Curso Selenium With C# Foundation
24 horasPublico Alvo
- Testadores de software
- Engenheiros de garantia de qualidade
- Engenheiros de teste de automação
- Desenvolvedores
- Engenheiros de software
- Desenvolvedores de aplicativos da Web
- Engenheiros DevOps
Inglês/Português/Lab PráticoConteúdo Programatico
Introduction to Selenium
- Selenium Overview
- What is a Selenium Framework?
- Why Selenium?
- Advantages of Selenium
- Features of Selenium IDE
- Selenium Components
- Testing with Selenium
- Selenium Suite of Tools
- What is C#?
- Why C#?
- Advantages of C#
- Why is C# Useful for Automation Testing?
Object Oriented Using C#
- C# Data Types
- Running C# Codes
- C# Loops
- Classes
Selenium IDE
- What is Selenium IDE?
- Recording and Playback
- Features of Selenium IDE
- Benefits of Using Selenium IDE
- What is Selenese?
- Classification of Selenium Commands
Set Up Selenium in Visual Studio with C#
- Download and Install Visual Studio
- Set Up Selenium WebDriver With Visual Studio in C#
- How to Write Selenium Test Using NUnit Framework?
XPath in Selenium
- What is XPath in Selenium?
- Types of XPath in Selenium
- Handle Dynamic Elements in Selenium Using XPath
- Understand Web Element Classes and Web Driver Classes
Locators in Selenium
- What are Locators in Selenium WebDriver?
- What is DOM?
- Types of Locators in Selenium WebDriver and Identify Elements Using Locators
- Identify Elements Using Locators
- What are WebElements in Selenium?
- Difference Between findElement() and findElements()
- What are Selenium Webdriver?
Switches Alerts and Windows
- Handle Alert and Popup Box in Selenium C
- Handle Multiple Browsers in Selenium C#
- Displaying and Handle Multiple Browsers in Selenium C#
- Implicit Command in Selenium C#
Automation Framework
- Introduction to Automation
- Types of Automation Framework
- Testing Frameworks
- Set Up Project for Selenium Automation Framework in C#
- PageFactory in C#
- PageFactory CacheLookup
Closing and Retrieving
- Closing the Browser using Close()
- Retrieving the Page Source
- Retrieving Current URL of the Page
- Retrieving the Title of the Page