Visão Geral
O curso Python for Ethical Hacking é destinado a profissionais de segurança cibernética e entusiastas que desejam aprender a utilizar Python para realizar testes de penetração e hacking ético. Python é uma ferramenta poderosa e amplamente usada no mundo da segurança da informação, permitindo a criação de scripts personalizados para exploração de vulnerabilidades e automação de tarefas. Durante o curso, os alunos aprenderão a desenvolver suas próprias ferramentas de pentest e a executar testes de segurança eficazes em redes e sistemas.
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to Python for Ethical Hacking
- Understanding Python's role in cybersecurity
- Setting up the Python environment
- Overview of essential Python concepts
Information Gathering with Python
- Web scraping and information extraction
- Using APIs for data gathering
- Automating reconnaissance with Python scripts
Network and Port Scanning Automation
- Working with
and scapy
- Writing scripts to perform network and port scans
- Identifying active hosts and services
Packet Manipulation and Analysis
- Capturing and analyzing packets with
- Creating scripts for Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks
- Packet sniffing and extracting sensitive data
Exploit Development with Python
- Exploiting common vulnerabilities
- Writing Python-based exploits
- Automating vulnerability exploitation
Brute Force Attacks and Password Cracking
- Developing brute force attack scripts
- Generating wordlists with Python
- Testing credentials on web and network services
Fuzzing and Vulnerability Testing
- Automating fuzzing techniques with Python
- Writing scripts to test for application security
- Identifying buffer overflow vulnerabilities
Building Custom Hacking Tools
- Developing network scanning tools
- Creating backdoors and Remote Access Tools (RATs)
- Integrating Python with popular security tools (Nmap, Metasploit)
Obfuscation and Detection Evasion
- Obfuscating Python code for security purposes
- Evading antivirus and firewalls
- Bypassing Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
Practical Hacking Projects
- Real-world hacking challenges
- Developing a basic pentesting framework in Python
- Conducting penetration tests in controlled environments