Curso Power Automate Introduction for End Users

  • Tableau Data Visualization

Curso Power Automate Introduction for End Users

16 horas
Visão Geral

GERAL Aprenda o valor comercial e os recursos do produto do Microsoft Power Automate e do Power Automate para desktop.

Publico Alvo
  • O curso é direcionado a usuários comerciais que trabalham com aplicativos do Office 365 e gostariam de aprender diferentes técnicas para criar, gerenciar e iniciar processos ou fluxos de trabalho automatizados.
  • Os alunos devem ter experiência anterior no uso do Office 365.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform

  1. What is Microsoft Power Platform?
  2. The business value of Microsoft Power Platform
  3. Data Connectors
  4. Data loss prevention, compliance, privacy, accessibility
  5. Pulling it all together

Get started with Power Automate

  1. Introducing Power Automate
  2. Create your first flow
  3. Create recurring flows
  4. Monitor incoming emails
  5. Troubleshoot flows

Build approval flows with Power Automate

  1. Provide solutions to real-world scenarios.
  2. Build an approval request
  3. Build a flow that processes an approval request
  4. Learn to build a flow that runs at recurring time intervals

Share a cloud flow with Power Automate

  1. Share by using co-ownership
  2. Share by using the run-only option
  3. Use the Send a copy feature
  4. Solutions and sharing

Take your first steps with Power Automate for desktop

  1. Introduction to Power Automate for desktop
  2. Console overview
  3. Flow designer overview
  4. Create a simple flow

Exercise - Create and run a simple flow
Power Automate for desktop essentials

  1. Introduction to Power Automate for desktop development
  2. Create a flow in the flow designer
  3. Create conditionals and loops
  4. Using subflows
  5. Test and debug flows
  6. Manage UI elements and images
  7. Deploy exception handling

Build your first Power Automate for desktop flow

  1. Set up the environment
  2. Explore Power Automate for desktop
  3. Create your first Power Automate for desktop flow
  4. Record Power Automate for desktop actions
  5. Edit and test recorded actions

Define input and output parameters in Power Automate

  1. Set up in Power Automate
  2. Define an input variable
  3. Set input variables
  4. Define output variables
  5. Add UI elements and test

Integrate desktop flows with Outlook connectors in Power Automate for desktop

  1. Setup process in Power Automate
  2. Build a cloud flow that's triggered in Outlook
  3. Test your new flow

Use AI Builder to process invoice forms in Power Automate

  1. Solution setup in Power Automate
  2. Create a form processing flow
  3. Add fields and collections of documents
  4. Analyze and train a model
  5. Integrate the model into a cloud flow

Use the Teams connector in Power Automate

  1. Work from an existing solution in Power Automate
  2. Create an approval solution
  3. Integrate with an existing desktop flow
  4. Test and run a flow

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