Curso AJAX for Java Developers

  • Development

Curso AJAX for Java Developers

Visão Geral

O Curso AJAX for Java Developers, fornece uma introdução ao uso de XMLHttpRequest e uma breve introdução aos fundamentos do JavaScript. Inclui cobertura aprofundada de programação com AJAX para enviar/recuperar dados de/para um servidor, atualizar uma página da Web com JavaScript e usar CSS para modificar a aparência de uma página da Web. Há também uma cobertura detalhada de como lidar com solicitações AJAX usando Servlets/JSP e aplicativos Web Java e como usar estruturas, tanto JavaScript do lado do cliente quanto Java do lado do servidor. Este curso permite que você crie aplicativos AJAX funcionais e forneça a eles uma compreensão dos conceitos e da tecnologia importantes em um tempo muito curto.



Após concluir este Curso AJAX for Java Developers, você será capaz de:


  • Crie aplicativos AJAX funcionais
  • Entenda conceitos e tecnologia
  • Atualizar uma página da Web com JavaScript
  • Modifique usando CSS
  • Use estruturas
Publico Alvo
  • Desenvolvedores Web usando AJAX
  • Desenvolvedores Java que precisam trabalhar com aplicativos Web baseados em AJAX
  • Conhecimento básico de HTML e JavaScript e experiência prática em programação Java e Servlet/JSP
Inglês/Português/Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Ajax Overview

  1. Rich Internet Applications
  2. What are Rich Internet Applications?
  3. RIA Technologies
  4. Ajax Introduction
  5. What is Ajax?
  6. The Ajax Difference
  7. Ajax, JavaScript, DHTML, and More
  8. XMLHttpRequest
  9. How Ajax Works
  10. Overview of Ajax Technologies

JavaScript Basics

  1. Java Script Introduction
  2. What is JavaScript
  3. Exploring JavaScript
  4. JavaScript Variables
  5. JavaScript - Writing to the Web Page
  6. JavaScript PopUp Boxes
  7. JavaScript Functions
  8. External JavaScript Files
  9. Functions as Data
  10. Standard JavaScript Functions
  11. Accessing and Modifying HTML Elements
  12. A More Complex HTML Page
  13. Accessing Elements via the document Object
  14. The innerHTML Property


  1. XMLHttpRequest Basics
  2. More about XMLHttpRequest
  3. Creating an XMLHttpRequest Object
  4. Submitting a Request
  5. XMLHttpRequest Properties
  6. Asynchronous Request
  7. Handling an Asynchronous Response
  8. Submitting a Request
  9. XMLHttpRequest Properties
  10. Asynchronous Request
  11. Handling an Asynchronous Response
  12. The readyState Property
  13. onreadystatechange Event Handler
  14. XMLHttpRequest Methods

Servlets and JSP with Ajax

  1. Overview of Servlets
  2. Java EE and Web Applications
  3. Simple Web-centric Architecture
  4. Java EE Web Applications
  5. Web Application Structure
  6. Using Servlets
  7. A Simple HTTP Servlet
  8. How a Servlet Works
  9. The Web Archive (war) File
  10. Deploying Web Applications
  11. Servlets and Ajax
  12. Accessing the Servlet Using Ajax
  13. A Servlet Handling a Post Request
  14. Overview of JavaServer Pages (JSP)
  15. What is a JSP?
  16. A Very Simple JSP - simple.jsp
  17. JSPs Look Like HTML
  18. JSP Expressions
  19. JSPs are Really Servlets
  20. Lifecycle of a JSP
  21. Object Buckets or Scopes
  22. Predefined JSP Variables - Implicit Objects
  23. Working with
  24. More
  25. How a Servlet Works With a JSP
  26. Issues with JSP
  27. Custom Tags
  28. Custom Tags and Tag Libraries
  29. The JSTL
  30. taglib Directive in JSP
  31. A Servlet and JSP Cooperating

More JavaScript and Ajax

  1. Browser Events
  2. Event Based programming
  3. Event Handlers
  4. Defined Browser Events
  5. Defined Events
  6. Form Validation
  7. onload and onunload Events
  8. Using Ajax and Events
  9. JavaScript Objects and Arrays
  10. JavaScript Objects
  11. Creating JavaScript Objects
  12. Working with Objects and Functions
  13. Working with Object Properties
  14. Arrays in JavaScript
  15. Working with Arrays
  16. Array methods
  17. Objects as Arrays
  18. Classes in JavaScript
  19. javaScript Constructors
  20. The new Operator
  21. The Object Class
  22. The prototype Property
  23. Properties of the Prototype
  24. A More Complete Class
  25. Modules and Namespaces
  26. Utility Modules

Client Side Frameworks

  1. Framework Overview
  2. No Need to Reinvent the Wheel
  3. Capabilities of Client Side JavaScript Libraries
  4. General Library Capabilities
  5. Some Client Side JavaScript Libraries
  6. About Prototype
  7. Utility methods and DOM Extensions
  8. Utility methods of Element Class
  9. The $() Utility Function
  10. Using $ and the DOM Extensions
  11. Prototype Ajax Support
  12. Ajax.Request
  13. Ajax.Request - Additional Options
  14. Ajax.Updater
  15. Other Prototype Capabilities
  16. Much More Capability
  17. Overview
  18. Using
  19. The Scriptaculous Autocompleter
  20. Other Frameworks and Libraries
  21. Some Well Known Frameworks
  22. Dojo Functionality
  23. dojo.xhr Functions
  24. Using dojo.xhrGet()
  25. Dojo.xhrGet Error Handling
  26. Some Issues with Dojo
  27. Yahoo User Interface Toolkit (YUI)
  28. The YUI Dom Class
  29. YUI and Ajax
  30. TabView and TreeView
  31. Rich Text Editor and Calendar Control
  32. Other YUI Capabilities
  33. The Google Ajax Search API
  34. Google Search API Code
  35. Google Search Page Display
  36. Much More Capability
  37. Google Maps API
  38. Maps API Display
  39. Additional Google Maps API Capability

Cascading Style Sheets

  1. Issues with Formatting in HTML
  2. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  3. Declaring Style Information
  4. Style Sheets
  5. Using Style Sheets
  6. Resulting Display
  7. The class Selector
  8. Descendant Selectors
  9. ID Selectors
  10. Display and Visibility Style Properties
  11. Other Style Properties
  12. Scripting Styles
  13. Scripting Classes
  14. The ‘Cascading’ in CSS

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

  1. What is JSON
  2. Review of JavaScript Literals
  3. Arrays and More Complex Objects
  4. JSON Details
  5. Creating JSON Strings in JavaScript
  6. Parsing JSON Strings in JavaScript
  7. Parsing Strings with JSON.parse()
  8. JSON on the Server
  9. Creating JSON Text on the Server
  10. JSONObject and JSON
  11. JSONArray
  12. Creating JSON Text from POJOs
  13. Creating jSON Text from Collections
  14. Dealing with Dates
  15. Custom Date Serialization
  16. JSONSerializer
  17. JSONSTringer
  18. Other json-lib Capabilities
  19. An Input Field Generating Ajax Request
  20. Producing JSON in a Servlet
  21. JavaScript Code Constructing Suggestions
  22. Accessing the JSON Data We Want
  23. JavaScript Code Constructing the Suggestions
  24. Autocomplete at Work
  25. Other JSON Tools
  26. The JSON Universe

XML and Ajax

  1. XML Overview
  2. The Underlying Theme of XML
  3. JavaTunes Purchase order Document - Body
  4. The Document Body and Elements
  5. Attributes
  6. Working with XML
  7. Working with XML and Ajax
  8. Accessing XML with Ajax
  9. Working with XML Documents
  10. JavaTunes Purchase Order Document
  11. JavaTunes Order as a Dom Tree
  12. More About the W3C DOM
  13. Traversing a Document with JavaScript
  14. Getting Node Information
  15. Finding Nodes in a Document
  16. White Space Handling and Other Issues
  17. Creating XML Documents on the Server
  18. Producing XML with a Servlet and JSP
  19. The JSP Generating the XML
  20. Autocomplete Example Using XML
  21. An Input Field Generating Ajax Request
  22. XML Document from Servlet/JSP
  23. JavaScript Code Constructing the Suggestions
  24. Accessing the XML Nodes We Want
  25. Using the Suggestions
  26. Autocomplete at Work
  27. XML Versus JSON
  28. XML and JSON for Data Interchange

DWR (Direct Web Remoting) and Other Technologies

  1. DWR Overview
  2. What is DWR?
  3. How DWR Works
  4. Getting Started with DWR
  5. web.xml Configuration for SWR
  6. dwr.xml Configuration File
  7. Running the Test Page - /dwr
  8. Working with DWR
  9. Including the DWR JavaScript Code
  10. Using the SWR Proxies
  11. Functions with Java Object Arguments
  12. DWR Options
  13. Reverse Ajax
  14. JSON-RPC
  15. Using JSON-RPC-Java
  16. Google Web Tooklit (GWT)
  17. GWT Architecture
  18. Hello World with GWT
  19. The Generated Application
  20. Pros/Cons of GWT

Ajax and JSF

  1. JSF Overview
  2. JSF API
  3. Using JSF
  4. JSF as MVC
  5. JSF Views
  6. Managed Beans as JSF Model
  7. Managed Beans as JSF Controller
  8. JSF Controller Components
  9. Architecture Overview
  10. faces-config.xml Details
  11. Configuring FacesServlet in web.xml
  12. JSF Controller
  13. Writing a Managed Bean
  14. A Simple Managed Bean
  15. faces-config.xml
  16. Examining the Logon Form
  17. Linking Input Fields to Bean Properties
  18. Submitting the Form
  19. Method Binding Expressions
  20. Dynamic Navigation Rule
  21. Creating / Deploying a JSF Application
  22. Using Ajax with JSF
  23. Ajax4jsf
  24. Ajax4jsf Component Structure
  25. How the Ajax Filter Works
  26. Ajax4jsf Request Processing Flow
  27. Ajax4jsf Action Components
  28. Ajax4jsf Container Components
  29. RichFaces
  30. RichFaces Suggestionbox Component
  31. The SearchBean Managed Bean
  32. RichFaces Suggestionbox Display

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