Curso Selenium With C# Foundation

  • Test & Point Analysis

Curso Selenium With C# Foundation

24 horas
Publico Alvo
  • Testadores de software
  • Engenheiros de garantia de qualidade
  • Engenheiros de teste de automação
  • Desenvolvedores
  • Engenheiros de software
  • Desenvolvedores de aplicativos da Web
  • Engenheiros DevOps
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to Selenium

  1. Selenium Overview
  2. What is a Selenium Framework?
  3. Why Selenium?
  4. Advantages of Selenium
  5. Features of Selenium IDE
  6. Selenium Components
  7. Testing with Selenium
  8. Selenium Suite of Tools
  9. What is C#?
  10. Why C#?
  11. Advantages of C#
  12. Why is C# Useful for Automation Testing?

Object Oriented Using C#

  1. C# Data Types
  2. Running C# Codes
  3. C# Loops
  4. Classes

Selenium IDE

  1. What is Selenium IDE?
  2. Recording and Playback
  3. Features of Selenium IDE
  4. Benefits of Using Selenium IDE
  5. What is Selenese?
  6. Classification of Selenium Commands

Set Up Selenium in Visual Studio with C#

  1. Download and Install Visual Studio
  2. Set Up Selenium WebDriver With Visual Studio in C#
  3. How to Write Selenium Test Using NUnit Framework?

XPath in Selenium

  1. What is XPath in Selenium?
  2. Types of XPath in Selenium
  3. Handle Dynamic Elements in Selenium Using XPath
  4. Understand Web Element Classes and Web Driver Classes

Locators in Selenium

  1. What are Locators in Selenium WebDriver?
  2. What is DOM?
  3. Types of Locators in Selenium WebDriver and Identify Elements Using Locators
  4. Identify Elements Using Locators
  5. What are WebElements in Selenium?
  6. Difference Between findElement() and findElements()
  7. What are Selenium Webdriver?

Switches Alerts and Windows

  1. Handle Alert and Popup Box in Selenium C
  2. Handle Multiple Browsers in Selenium C#
  3. Displaying and Handle Multiple Browsers in Selenium C#
  4. Implicit Command in Selenium C#

Automation Framework

  1. Introduction to Automation
  2. Types of Automation Framework
  3. Testing Frameworks
  4. Set Up Project for Selenium Automation Framework in C#
  5. PageFactory in C#
  6. PageFactory CacheLookup

Closing and Retrieving

  1. Closing the Browser using Close()
  2. Retrieving the Page Source
  3. Retrieving Current URL of the Page
  4. Retrieving the Title of the Page

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