Visão Geral
Curso SwiftUI for iOS App Development, Use a estrutura de interface do usuário mais recente para o desenvolvimento de aplicativos Apple iPhone e iPad.
Este Curso, dará aos desenvolvedores experientes de aplicativos móveis Apple iOS um tour rápido dos novos recursos disponíveis usando o SwiftUI.
Você aprenderá a estrutura de um aplicativo SwiftUI e, por meio de exercícios práticos, explorará os novos controles disponíveis e também ganhará experiência com o padrão de design MVVM. Você ainda receberá orientação sobre como portar seu próprio aplicativo iOS existente para o SwiftUI de seu treinador especialista.
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to SwiftUI
- Trainer and Delegate Introductions / Intro to course
- The structure of a SwiftUI app
- Showing views on a single screen
- Using Previews
Lab 1: Trying out SwiftUI basics
Replacing Autolayout
- Stacks and frames
- Keeping views simple by creating subviews
- Applying modifiers
Lab 2: Building a complex screen in SwiftUI
Table views
- Building a simple table
- Lazy stacks and Lists
- Adding complex cell structures
- Doing navigation to subscreens / passing State
Lab 3: Making a multi-screen table-based app
- Examples of using controls
- Binding variables to controls
- Encapsulating a complex control in a reusable view
Lab 4: Building an app with complex controls
Making and Reacting to data changes
- ObservableObject, Publishable and Environment
- Forms
- Reactive interface responds to state changes
Lab 5: Adding a new item to a list of items
Architecture of a SwiftUI app
- Basics of structuring a reactive app
- Concepts of MVVM
- MVVM in SwiftUI
Lab 6: Building an app with MVVM
Network calls with SwiftUI
- Simple data access
- Monitoring and reacting to change
Lab 7: Example network app
Final case study
- You will have a choice of building a provided case study app in SwiftUI, or being supported in porting their own app to SwiftUI.
Lab 8: Building chosen app