Curso z/OS Application Development

  • Mainframe | Cobol

Curso z/OS Application Development

40 horas
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Curso z/OS Application Development, Este curso foi desenvolvido para fornecer ao aluno uma compreensão aprofundada do Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos em um ambiente z/OS usando COBOL, ISPF, JCL, DB2 e CICS.


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  • Qualquer pessoa interessada em aprender programação COBOL
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico


  1. ISPF fundamentals - ISPF Option 2: editing files
  2. Line commands, primary commands
  3. Submitting IEBGENER JCL to copy a file
  4. Using SDSF to view output
  5. Lab assignment: Use ISPF editor primary and line commands.

Introduction to COBOL

  1. Simple program to read a record and print the record
  2. COBOL Divisions
  3. Select/assign statement
  4. Field names
  5. Simple Picture clauses and type
  6. Basic Processing Logic
  7. Move, perform, if statements
  8. Compiling a program
  9. Running a program with instructor provided JCL
  10. Viewing the compile and execution output
  11. Lab assignment: Simple Report

Introduction to JCL

  1. Types of JCL statements JOB, EXEC, DD
  2. Job statement basics and syntax rules
  3. Continuation, spaces, keyword and positional parameters
  4. Exec statement: Name, Operation, PGM=
  5. DD statement to read a file; Data set names, disposition shr
  6. DD statement to output a file to the MVS spool
  7. Relationship between the program and JCL
  8. Lab assignment: Create JCL to execute a program

COBOL: Report Program

  1. Write a program to read a record and print the fields in the record
  2. Record layouts for input and output records: PIC X, 9
  3. Level Numbers, Elementary and Group Items
  4. If statements and the logic for headings
  5. Internal versus External Decimal points and signs, Zero suppression, commas and dots
  6. Single record numeric computations – add, multiply, subtract, divide, exponentiate
  7. Computing results
  8. If statements for selective computations
  9. Numeric and non numeric moves
  10. If statements and performs for selectively printing records
  11. MVS run time abends SOC7, S0CB explained.
  12. Common JCL Errors
  13. Lab assignment: Complicated report.

JCL: Sequential Files

  1. PDS versus Sequential files
  2. Creating Sequential Files: Name, Unit, Space, Disp
  3. DCB information, Fixed versus Variable files, Blocksize computation
  4. Catalog Vs VTOC
  5. IEFBR14
  6. Review the relationship between JCL and program
  7. TSO options 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
  8. Lab assignment: Create multiple step job that writes to a sequential file

COBOL: Report Program, Sorting and Control Break Logic

  1. Printing totals and averages at the end of a report
  2. Using redefines to switch between character and numeric presentation
  3. Multiple If statements to translate codes
  4. 88 levels
  5. Nested If problems using the program to selectively print records
  6. Printing the report in a specified order using COBOL sort, input and output procedures
  7. Single control break logic to print subtotals and grand totals
  8. Lab assignment: Modify complicated report to generate totals at a department level

JCL: IDCAMS, Condition codes, Libraries, Concatenation, Restart

  1. IDCAMS Repro and Print
  2. Instream Data
  3. Condition Codes
  4. Steplib, Joblib, Linklist
  5. Concatenating Datasets and Libraries and blocksize problems
  6. Restart on Job card
  7. Temporary files
  8. Tso Option 3.14 - search, 3.12 Compare
  9. Lab assignment: Create multi step Job using condition codes and concatenated files

COBOL: Copybooks, Subroutines, JCL Parameters

  1. Using copybooks
  2. Calling a previously written subroutine
  3. Writing a subroutine
  4. Setting the return code from a Cobol program
  5. Accessing the JCL parm from a Cobol program
  6. Review relationship between program and JCL
  7. Lab assignment: Create a subroutine and use this subroutine in the previous complicated report

VSAM Processing

  1. Idcams Define Basics
  2. Reading VSAM files sequentially and randomly
  3. File status
  4. Updating and deleting records in VSAM files
  5. Loading records into newly created VSAM files
  6. Adding records into existing VSAM files
  7. Lab assignment: Modify the control break program to use VSAM file sequentially and another VSAM file randomly

COBOL: Packed fields, single dimension tables

  1. Packed and binary fields
  2. Loading a single dimension table from an external file
  3. Program with single dimension tables for lookups using perform varying, search and search all
  4. ABENDS S0C4, 1, 7 caused by subscript errors
  5. Program to use a single dimension table for totals
  6. Compile options
  7. Lab assignment: Replace Random VSAM file processing in the previous lab assignment with table lookups.

JCL: GDG, Procedures

  1. Using a Generation Data Group for backup files
  2. Creating JCL procedures to execute simple jobs
  3. Creating JCL procedures to execute backups to a GDG
  4. Creating JCL procedures to execute restores from a GDG using absolute and relative GDG versions
  5. Overriding procedure JCL
  6. Writing procedures with symbolics to restore the files
  7. Restarting a job from a step within a procedure
  8. Review the compile procedure in detail
  9. Lab assignment: Create a GDG to store file backups. Create a procedure with symbolics to execute an update program.

COBOL: miscellaneous functions

  1. Programs using Perform thru
  2. Programs using Go To (and advice not to use this)
  3. Programs using Perform thru and go to
  4. Lab assignment: Create a simple report using Perform Thru and Go To.

COBOL: miscellaneous functions

  1. Reference Modification
  2. Initialize
  3. Inline perform
  4. Continue vs Next Sentence
  5. End-if, end-perform
  6. 88 levels and set statement
  7. Evaluate
  8. length of
  9. Evaluate; perform with test after
  10. Address of
  11. Program to count the characters in a field
  12. Program to print a report with names in title case using COBOL II techniques
  13. Multiple level control breaks
  14. Lab assignment: Rewrite simple report to use inline performs.

JCL: Miscellaneous topics

  3. New style condition code testing
  4. Output JCL statement
  5. Lab assignment: Create a jobstream using new condition codes

COBOL: Files with Variable record length

  1. Variable Length record files
  2. Different record types
  3. Repeating fields
  4. Occurs Depending ON
  5. Records are varying depending on...
  6. Lab assignment: Write a program to read variable length records. Write a program to write variable length records.

JCL: Sorting

  1. JCL sorting
  2. Sortwk areas
  3. Sortin,sortout
  4. Sort control cards
  5. Fields=(s,l,fm,order)
  6. Multiple sort control fields
  7. Sum fields= none
  8. Lab assignment: create a jobstream to sort the input file used in the first cobol program into various sequences and run the first cobol program using the sorted output.

COBOL: Multi dimension tables, sequential match logic

  1. Two dimension table processing for totals
  2. Sequential match processing
  3. Inspect
  4. Internal COBOL table using redefinition
  5. Lab assignment: Write a program to process a 'master' file and its associated 'transaction' records using sequential match logic with totals obtained via a 2 dimension table.


  1. DB2 Data formats and their cobol equivalents
  2. Optional and Mandatory columns
  3. Select Statement
  4. SPUFI
  5. Insert, Update and Delete
  6. Create table
  7. Joins
  8. Sum, Max, Avg, Min, Count functions
  9. DB2 Substr, Concatenation
  10. Date functions in select and where clauses year(column) and + years etc
  11. Group by - control break functions and having clause
  12. Subqueries - simple, correlated
  13. Unions
  14. Lab assignment: Write over 100 SQL statements using the topics covered in class.

COBOL and DB2:

  1. Programming - Embedded SQL
  2. One row, random read program
  3. Exec Sql Include SQLCA, DCLGENs
  4. Host Variables
  5. Sqlcode
  6. Precompile and bind functions
  7. Run JCL- batch TSO
  8. Selecting Variable Character fields
  9. SQLCODES 0, 100, -805, -811, -818, -204, -206, -922
  10. Lab assignment: Modify the intial complicated report to obtain department names from a DB2 table using single selects.


  1. DB2 Cursors to read multiple rows
  2. Null Indicators and sqlcode -305
  3. Insert to load table
  4. Length of Varchar fields and sqlcode -311
  5. Proper date formats and sqlcode -180, -181
  6. Update, Delete
  7. Cursor for Update of
  8. Indexes - normal, unique and clustered and sqlcode -903
  9. Referential integrity and sqlcodes -530, -532
  10. Commits, Locks and Deadlocks and sqlcode - 911, -913
  11. Cursor with hold
  12. Developing Cobol Stored Procedures
  13. Lab assignment: Write multiple programs using cursors, update, insert and delete statements.

SQL Language Stored Procedures

  1. Variable Definition
  2. Assignment statement
  3. Condition Processing
  4. Loop Constructs
  5. Handling Error Conditions
  6. Handling Result Sets
  7. User Defined functions
  8. Triggers
  9. Lab assignment: Implement the stored procedures discussed in the class.

Basic CICS Concepts

  1. Build,Send,Return
  2. Receive,Validate,Process Logic Flow
  3. Pseudo-conversational vs conversational
  4. Map coding
  5. sets, maps, fields
  6. attributes
  7. stopper fields
  8. lengths
  9. initial

Menu program

  1. Pfkeys
  2. Attribute Manipulation
  3. Send map
  4. Asktime/Formattime
  5. Send data
  6. Return
  7. Commarea
  8. Receive
  9. Validation
  10. Security
  11. XCTL

Lab assignment: Create a CICS menu program to display a list of possible functions

  1. Intermediate CICS concepts
  2. Inquiry, Change, Add Programs
  3. Read, Read Update, Write, Delete VSAM file records
  4. Single record screens
  5. Link to a program
  6. Linked from program
  7. Lab assignment: Create a CICS program to add, update and delete single records in a VSAM file

Advanced CICS concepts

  1. Browse Program
  2. Startbr, readnext/readprev, Endbr
  3. Logic of scrolling
  4. Temp Storage
  5. Frset - No MDT processing
  6. Lab assignment: Create a CICS program to display a list of specified records and link back to the program to update and delete single records. Modify the single record screen to utilize FRSET.

Miscellaneous CICS topics

  2. CICS tables - PCT, PPT, FCT
  3. Storage Violation
  4. Lab assignment: use CEDF to step thru the browse and update programs which are still being worked on.

DB2 and CICS

  1. SQL Processing in CICS programs
  2. Declare cursors with OPTIMIZE parameter
  3. Browsing data in a CICS program
  4. Lab assignment: Modify the above CICS programs to use data stored in DB2 tables.

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