Curso Oracle SOA Suite 12c System Architecture, System and Administration
32 horasVisão Geral
Este curso Oracle SOA Suite 12c: Arquitetura e Administração irá equipá-lo com o conhecimento e as habilidades necessárias para planejar, preparar e instalar uma arquitetura de implantação corporativa para executar produtos Oracle SOA Suite 12c. Você também aprenderá a configurar o Oracle SOA Suite 12c com duas máquinas virtuais para criar um cluster de servidores WebLogic.
Após realizar este curso Oracle, você será capaz de:
- Configure um domínio em cluster do Weblogic Server com os componentes da infraestrutura Oracle Fusion Middleware
- Estenda o WebLogic Cluster com Oracle SOA Suite 12c
- Implantar, testar e solucionar problemas de aplicativos compostos SOA
- Monitore e tome medidas para ajustar o Oracle SOA Suite 12c, o banco de dados Oracle e os componentes do SOA Suite para um desempenho ideal
- Configure um balanceador de carga para atender às solicitações do cliente
- Integre um servidor LDAP para autorização e autenticação
- Estenda o Domínio Weblogic para incluir o serviço Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
- Planejar e projetar uma arquitetura SOA de implantação empresarial
- Crie esquemas de banco de dados Oracle para produtos Oracle Fusion Middleware
- Instale o software Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 12c
- Instale o software Oracle SOA 12c
Publico Alvo
- Este Curso Oracle SOA Suite 12c System Architecture, System and Administration, destina-se a gerentes de configuração de sistemas, administradores de rede e administradores de sistema.
- É aconselhável dominar os conceitos de Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços.
- Você deseja que seus pré-requisitos sejam verificados? Entre em contato conosco para organizar uma entrevista por telefone com um de nossos consultores de treinamento.
Informações Gerais
- Carga horaria, 32h
- Se noturno este curso e ministrado de segunda-feira a sexta-feira das 19h às 23h, total de 8 noites,
- Se aos sábados este curso e ministrado das 09h às 18h, total de 4 sábados,
- Se in-company, este curso pode ser ministrado de acordo com as agendas de ambas as partes.
Formato de entrega
- On-line ao vivo via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor Oracle, atuando ativamente com consultoria, implementação, suporte, sustentação, treinamentos workshop,
LAB Oracle:
- Todo aluno participante tem acesso ao um laboratório Oracle para a pratica dos exercícios proposto pelo curso em sala de aula, auxiliado por um instrutor
InglêsConteúdo Programatico
Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite 12c Administration
- About Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts
- Overview of Oracle SOA Suite 12c products
- Exploring the road map for creating an Enterprise Deployment architecture
Planning Oracle SOA Suite 12c Deployments
- Choosing an appropriate deployment topology
- Preparing the network environment and file system for Oracle SOA Suite 12c
- Preparing and planning the database strategy
- Planning an SOA deployment topology based on the Enterprise Deployment architecture reference model
- Planning an architecture for scalability, high availability, and failover
Installing Oracle SOA Suite 12c: Creating the Fusion Middle Infrastructure
- Choosing the type domain and installation approach
- Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure software
- Creating the Oracle Database schemas for Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure
- Creating a WebLogic Domain with Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure
- Configuring WebLogic Server to use an external LDAP server for authentication and authorization
Installing Oracle SOA Suite 12c: Extending the Domain with Oracle SOA Suite
- Managing web-tier installation and configuration tasks
- Installing Oracle SOA Suite 12c
- Creating the Oracle Database schemas for Oracle SOA Suite 12c
- Extending the WebLogic domain with Oracle SOA Suite 12c components
Installing Oracle SOA Suite 12c: Configuring the Load Balancer for Enterprise Deployment
- Explain the load balancer configuration requirements for an Enterprise Deployment topology
- Create and configure a WebLogic Managed Server as a (software) load balancer
Configuring High Availability for Oracle SOA Suite 12c
- Reviewing the high availability architecture
- Scaling out an enterprise deployment topology
- Configuring high availability for the Administration Server
- Configuring JCA Adapter (File, Database, and JMS) Resources for SOA applications
Fundamentals of Oracle SOA Suite
- Describing service-oriented architecture (SOA)
- Explaining how services communicate
- Describing the functionality of each type of Oracle SOA Suite 12c service component
Deploying and Testing SOA Composite Applications
- Deploying a Composite application by using Ant tools
- Deploying and Testing Composite applications by using Oracle Enterprise Manager
- Tracking Message flow through a Composite Application
- Deploying a Composite application using Ant tools and Oracle Enterprise Manager
- Describing a Composite application package and its dependencies
Managing Composite Applications and Their Life-Cycle
- Deploying new versions of a Composite application
- Creating partitions and deploy Composites to those partitions
- Identifying Composite application dependencies
- Managing the Composite application life-cycle using configuration plans and global token variables
Monitoring and Managing Instances, Service Components, and Service Engines
- Configuring Logging, Audit Levels, and Sensors
- Managing Faults in the Error Hospital
Managing Business Events
- Describing Business Events and the Event Delivery Network
- Managing events using Oracle Enterprise Manager
Configuring and Testing Oracle User Messaging Services
- Introduction to Oracle User Messaging Services
- Configuring Oracle User Messaging Services
Troubleshooting and Tuning Performance of Oracle SOA Suite 12c
- Designing a tuning methodology
- Identifying top areas that require tuning
- Monitoring and tuning Oracle SOA Suite by collecting performance information and using diagnostic tools
- Configuring selective tracing
- Troubleshooting common problems
Backing Up and Recovery of Oracle SOA Suite Instances
- Adopting a backup and recovery strategy
- Backing up your Oracle Fusion Middleware environment
- Recovering Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle SOA Suite
Configuring Security Services and Policies
- Describing Web services security
- Describing Oracle Web Services Manager Policy Framework
- Creating or modifying security policy
- Attaching a security policy to Web services
- Monitoring the performance of Web services
Enterprise Scheduler Service (ESS)
- Describing Enterprise Scheduler Service
- Installing Enterprise Scheduler Service
- Configuring scheduled jobs and related metadata
- Administering running and completed jobs