Visão Geral
Curso Talend Data Integration Visão Geral, é uma ferramenta ETL de código aberto, que habilita pequenas empresas ou negócios que podem usar essa ferramenta para realizar Extrair Transformar e Carregar seus dados em Bancos de Dados ou qualquer Formato de Arquivo. O Talend suporta diversos formatos de arquivos e fornecedores de Banco de Dados.
Ao concluir este Curso Talend Data Integration Visão Geral, você será capaz de realizar
- Conhecendo os conceitos básicos de ETL
- Saber usar o Talend Open Studio for Data Integration para trabalho real o mais rápido possível.
- Certificação de consultor Write Talend Open Studio for Data Integration 6.0
Publico Alvo
- Qualquer pessoa que esteja disposta a aprender sobre a ferramenta ETL
- Qualquer pessoa que esteja disposta a usar o Talend Studio para realizar tarefas de integração e gerenciamento de dados.
- Conhecimento de nível básico em ETL.
- Ter familiaridade com Java ou SQL (Não obrigatório).
- Conhecer os conceitos gerais de bases de dados.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico
- Introduction to Talend
- Why Talend?
- Talend Editions and Features
- Talend Data Integration Overview
Talend Environment
- Talend Environment – Overview
- Repository and Pallate
- Talend Design and Views
Talend Jobs Designing
- Start Talend Open Studio for Data Integration
- Create a Talend project to contain tasks
- Create a Talend Job to perform a specific task
- Add and configure components to handle data input, data transformation, and data output
- Run a Talend Job and examine the results
Working with files
- Process different types of files using Talend
- Connect to a database from a Talend Job
- Use a component to create a database table
- Write to and read from a database table from a Talend Job
- Write data to an XML file from a Talend Job
- Write an XML document to a file
- Use components to create an archive and delete files
- Assignment #1
- Assignment #2
- Assignment #3
Working with Database
- Connect to a database from a Talend Job
- Retrieve Schema from a database
- Read data from database table
- Load data to database table
- Use of ETL & ELT components, understand difference
- Transaction Management in Talend
- Implement SCD
- Use of Uitility & row components
- Troubleshoot a join by examining failed lookups
- Use components to filter data
- Generate sample data rows
- Duplicate output flows
- Filter unique data rows
- Perform aggregate calculations on rows
- Extend data from one source with data extracted from a second source
Talend Context Variables
- How to define context variables for a Job
- How to centralize context variables in the Repository
- How to apply context variables to a Job
- How to use variables in a Job
- How to run a Job in a selected context
Logs & Error Handling
- Log data rows in the console rather than storing them
- Employ mechanisms to kill a Job under specific circumstances
- Include Job elements that change the behavior based on the success or failure of individual components or subjobs
- Assignment #1
- Assignment #2
- Assignment #3
Orchestration Components
- Use components to filter data
- Generate sample data rows
- Duplicate output flows
- Employ mechanisms to kill a Job under specific circumstances
- Include Job elements that change the behavior based on the success or failure of individual components or subjobs
- How to use tRunJob component
- How to design Joblets and use them in Talend Job
- Configure an individual component to use parallel execution
- Use a Talend component to run subjobs in parallel
- Loop through a job execution - different methods
- Pre-Job & Post-Job activities
Managing routines ( Custom Code )
- What are routines
- Accessing the System Routines
- Customizing the system routines
- Managing user routines
- How to create user routines
- How to edit user routines
- How to edit user routine libraries
- Calling a routine from a Job
- Use Case #1
- Use Case #2
Talend Administration Center
- Create a new user with design privileges
- Create a project
- Create a project that can be referenced by other projects
- Assign user access privileges to projects
- Create an SVN branch for a given project
- Create an execution task that runs a Job
- Generate, deploy, and run a task as a single operation
- Generate, deploy, and run a task as three separate operations
- Execute a task repeatedly at specified times
- Copy a Job from one branch to another
- Compare the differences between two versions of the same Job
- Configure the TAC Activity Monitoring Console (AMC) to access the stored Job monitoring data