Curso Oracle Tuxedo Administration

  • Oracle ERP & Negócios

Curso Oracle Tuxedo Administration

32 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Oracle Tuxedo Administration, ensina administradores, arquitetos, operadores e desenvolvedores a administrar os aplicativos do Tuxedo. Aprenda sobre os recursos e capacidades do produto, bem como os diferentes casos de uso.


Após realizar este curso Oracle Tuxedo, você será capaz de:

  • Explique os conceitos-chave da arquitetura cliente-servidor e os princípios do monitor transacional,
  • Realizar todas as operações de administração, operação e manutenção para ambientes Tuxedo
  • Verifique as configurações, analise e otimize o desempenho do existente,
  • Desenvolva aplicativos e leve em consideração questões de interoperabilidade e evolução de versões,
  • Atualize o produto e / ou aproveite as melhorias recentes.
Publico Alvo

Este Curso Oracle Tuxedo Administration, destina-se a administradores de sistema, gerentes de operações, engenheiros de suporte, desenvolvedores e consultores técnicos.

  • Conhecimento dos comandos básicos do Linux.
Informações Gerais
  • Carga horaria, 32h
  • Se noturno este curso e ministrado de segunda-feira a sexta-feira das 19h às 23h, total de 8 noites,
  • Se aos sábados este curso e ministrado das 09h às 18h, total de 4 sábados,
  • Se in-company, este curso pode ser ministrado de acordo com as agendas de ambas as partes.

 Formato de entrega

  • On-line ao vivo via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor Oracle, atuando ativamente com consultoria, implementação, suporte, sustentação, treinamentos workshop,

 LAB Oracle:

  • Todo aluno participante tem acesso ao um laboratório Oracle para a pratica dos exercícios proposto pelo curso em sala de aula, auxiliado por um instrutor 
Inglês | Português
Conteúdo Programatico

Tuxedo Concepts and Architecture

  1. Client-server architecture models
  2. Main functions of the transactional monitor
  3. Key components of a Tuxedo application
  4. Data formats and communication modes
  5. Tuxedo's place in corporate infrastructure

Installation and deployment

  1. Validation of system prerequisites
  2. Interactive or silent installation
  3. Post-installation operations
  4. Directories and key components
  5. Tuxedo environment variables
  6. Buildclient and buildserver commands

Setting up a simple application

  1. Application deployment process
  2. Ubbconfig configuration file
  3. Mandatory parameters of an application
  4. Contextual environment variables
  5. Start and stop options

Administration commands

  1. Tmboot Command Options
  2. Tmshutdown Command Options
  3. Tmipcrm command
  4. Basic tmadmin commands
  5. Tmadmin advanced options

Advanced settings and settings

  1. Parameters of the * RESOURCES section
  2. Parameters of the * MACHINES section
  3. Parameters of the * GROUPS section
  4. Parameters of the * SERVERS section
  5. Parameters of the * SERVICES section
  6. DEFAULT syntax facilitator:

Consultation of traces and supervision

  1. ULOG file properties
  2. Application trace files
  3. Enabling debug options
  4. Access to message reference
  5. Controls and supervision tools

Remote client support

  1. Principle of interoperability with remote clients
  2. Configuration for ATMI or .NET clients
  3. Jolt configuration for Java clients
  4. SALT Architecture for Web Services
  5. Administration of remote clients

Distributed configuration and routing criteria

  1. Architectures of SHM and MP models
  2. Configuring the MP model
  3. MP model administration
  4. Load balancing and group migration
  5. Configuring Data Based Routing (DDR)

Principle of distributed transactions

  1. Standard XA and global transactions
  2. Transaction management servers
  3. Configuration of transaction logs (TLOG)
  4. Configuring a transactional application
  5. Monitoring and maintenance of transactions

Tuxedo Security Management

  1. The five levels of security
  2. Classic authentication and access controls
  3. LDAP server authentication
  4. Security of data transfers
  5. Cross domain security

Distributed Architecture / Domain

  1. Concepts and architecture / Domain
  2. Deploying a configuration / Domain
  3. Dmconfig configuration file
  4. / Domain Administration Tools

Advanced administration of / Domain

  1. Advanced configuration options
  2. Inter domain routing
  3. Load balancing and request priorities
  4. Performance and safety criteria
  5. Particularities of a Business Middleware Bus

Mainframe and messaging interoperability

  1. Gateway Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter (elink)
  2. Tuxedo / Q subsystem
  3. Tuxedo / Q exchanges - Java JMS
  4. Tuxedo / Q exchanges - Websphere MQ
  5. Other integration solutions

Client-server and inter-domain interoperability

  1. Case of clients and servers of different versions
  2. Case of Tuxedo domains of different versions
  3. Interoperability with Web Services (SALT)
  4. Interoperability with Oracle WebLogic Server (WTC)
  5. Interoperability with Oracle Service Bus (OSB)

Tuxedo MIB and incident management

  1. Tuxedo MIBs and SNMP standard
  2. Uses of the Admin API
  3. Tmconfig dynamic modification tool
  4. Ud32-based administration scripts
  5. Tuxedo event broker and incident management

Performance optimization

  1. System parameters and IPC resources
  2. Optimization options in ubbconfig
  3. Load balancing and priority management
  4. Automatic regulation of the number of instances
  5. Measurement and analysis of execution times
  6. Recommendations for better performance

Tuxedo Upgrade Procedures

  1. Upgrade precautions and constraints
  2. Five-step migration process
  3. The upgrade of Tuxedo and its extensions
  4. Migration of applications and non-regression tests
  5. Post-migration improvements

Functional contributions of versions 12c

  1. DDR routing with high availability
  2. Taking into account the versions of services and requests
  4. New EM TSAM Plus and MQ Adapter extensions
  5. Web Services clients (SALT 12c, JCA, OSB connector)
  6. Other Product Improvements

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