Visão Geral
Curso PostgreSQL Fundamentals to Advanced,
O PostgreSQL é um sistema gerenciador de banco de dados relacional de código aberto (open-source). Ele foi lançado pela primeira vez em 1989 como um projeto de pesquisa na Universidade da Califórnia, Berkeley, e desde então evoluiu em um dos bancos de dados mais populares do mundo, com uma comunidade ativa de desenvolvedores e usuários.
O PostgreSQL é conhecido por sua escalabilidade, confiabilidade e flexibilidade, e é amplamente utilizado em aplicações web, empresas e outras organizações. Ele suporta uma ampla variedade de recursos avançados, incluindo transações ACID, replicação, particionamento de dados, consultas complexas e muitos tipos de dados, incluindo JSON, XML, arrays e tipos geométricos.
O PostgreSQL é um banco de dados gratuito e de código aberto, o que significa que qualquer pessoa pode baixá-lo, usá-lo e modificá-lo livremente. Ele está disponível para uma ampla variedade de plataformas, incluindo Windows, Linux, macOS e outros sistemas operacionais.
O PostgreSQL é um banco de dados de código aberto, o que significa que qualquer pessoa pode baixá-lo, usá-lo e modificá-lo livremente. Ele está disponível para uma ampla variedade de plataformas, incluindo Windows, Linux, macOS e outros sistemas operacionais.
Porque devo aprender postgresql?
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to Database Systems
Learning Objectives:
There many types of databases and PostgreSQL is identified as an object-relational database. You will get an overall idea about various databases and the significance of PostgreSQL. In addition, you will learn to install PostgreSQL.
- Types of Databases
- Object-relational Database
- Introduction to PostgreSQL
- Installing PostgreSQL
Fundamentals of SQL for Postgres
Learning Objectives:
Postgres enables you to access tables and databases through a SQL interface and a GUI called pgAdmin. You will learn to work through both these clients and perform various queries on tables.
- Creating Databases
- Creating Tables with psql
- Creating Tables with pgAdmin
- Inserting Data into the Table
- Updating and Removing Data
- Selecting and Retrieving Data
- Altering Tables
- Aggregations and Groups
- Types of Aggregates
- Boolean Operations and WHERE Clause
- In-line Operators
- Nested Queries
Postgres Foundations
Learning Objectives:
You will learn to work with basic components and objects of PostgreSQL that enable you to build a robust database system. This includes various templates, schemas, views, indexes, functions, and many more utilities.
- Database Objects
- Roles and Tablespace
- Database Components
- Database Views
- Database Indexes
- Database Functions
- User-defined Data Types
- Triggers and Rule System
Advanced Query Writing
Learning Objectives:
You will learn to write more queries which enable advanced operations on tables and databases. The queries include joins, unions, CTEs, window functions, etc.
- Inner Joins
- Left and Right Joins
- Full Joins
- Unions
- Common Table Expressions (CTE)
- Window Functions
Postgres Security
Learning Objectives:
Learn the ways to implement security concepts such as, authentication and limiting connections to the database. Also, learn to create roles, encrypt data, clean the database, and generate query analysis.
- Authentication in PostgreSQL
- Access and Security Control
- Encrypting Data
- Routine Database Maintenance
- Evaluating Queries
PERN Stack Implementation
Learning Objectives:
Create a simple Node.js application with a React front-end and a React-based API using Express. You will go through each step needed to create the application.
- Setting Up the PERN Stack
- Creating Connections with Prisma
- Understanding Prisma Models
- Defining Prisma Models
- Setting Up Express
- Creating POST Requests
- Testing POST Requests
- Creating GET Requests (Part 1)
- Creating GET Requests (Part 2)
- Creating PUT Requests
- Creating DELETE Requests
- Setting Up React
- Inputting Expense Data (Part 1)
- Inputting Expense Data (Part 2)
- Listing Expense Data (Part 1)
- Listing Expense Data (Part 2)
Spring Boot Implementation
Learning Objectives:
Learn to create an application by integrating PostgreSQL into Java Spring. You will learn the required process steps to create this application.
- Setting Up a Spring Application
- Setting Up the PostgreSQL Connection
- Defining Schemas and Data
- Creating a Database Model (Part 1)
- Creating a Database Model (Part 2)
- Creating Repositories and Services
- Creating a Controller
- Creating a Frontend
PostgreSQL Arrays, Keys, and Select Clauses
Learning Objectives:
Learn features that will enable you to establish and maintain relationship between multiple tables.
- PostgreSQL Arrays
- PostgreSQL 2D Arrays
- PostgreSQL Custom Data Types
- Key Relationships
- Defining Key Relationships
- Fetch and Limit
- Distinct and Duplicates
- Case Statements
Learning Objectives:
For the final capstone project, you will build an interactive application with a database system that includes various components and database objects.
- Build an interactive application with a DBMS