Curso Oracle SOA Suite 12c System Architecture, System and Administration

  • Oracle ERP & Negócios

Curso Oracle SOA Suite 12c System Architecture, System and Administration

32 horas
Visão Geral

Este curso Oracle SOA Suite 12c: Arquitetura e Administração irá equipá-lo com o conhecimento e as habilidades necessárias para planejar, preparar e instalar uma arquitetura de implantação corporativa para executar produtos Oracle SOA Suite 12c. Você também aprenderá a configurar o Oracle SOA Suite 12c com duas máquinas virtuais para criar um cluster de servidores WebLogic.


Após realizar este curso Oracle, você será capaz de:

  • Configure um domínio em cluster do Weblogic Server com os componentes da infraestrutura Oracle Fusion Middleware
  • Estenda o WebLogic Cluster com Oracle SOA Suite 12c
  • Implantar, testar e solucionar problemas de aplicativos compostos SOA
  • Monitore e tome medidas para ajustar o Oracle SOA Suite 12c, o banco de dados Oracle e os componentes do SOA Suite para um desempenho ideal
  • Configure um balanceador de carga para atender às solicitações do cliente
  • Integre um servidor LDAP para autorização e autenticação
  • Estenda o Domínio Weblogic para incluir o serviço Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
  • Planejar e projetar uma arquitetura SOA de implantação empresarial
  • Crie esquemas de banco de dados Oracle para produtos Oracle Fusion Middleware
  • Instale o software Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 12c
  • Instale o software Oracle SOA 12c
Publico Alvo
  • Este Curso Oracle SOA Suite 12c System Architecture, System and Administration, destina-se a gerentes de configuração de sistemas, administradores de rede e administradores de sistema.
  • É aconselhável dominar os conceitos de Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços.
  • Você deseja que seus pré-requisitos sejam verificados? Entre em contato conosco para organizar uma entrevista por telefone com um de nossos consultores de treinamento.
Informações Gerais
  • Carga horaria, 32h
  • Se noturno este curso e ministrado de segunda-feira a sexta-feira das 19h às 23h, total de 8 noites,
  • Se aos sábados este curso e ministrado das 09h às 18h, total de 4 sábados,
  • Se in-company, este curso pode ser ministrado de acordo com as agendas de ambas as partes.

 Formato de entrega

  • On-line ao vivo via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor Oracle, atuando ativamente com consultoria, implementação, suporte, sustentação, treinamentos workshop,

 LAB Oracle:

  • Todo aluno participante tem acesso ao um laboratório Oracle para a pratica dos exercícios proposto pelo curso em sala de aula, auxiliado por um instrutor 
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite 12c Administration

  1. About Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts
  2. Overview of Oracle SOA Suite 12c products
  3. Exploring the road map for creating an Enterprise Deployment architecture

Planning Oracle SOA Suite 12c Deployments

  1. Choosing an appropriate deployment topology
  2. Preparing the network environment and file system for Oracle SOA Suite 12c
  3. Preparing and planning the database strategy
  4. Planning an SOA deployment topology based on the Enterprise Deployment architecture reference model
  5. Planning an architecture for scalability, high availability, and failover

Installing Oracle SOA Suite 12c: Creating the Fusion Middle Infrastructure

  1. Choosing the type domain and installation approach
  2. Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure software
  3. Creating the Oracle Database schemas for Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure
  4. Creating a WebLogic Domain with Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure
  5. Configuring WebLogic Server to use an external LDAP server for authentication and authorization

Installing Oracle SOA Suite 12c: Extending the Domain with Oracle SOA Suite

  1. Managing web-tier installation and configuration tasks
  2. Installing Oracle SOA Suite 12c
  3. Creating the Oracle Database schemas for Oracle SOA Suite 12c
  4. Extending the WebLogic domain with Oracle SOA Suite 12c components

Installing Oracle SOA Suite 12c: Configuring the Load Balancer for Enterprise Deployment

  1. Explain the load balancer configuration requirements for an Enterprise Deployment topology
  2. Create and configure a WebLogic Managed Server as a (software) load balancer

Configuring High Availability for Oracle SOA Suite 12c

  1. Reviewing the high availability architecture
  2. Scaling out an enterprise deployment topology
  3. Configuring high availability for the Administration Server
  4. Configuring JCA Adapter (File, Database, and JMS) Resources for SOA applications

Fundamentals of Oracle SOA Suite

  1. Describing service-oriented architecture (SOA)
  2. Explaining how services communicate
  3. Describing the functionality of each type of Oracle SOA Suite 12c service component

Deploying and Testing SOA Composite Applications

  1. Deploying a Composite application by using Ant tools
  2. Deploying and Testing Composite applications by using Oracle Enterprise Manager
  3. Tracking Message flow through a Composite Application
  4. Deploying a Composite application using Ant tools and Oracle Enterprise Manager
  5. Describing a Composite application package and its dependencies

Managing Composite Applications and Their Life-Cycle

  1. Deploying new versions of a Composite application
  2. Creating partitions and deploy Composites to those partitions
  3. Identifying Composite application dependencies
  4. Managing the Composite application life-cycle using configuration plans and global token variables

Monitoring and Managing Instances, Service Components, and Service Engines

  1. Configuring Logging, Audit Levels, and Sensors
  2. Managing Faults in the Error Hospital

Managing Business Events

  1. Describing Business Events and the Event Delivery Network
  2. Managing events using Oracle Enterprise Manager

Configuring and Testing Oracle User Messaging Services

  1. Introduction to Oracle User Messaging Services
  2. Configuring Oracle User Messaging Services

Troubleshooting and Tuning Performance of Oracle SOA Suite 12c

  1. Designing a tuning methodology
  2. Identifying top areas that require tuning
  3. Monitoring and tuning Oracle SOA Suite by collecting performance information and using diagnostic tools
  4. Configuring selective tracing
  5. Troubleshooting common problems

Backing Up and Recovery of Oracle SOA Suite Instances

  1. Adopting a backup and recovery strategy
  2. Backing up your Oracle Fusion Middleware environment
  3. Recovering Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle SOA Suite

Configuring Security Services and Policies

  1. Describing Web services security
  2. Describing Oracle Web Services Manager Policy Framework
  3. Creating or modifying security policy
  4. Attaching a security policy to Web services
  5. Monitoring the performance of Web services

Enterprise Scheduler Service (ESS)

  1. Describing Enterprise Scheduler Service
  2. Installing Enterprise Scheduler Service
  3. Configuring scheduled jobs and related metadata
  4. Administering running and completed jobs

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