Visão Geral
Curso Ansible Automation and DevOps, Ansible é a principal ferramenta de provisionamento de software, gerenciamento de configuração e implantação de aplicativos da Red Hat. Este curso de treinamento Ansible Automation e DevOps ensina todos os principais recursos do Ansible, bem como o uso do Ansible Tower, a interface baseada na Web para gerenciamento do Ansible.
Após realizar este Curso Ansible Automation and DevOps, você será capaz de:
- Instalar e configurar o nó de controle Ansible e o(s) nó(s) gerenciado(s)
- Criar e executar manuais
- Use módulos Ansible padrão
- Crie e use funções para controlar o acesso à funcionalidade do Ansible
- Explore o Ansible Tower como uma solução para gerenciar graficamente o Ansible em toda a empresa
- Todos os alunos devem ter experiência com shell Linux, edição de texto e administração de sistemas básicos necessários.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico
- Software development (cycle) considerations
- Strengths and weaknesses of Ansible
- Ansible terminology
- Ansible required environment setup
Initial Setup and Configuration
- Ansible Core installation methods: rpm, pip, and Tower
- Ansible component locations
- Ansible documentation
- Ansible configuration file
- Inventory (hosts) file contents (Linux, Unix, and Windows nodes)
- Using dynamic inventories
- (Gathering) system facts (methods)
- Using system facts
- Creating local (control node-specific) facts
Ansible Playbooks
- Layout of playbook sections: directives, variable definitions, tasks, handlers, module modifiers
- Variable creation and usage
- Using modules in playbooks
- Controls: loops, conditionals, tags, notifications, plugins, filters, and lookups
- Running as root
Ansible Modules
- Layout of an Ansible module
- (Selected) Linux modules: file, yum, systemd, cron, user, shell, filesystem
- Using the Windows-specific (win_) modules
- Common Linux and Windows modules
- Creating a site-specific Ansible module
- Encrypting sensitive data with the Ansible Vault
- Introduction to Ansible control of AWS
Roles in Ansible
- Overview of a role
- Creating a role (structure)
- Using (a) role(s)
- Packaging up a role
- Ansible Galaxy - capabilities and usage with roles
- Git repo (role) repository (creation)
- Local access of a Git repo role repository
- Remote access of a Git repo role repository
- Reusing role definitions (dependencies)
Managed Nodes
- Requirements for a Linux managed node
- Inventory and access control information on the control node
- Setup of a Linux managed node
- Requirements for a Windows managed node
- Setup of a Windows managed node
- Setup of a Unix (HP-UX, Solaris 10/11, IBM AIX) managed node
Ansible Tower
- Installation of Ansible Tower
- Using the Ansible Tower dashboard
- Create organizations
- Define Ansible Tower user accounts
- Create inventories of systems (with credentials)
- Create projects and job templates
- Job scheduling (launch forms), status, and tracking
- Watching and chaining (multi-) playbooks (workflows)
- Controlling and viewing logs and audit trails
- Notifications
- Remote command execution
- Using the Ansible Tower API
- Controlling the Tower with the tower-cli interface
- Updating the Ansible Tower
- Introduction to Ansible Tower clusters