Curso React JavaScript Programming

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Curso React JavaScript Programming

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso React JavaScript Programming, ornecerá uma introdução aos benefícios do framework React JavaScript, para que os participantes do curso possam começar a desenvolver aplicativos rapidamente usando o framework.


Após realizar este Curso React JavaScript Programming, você será capaz de:

  • Entenda o modelo de programação fornecido pelo framework React
  • Definir componentes do React
  • Use a estrutura React para lidar com eventos e dados com estado
  • Os participantes deste treinamento ReactJS devem ter algum conhecimento prévio de desenvolvimento web, HTML, AJAX, JavaScript e ES6 ou superior.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

React Overview

  1. What is React?
  2. What's in a Name?
  3. React Component Model
  4. What React Is Not
  5. What You Will Not Find in React
  6. Motivation for Creating React
  7. A React JavaScript Example
  8. One-Way Data Flow
  9. JSX
  10. A JSX Example
  11. The Virtual (Mock) DOM
  12. Only Sub-components that Actually Change are Re-Rendered
  13. create-react-app

Basic Components and JSX

  1. What is JSX?
  2. JSX Transpilation to React Code Example
  3. Running the Transpiled Code
  4. Babel
  5. Playing Around in CodePen
  6. React Components
  7. Creating a Functional Component Example
  8. Component Names Must Be Capitalized
  9. Components vs Elements
  10. Elements Are Immutable
  11. Properties
  12. Property Naming Convention
  13. Properties Default to 'True'
  14. Spread Attributes (an ES6 Feature)
  15. Expressions
  16. Fragments

React Functional Component Concepts

  1. Functional Components
  2. Nesting JSX Elements
  3. Example of JSX Nesting
  4. Comments in JSX Code
  5. Setting CSS Styles Using Classes
  6. Setting CSS Styles Directly
  7. JSX Escapes Values
  8. Working with Lists of Items
  9. Keys in Lists
  10. Example List With Key
  11. State
  12. Types of State Data
  13. State Hierarchy
  14. Lifting State Up
  15. Props vs. State
  16. Pass Down a Function
  17. Immutability
  18. Immutability – Why?
  19. Virtual DOM and State
  20. Setting state
  21. Updating Input fields
  22. Passing Props to Components
  23. Passing Functions to Components
  24. Event Handling
  25. Event Handler Example
  26. Event Binding - DOs
  27. Event Binding – Don'ts
  28. Passing Parameters to Event Handlers
  29. Component Life-cycle
  30. Life-cycle in Functional Components
  31. App Development Workflow – 1/3
  32. App Development Workflow – 2/3
  33. App Development Workflow – 3/3

React Router

  1. Routing and Navigation
  2. react-router
  3. Creating a react-router based project
  4. A Basic Routed Component
  5. Router vs. BrowserRouter
  6. The Route component
  7.  Redirect Route
  8. Navigating with
  9. Navigating with
  10. Route Parameters
  11. Retrieving Route Parameters
  12. QueryString Parameters
  13. Using Router with Redux

State Management for React

  1. React State Basics – Props and State
  2. Props
  3. State in Class Based Components
  4. Managing State with Hooks in Functional Components
  5. The Problem with Props and State
  6. Redux State Library
  7. Redux Advantages
  8. Redux Disadvantages
  9. Basic Rules for State Management
  10. Types of State
  11. Data State
  12. Communication State
  13. Control State
  14. Session State
  15. Location State
  16. Location State Side Effects

Building React Apps with Redux

  1. Redux
  2. Redux Terminology
  3. Redux Principles
  4. Redux: Actions
  5. Redux Action Types
  6. Action Creators
  7. Dispatching Actions
  8. Data Flow Basics
  9. Redux Reducers
  10. Pure Functions
  11. Reducer Example
  12. Returning Default State
  13. Creating a Development Environment with create-react-app
  14. Using Redux with React
  15. Initializing the Store
  16. Immutability
  17. Benefits of Immutable State
  18. Mutability of Standard types
  19. Copying Objects in JavaScript
  20. Copying Arrays in JavaScript
  21. One Store - Multiple Reducers
  22. Combining Reducers
  23. Components and Redux
  24. The React-Redux Package
  25. Wrapping App with Provider
  26. mapStateToProps
  27. mapDispatchToProps
  28. Using Mapped Properties and Methods
  29. Wrapping Components with Connect
  30. Configure Store
  31. Programming Advice - MultiTab Console

Using React Hooks

  1. Functional Component Shortcomings
  2. Hooks Overview
  3. Hook Rules
  4. React Linter Example
  5. Functional Component Props
  6. The useState Hook
  7. Functional Component using the useState hook
  8. useState with Multiple Variables
  9. useState can also be used with Objects
  10. The useEffect Hook
  11. useEffect Hook Example
  12. Using useEffect Hook to Load Data
  13. Restricting when useEffect is Called
  14. The useContext Hook
  15. Additional Hooks
  16. The useReducer Hook
  17. An Example Reducer Function
  18. Calling and Using useReducer
  19. The useMemo Hook
  20. useMemo Example
  21. The useCallback Hook
  22. useCallback Example
  23. The useRef Hook
  24. Using useRef to Hold Values
  25. The useImperativeHandle Hook
  26. useImperativeHandle Hook Example
  27. The useLayoutEffect Hook

Creating Custom React Hooks

  1. Custom Hooks
  2. Custom Message Hook
  3. Using the Custom Message Hook
  4. A Custom useList Hook
  5. Using the useList Custom Hook
  6. The built-in useDebugValue Hook
  7. Viewing the Effect of the useDebugValue Hook

Unit Testing React with React Testing Library

  1. React Testing Framework
  2. Features
  3. Snapshot Testing
  4. Code Coverage
  5. Interactive Mode
  6. Projects created with create-react-app
  7. Default App Component Test
  8. Unit Tests
  9. Anatomy of a Unit Test
  10. Common Matchers
  11. Combining Tests
  12. Running Tests
  13. Testing Promise based async code with 'done'
  14. Setup and Teardown
  15. react-testing-library
  16. A Simple Component Test
  17. A Simple Snapshot Test
  18. Running and Updating SnapShot Tests
  19. Building Component Tests
  20. Calling Render
  21. Render Properties
  22. Simulating Events
  23. Testing Results
  24. Using Query Functions
  25. Text Matching
  26. Counter Component
  27. counter-test.js

OPTIONAL Exception Handling in JavaScript

  1. Exception Handling
  2. Try Syntax
  3. The Finally Block
  4. The Nested Try Blocks
  5. Exceptions Types in JavaScript
  6. The Throw Statement
  7. Using the Error Object

OPTIONAL Web Storage, Web SQL, and IndexedDB

  1. Data Storage
  2. Data Storage Options
  3. Web Storage
  4. Web Storage Programming Interface
  5. Web Storage Examples
  6. Storing JavaScript Objects
  7. IndexedDB
  8. IndexedDB Terminology
  9. Getting indexedDB Objects
  10. Opening a Database
  11. Creating an Object Store
  12. Inserting a Record
  13. Retrieving a Record

OPTIONAL  Asynchronous Programming with Promises

  1. The Problems with Callbacks
  2. Introduction to Promises
  3. Requirements for Using Promises
  4. Creating Promises Manually
  5. Calling the Promise-based Function
  6. Making APIs that support both callbacks and promises
  7. Using APIs that support both callbacks and promises
  8. Chaining then Method / Returning a Value or a Promise from then Method
  9. Promisifying Callbacks with Bluebird
  10. Using Bluebird
  11. Bluebird – List of Useful Functions
  12. Benefit of using Bluebird over ES6 for Promisification
  13. Error Handling in Promise-based asynchronous functions

Lab Exercises

Lab 1. Setting Up a React Development Environment

Lab 2. Basic React Components

Lab 3. More React Component Concepts

Lab 4. React Router Application

Lab 5. React Redux Application

Lab 6. React Hooks Application

Lab 7. React Custom Hooks

Lab 8. Unit Testing with Jest

Lab 9. Course Project - React App Using Hooks

Lab 10. [OPTIONAL] Exception Handling in JavaScript

Lab 11. [OPTIONAL] Asynchronous Programming with Promises


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