Curso SAP S4HANA Retail & Fashion

  • SAP S4Hana

Curso SAP S4HANA Retail & Fashion

32 horas
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IT Solutionss esta ministrado ministrando Curso Varejo e Moda no  SAP S4HANA com profissionais de TI experientes, com mais de 15 anos de experiência em tempo real trabalhando em empresas multinacionais.

Nosso instrutor possui uma vasta experiência em treinamentos x Sala de aula usando o Modulo SAP S4HANA Retail e Fashion, para que seja entregue o melhor resultado de qualidade.

Nosso corpo docente é dedicado para que possamos concluir seu curso de acordo com a programação definida, conforme sua conveniência.

Informações Gerais
  • Carga Horaria 32h
  • Se noturno o curso e ministrado de segunda a sexta das 19h às 23h, total de 8 noites;
  • Se aos sábados o curso e ministrado de 09h às 18h, total de 4 sábados;

Formato de Entrega:

  • Presencial em sala de aula;
  • On-line ao vivo em tempo real via transmissão de vídeo conferencia na presença de um instrutor 
Conteúdo Programatico

SAP S4HANA Retail & Fashion Introduction 

SAP S4HANA RFM Master Data

Map the Organizational Structures of the Enterprise

  1. Outline the Features of the Material Group Hierarchy
  2. Describe the Features of the Article Hierarchy
  3. Explain How the Master Data Records for Vendors and Customers are Structured in SAP S/4HANA for Fashion & Vertical Business
  4. Explain the Difference between the Different Business Partner Categories and Roles
  5. Distinguish between the Plant Categories "Distribution Center" and "Store"
  6. Create Variant-Creating Characteristics
  7. Specify Characteristic Values and Maintain Characteristic Value Conversions
  8. Create a new Material Master
  9. Describe the Features of Material Type and Material Categories
  10. Identify some Specific Material Master Data Relevant for SAP S/4HANA for Fashion & Vertical Business
  11. Outline the Definition of Assortment and Listing.

Price Management

  1. Explain price determination in sales orders
  2. Describe price determination in purchase orders
  3. Describe retail pricing functionality
  4. Explain 1- and 2-Step price calculations
  5. Outline how to maintain different prices for different colors of the same generic material
  6. Vendor Mixed Price
  7. Sales Set Pricing
  8. Pricing Type
  9. Price Fixing

Promotion & Bonus Buy

  1. Describe the function of promotion maintenance
  2. Outline the subsequent processing functions within the promotion
  3. Explain how to set up a promotion
  4. Explain bonus buy
  5. Free Goods
  6. Percentage Discount
  7. Absolute discount
  8. Bill Value discount
  9. Article Group based discount
  10. Multi deal & Combo deal
  11. Listing through promotion
  12. Vendor funded promotion
  13. Allocation table through promotion

Replenishment Planning

  1. Explain the basic principles of the replenishment and store order functions
  2. Explain replenishment monitor and follow-on document generation
  3. Static Replenishment Planning
  4. Forecast Based Replenishment Planning

POS Outbound

  1. PLU IDoc
  2. SET IDoc
  3. TAX IDoc
  4. MCH IDoc


  1. Mass Listing
  2. Listing via Assortment Module
  3. Individual Listing
  4. Listing from Article Master
  5. Listing Procedure
  6. General & Local Assortments
  7. De-Listing

Merchandise Category hierarchy

Article Hierarchy

Basic Concepts of Allocation Table

Basic Concepts of POS Inbound with SAP CAR Integration

 SAP S4HANA Fashion Part

 Core Concepts for Fashion

  1. Setup Segmentation
  2. Outline Where in the Material Master Segmentation is Relevant
  3. Consider all Aspects Concerning Season
  4. Create Purchasing and Sales Windows on Different Levels within Season Workbench
  5. Explain Season Determination in Documents
  6. Perform Season Mass Processing
  7. Season Re-Determination Based on Season Priority 
  8. Season Determination Based on Partner Function 


  1. Describe the material requirements planning (MRP) process within SAP S4HANA fashion & vertical business
  2. Outline the purpose and usage of MRP
  3. Create and maintain object Planned Independent Requirements (PIR)
  4. Fashion PIR
  5. List elements of MRP planning
  6. Maintain corresponding master data settings
  7. Execute MRP
  8. Analyze the results from MRP


Outline the Importance of the Source of Supply Determination in the Overall Process

Outline the Purchasing Process

  1. Explain Purchase Order Functionalities
  2. Explain Purchasing Contracts
  3. Multi-Level Contract Enablement (New S4HANA)

Wholesale Sales

  1. Sales Order Creation with Segmentation, Seasonality, VAS
  2. Arun Execution for Sales Order
  3. Outbound Delivery with Segmentation , Seasonality, VAS & Billing
  4. Describe the Basic Features of the Available to Promise check ATP
  5. ATP Check Based on Pool Segement
  6. ATP Check- advance ATP Enablement

Logistics Execution (Allocation Run)

  1. Explain Supply Assignment Basics
  2. Drop Open Requirements
  3. Unassign Automatically
  4. Dynamic Stock Prioritization (New S4H)
  5. Other Features of the insight to Action (ITA) tool
  6. Undo Supply Assignment

Value Added Service (VAS)

  1. Configure VAS Types and Procedures
  2. Configure VAS Determination in Sales Documents and Purchase Orders
  3. Create VAS Condition Records
  4. View VAS in Sales Orders and Purchase Orders
  5. Create VAS Manually in Sales Orders and Purchase Orders
  6. VAS Capability at Plant level (New S4H)

Application Variants

  1. Explain How the Usage of Application Variants is Enabled for Sales and Purchase Orders
  2. Pack Separately Ship Together (PSST)
  3. Distribution Curve
  4. Characteristics Value Conversion
  5. Multi Ship to Order

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