Curso AI Prompt Engineering


Curso AI Prompt Engineering

16 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso AI Prompt Engineering, ensina os participantes como extrair conteúdo relevante de modelos de linguagem de IA, como a série GPT da OpenAI, o Bard do Google e o Bing Chat da Microsoft. Os participantes aprendem como criar prompts eficazes, refinar suas técnicas de prompts e implementar práticas recomendadas para recuperar resultados úteis e precisos.


Após realizar este Curso AI Prompt Engineering, você será capáz de:

  • Crie avisos claros e eficazes
  • Garanta resultados relevantes e precisos
  • Formatar saídas de IA para visualização de dados
  • Solicitações de design para tradução de idiomas
  • Gere slides usando markdown e Prompt Engineering
  • Use a escrita criativa para geração de conteúdo
  • Analise os resultados do modelo de IA
  • Refine as solicitações para alcançar os resultados desejados
  • Incorporar as melhores práticas para Prompt Engineering em ambientes profissionais
  • Sem requisitos!
Português/Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to AI Language Models and Prompt Engineering

  1. Overview of AI language models
  2. Introduction to Prompt Engineering
  3. Importance of Prompt Engineering in AI applications

Understanding the Prompt

  1. Types of prompts
  2. Components of a prompt
  3. Factors affecting prompt effectiveness

Techniques for Crafting Effective Prompts

  1. Designing prompts for clarity
  2. Leveraging context and examples
  3. Balancing brevity and detail

Restricting ChatGPT's Answers to Your Own Document Corpus

  1. Setting up a custom document corpus
  2. Techniques for guiding AI model focus
  3. LLM focus and attention, and GPT3 vs. GPT4 differences
  4. Ensuring relevant and accurate outputs

Generating Synthetic Data and Images

  1. Crafting prompts for CSV data generation
  2. Formatting AI outputs for data visualization
  3. Prompt engineering for SVG image generation
  4. GPT4 SVG images vs. DALL-E image generation

Language Translation and Slide Creation

  1. Designing prompts for language translation
  2. Ensuring translation accuracy and fluency
  3. Generating slides using markdown and Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering for Various Applications

  1. Creative writing and content generation
  2. Question-answering and information retrieval
  3. Data processing and transformation

Iterative Prompt Refinement

  1. Analyzing AI model outputs
  2. Techniques for prompt iteration and improvement
  3. Incorporating user feedback into prompt design

Applying Prompt Engineering to Real-world Scenarios

  1. Identify a problem that can be solved using AI language models
  2. Design and refine prompts to achieve desired outcomes
  3. Present project outcomes and Prompt Engineering process

Ethics and Best Practices in Prompt Engineering

  1. Ethical considerations for AI language model usage
  2. Ensuring data privacy and security
  3. Best practices for Prompt Engineering in professional settings

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