Curso SAP Data Archiving

  • Process Integration & Implementation Solman

Curso SAP Data Archiving

24 Horas
Visão Geral

Neste Curso SAP Data Archiving, você aprenderá como arquivar dados para reduzir o tamanho das tabelas de banco de dados na sua solução SAP. Você aprenderá a explicar e demonstrar o conceito de arquivamento de dados e a planejar e implementar um projeto de arquivamento de dados.


Este curso irá prepará-lo para:

  • Explicar e demonstrar o conceito de arquivamento de dados
  • Entenda como reduzir o tamanho das tabelas do banco de dados
  • Planejar e implementar um projeto de arquivamento de dados
Publico Alvo
  • Desenvolvedor
  • Consultor de Desenvolvimento
  • Consultor de Tecnologia
  • Consultor PI PO CPI
  • Gerente de Dados
  • Administrador do sistema
Informações Gerais
  • Carga horaria 24h
  • Se noturno o curso acontece de segunda a sexta das 19h às 23h, total de 6 noites;
  • Se aos sábados o curso acontece de 09h às 18h, total de 3 sábados;
  • Se in-company o curso acontece de acordo com agenda do cliente;

Formato de Entrega:

  • Presencial em sala de aula;
  • On-line ao vivo em tempo real com a mesma qualidade do curso presencial, ministrado por um instrutor ao vivo via vídeo transferência;
Conteúdo Programatico

Basic Principles of Data Archiving

  1. Understand Data Archiving and its role in your system
  2. Determine the positioning of data archiving in SAP solutions
  3. Differentiate between data archiving and document storage

The Archiving Object and its Customizing

  1. Describe and display the mandatory and optional components of an archiving object
  2. Describe the use of transactions SARA and AOBJ
  3. Maintain file names and file paths
  4. Maintain storage folders if you want to store archive files in a storage system
  5. Perform cross-archiving-object customizing
  6. Perform archiving-object-specific customizing
  7. Name possible variants in Data Archiving
  8. Maintain residence times for FI_DOCUMNT archiving object
  9. Maintain residence times for SD archiving objects
  10. Describe how to use user exits for SD archiving objects
  11. Target an existing content repository using the SAP CMS interface

Data Assignment to Archiving Objects

  1. Determine the critical tables using "size" and "growth"
  2. Assign an archiving object to a table
  3. Choose one suitable archiving object from several that can be assigned
  4. Describe dependencies between archiving objects
  5. Use the network graphic to display archiving sequences
  6. Identify business, technical and legal considerations in data archiving
  7. Use transaction TAANA to determine appropriate selection criteria
  8. Use transaction TAANA to determine appropriate archiving objects

Data Archiving Transaction SARA

  1. Carry out functions in transaction SARA
  2. Schedule archiving jobs
  3. Maintain variants
  4. Describe the authorization checks
  5. Monitor archiving jobs
  6. Display and interpret logs
  7. Interpret data archiving statistics
  8. Describe the procedure for errors and restart scenarios
  9. Describe how management data is structured
  10. Archive management data
  11. Interpret the status of archiving sessions
  12. Store archive files
  13. List possible external storage media
  14. Describe the connection between data archiving and system performance
  15. Describe the meaning and the requirements of a long-term archiving plan

Read Access to Archived Data

  1. List the options for accessing archived data
  2. Display archived documents directly from the standard display transactions
  3. Access archived documents using special read programs
  4. Understand the reload function in the context of accessing archived data
  5. Describe the components and the usage areas of the Archive Information System
  6. Create or adapt an archive information structure
  7. Build an archive information structure
  8. Search for a document directly using the Archive Information System and displaying it in a technical view
  9. Describe the Document Relationship Browser (DRB) and its purpose
  10. Use roles in the Document Relationship Browser or personalize its functions
  11. Define and explain the purpose of the Data Retention Tool (DART)
  12. Describe the connection between data archiving and DART
  13. Describe which data DART saves in its extract files and how
  14. Explain why you need views of DART extracts

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