Visão Geral
Este Curso Ansible Advanced Configuration and Administration, ao vivo, on-line ou presencial ensina habilidades Ansible mais avançadas, incluindo o uso do Ansible Tower, a configuração de um nó gerenciado de dispositivo de rede e a implementação das práticas recomendadas do Ansible.
Após realizar este Curso Ansible Advanced Configuration and Administration, você será capaz de:
- Execute uma configuração avançada para um nó de controle Ansible e nó(s) gerenciado(s)
- Adicione o uso de condicionais, loops, filtros e loopbacks aos playbooks
- Controle a saída ad-hoc e playbook com plug-ins de retorno de chamada
- Crie e implemente configurações de Instituições Institucionais
- Implemente funções, recursos e dependências reutilizáveis
- Programe e use os recursos do Ansible Tower
- Desenvolva as melhores práticas para todos os componentes Ansible
Publico Alvo
- Empresas interessadas em capacitar seu time interno e externo
- Pessoas interessadas em aprender DevOps.
- Desenvolvedores
- Equipe de infraestrutura
- Qualquer pessoa que queira entender como a automação do DevOps funciona, como automatizar a infraestrutura com Ansible e Terraform.
Presuma-se que os participantes sejam administradores/desenvolvedores/testadores de sistemas com algum conhecimento prático dos recursos básicos/intermediários do Ansible Core e um entendimento dos utilitários/comandos fundamentais do sistema em sistemas Linux.
Requisitos de software/Setup:
Os participantes não precisarão instalar nenhum software em seus computadores para este Curso Ansible Advanced Configuration and Administrationaula. A aula será realizada em ambiente remoto/cloud que IT Solutionss, disponibilizará;
Os alunos precisarão apenas de um computador local com um navegador da Web e uma conexão estável com a Internet. Qualquer versão recente do Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox ou Google Chrome funcionará bem.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico
Review of Control Code and Managed Node Required Configuration
- Ansible components review
- Running Ansible in escalated privilege mode
- SSH key setup
- Ansible common account creation, setup, and features
- Required components for a Linux and networking device-managed node
Advanced Control Node Setup and Configuration
- Ansible Core installation methods: rpm, pip, and Tower (changes)
- Ansible command and module documentation
- Inventory (hosts) file contents (Linux/Unix and network device nodes)
- Dynamic inventory (hosts) file contents and usage
- Ansible configuration file (locations and parameter definitions)
- Special use configuration parameter definitions
- Fact caching using jsonfile and redis
- Creating and using local system facts
- Understanding the hostvars dictionary (usage)
- All methods of variable creation and usage
Ansible Playbooks
- Using the FQCN (fully qualified collection path) for module access
- Playbook: loops, conditionals, tags, notifications, plugins, filters, and lookups
- Controls: output formatting and inclusion with callbacks
- Advanced Jinja 2 template usage
- Using “inner” and “outer” playbooks
- The meta module
Ansible Modules
- Including external tasks in a playbook
- Controls over node and task scheduling
- Configuration parameters that control rolling updates
- Using Ansible (playbook) debugging capabilities
- Writing a customized module (and embedded documentation)
- Asynchronous task scheduling
- Block control - rescue always
Roles in Ansible
- Overview of a role (review)
- Creating a role (review)
- Using (a) role(s) (review)
- Packaging up a role (review)
- Ansible Galaxy - capabilities and usage with roles (review)
- Git repo (role) repository (creation) on a non-control node
- Local access of a Git repo role repository
- Remote access of a Git repo role repository
- Importing role definitions (on a control node)
- Role dependencies definitions and usage
Collections in Ansible
- Overview of collections
- Creating a collection (structure)
- Using roles in a collection
- Packaging up a collection (tar file and Git repository)
- Installing a collection (from a tar file and Git repository)
- Putting and using playbooks in a collection
- Putting and using modules in a collection
Network Device Managed Nodes
- Requirements for a network device-managed node
- Inventory and access control information on the control node
- Required setup of a network device-managed node
- Module usage for a network device-managed node
Ansible Tower (AWX can be substituted in place of the Ansible Tower)
- Features of the Ansible Tower (review)
- Preparation and installation of the Ansible Tower (review)
- Components (files and services) of the Ansible Tower (review)
- Starting and stopping the Ansible Tower (review}
- Logging into the Ansible Tower (review)
- Using AWX-manage
- Ansible Tower smart inventory
- Defining manual and Git (SCM) projects
- Creating job templates for an existing project
- Watching and chaining (multi-) playbooks (workflows)
- Using roles in the Ansible Tower
- Interfacing with the Ansible Tower API
- Installing and using the tower-CLI/AWS utility
- Ansible Core tower_ modules (to the Ansible Tower)
- Backing up and restoring Ansible tower objects
- Backing up and restoring the Ansible Tower database
- Updating the Ansible Tower
- Introduction to Ansible Tower clusters
- Ansible Tower virtual environment (setup and usage)