Curso Unix Security Administration

  • Linux & Suse

Curso Unix Security Administration

32 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Unix Security Administration, aprimora as habilidades dos administradores de sistema para desenvolver medidas práticas de segurança em suas máquinas Solaris. Os alunos receberão experiência prática, além de valiosos conhecimentos de segurança. Os alunos aprenderão como proteger contas de usuários e sistemas, garantir a segurança do sistema de arquivos por meio do uso de senhas e propriedade de arquivos, utilizar o crontab e os comandos, lidar com ameaças programadas e garantir a segurança física e de rede.

Publico Alvo
  • Administradores que desejam maximizar a segurança de seu sistema.
Informações Gerais
  • Carga horaria, 32h
  • Se noturno este curso e ministrado de segunda-feira a sexta-feira das 19h às 23h, total de 8 noites,
  • Se aos sábados este curso e ministrado das 09h às 18h, total de 4 sábados,
  • Se integral este curso e ministrado das 09h às 18h, total de 4 dias,

Formato de entrega:

  1. On-line ao vivo na presença de um instrutor via Plataforma de Vídeo conferência Microsoft Teams 
Conteúdo Programatico

Security Concepts

  1. What is Security?
  2. Balance
  3. Scope of this Manual
  4. Staying up to Date
  5. Documentation
  6. Thinking Like the Enemy

Creating a Security Policy

  1. What is a Security Policy?
  2. Step 1 – Initially Secure the System
  3. Step 2 – Maintain System Security
  4. Step 3 – Recovery

Securing User Accounts

  1. Introduction
  2. Account Names
  3. Mail aliases
  4. The /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group files
  5. Users and their passwords
  6. Users with no passwords
  7. Forcing user to change their password
  8. Preventing user from changing their password
  9. Restricted shell
  10. Application accounts
  11. Same UID, multiple user accounts
  12. Dealing with the su command
  13. Saving login failures
  14. Tool: ASET
  15. Tool: Crack
  16. Other tools

Securing System Accounts

  1. The root Account
  2. Tools: COPS
  3. Other System Accounts
  4. Group System Account

Securing the File System

  1. Basic UNIX permissions
  2. Setting default permissions
  3. Special permission: SUID
  4. Special permission: SGID
  5. Special permission: sticky bit
  6. Access Control Lists (ACL)
  7. Changing the ownership of a file
  8. Changing the group ownership of a file
  9. Device files
  10. Partitions
  11. Disk Quotas
  12. Backups
  13. Tool: Using pkgchk to detect security problems
  14. Tool: Tiger

System Startup and Processes

  1. Boot Up Process
  2. Process Control

cron and at

  1. crontab vs. at
  2. Using the crontab Command
  3. Using the at Command
  4. Additional Security Concerns Regarding crontab and at
  5. Tool: Tripwire


  1. ASET
  2. System Logs
  3. Typical System Logs
  4. Process Accounting

Programmed Threats

  1. What are Programmed Threats?
  2. Protecting Against Programmed Threats
  3. Executable Stacks

Physical Security

  1. What is Physical Security?
  2. Access Protection
  3. Protecting PROM
  4. Devices
  5. Natural Disasters
  6. Hardware Error
  7. Theft

Network Security

  1. Overview of Network Security
  2. Basic Networking Files
  3. Network Services
  4. Unnecessary Services
  5. Tool: Secure Shell
  6. NFS
  7. Firewalls
  8. Tool: Satan

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