is Jinja2?
  2. Jinja variables
  3. Jinja filters
  4. Jinja2 tests
  5. How to use ansible templates
  6. Building Jinja2 templates for Dell Storage

Ansible and RESTful API Requests

  1. Passing parameters within RESTful API requests
  2. General tips for connecting Ansible to any API
  3. AWS S3 Bucket Storage Example

Dynamic Inventory Management

  1. What is Dynamic Inventory?
  2. A review of static Inventory Practices
  3. Using JSON as an Inventory Source
  4. Using YAML as an Inventory Source

Securing Credentials for Dell Storage

  1. Best practices for credential management
  2. Prompting for sensitive input
  3. YAML shortcuts for passing credentials to Dell Storage
  4. Securing credentials with Ansible Vault
  5. Encrypting Playbooks with Ansible Vault

Collections, Roles and Ansible Galaxy

  1. Why we need Ansible Roles
  2. The problems solved by Ansible Collections
  3. Creating Roles
  4. Creating Collections
  5. Role Directory Structure
  6. Role default variables
  7. Converting a Playbook to a Role
  8. Exploring Ansible Galaxy
  9. Finding code on GitHub
  10. Augmenting Ansible with Ansible Galaxy content (Roles and Collections)


  • Installing Dell Storage Collections
  • Setting up the Ansible Controller
  • Defining a static Ansible Inventory
  • Running your first Playbook for Dell Storage
  • Debug, Loops, and YAML Lists
  • When Conditionals, YAML Dictionaries, and Jinja
  • Error Handling in Dell Storage Playbooks – Rolling Back Errors
  • Using Ansible to connect to RESTful APIs
  • Building Jinja Templates for Configuration Files
  • Interacting with Ansible Galaxy
  • Creating a Dynamic Inventory with Python for Dell Storage
  • Securing Dell Storage credentials with Ansible Vault
  • Logging work performed on Dell Storage
  • Integrating Python Tricks with Ansible Playbooks
  • Running Dell Storage Playbooks with Jenkins
  • Case Study – Using Dell PowerMax
  • Case Study – Using Dell Isilion / PowerScale
  • Case Study – Using PowerStore
  • Case Study – Building Custom Solutions for Student Workflows

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