Curso Oracle APEX Application Express Workshop Foundation

  • Oracle ERP & Negócios

Curso Oracle APEX Application Express Workshop Foundation

24 horas
Visão Geral

O Curso Oracle APEX Application Express Workshop Foundation, tem o objetivo, ensina os participantes como navegar no APEX de maneira eficaz e entender como construir componentes principais criando interfaces da web, incluindo formulários, relatórios, calendários e gráficos. Os alunos também aprendem como proteger seus aplicativos e descobrir práticas recomendadas e diretrizes gerais.


Após participar com êxito deste Curso Oracle APEX Application Express Workshop Foundation, você será capaz de:

  • Entenda os recursos do Oracle APEX
  • Use o SQL Workshop para executar consultas ad hoc e personalizá-las para uso ideal
  • Crie aplicativos usando o Application Builder
  • Criar páginas
  • Definir regiões e itens
  • Valide a entrada do formulário e execute outras tarefas de processamento de página
  • Compartilhe e reutilize componentes, temas e modelos para criação de interface mais rápida
  • Implementar autenticação e autorização
  • Administrar e implantar aplicativos
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico


Product Overview

  1. How to use the page designer and shortcuts it provides
  2. How to approach APEX application development
  3. APEX architecture and installation decisions
  4. How to manage workspaces and applications
  5. Efficiently navigating Application Express user interface
  6. How to find specific components in a large application
  7. Run and modify an application

SQL Workshop

  1. How to manage database objects using The Object Browser
  2. Build queries declaratively using the Query Builder
  3. Executing ad-hoc SQL and PL/SQL statements using SQL Commands
  4. Create scripts to execute multiple related commands
  5. Define user interface defaults to save time when creating forms and reports


  1. Import and export data in many formats (CSV, TEXT, XML)
  2. Understand the health of your instance by using Database Monitor
  3. Streamline deployment scripts by generating schema object DDL
  4. Extra reports and utilities for modifying components in bulk

Application Builder

  1. Create an application based on a spreadsheet
  2. Create an application from scratch
  3. Review and edit application objects
  4. Quickly navigate the builder by using the Developer Toolbar
  5. How to report and chart SQL statements
  6. Page rendering and processing overview
  7. Create a form and associated report

Creating Pages

  1. Creating and modifying a page
  2. Assigning pages to groups
  3. The Page Definition screen and page designer mode
  4. Different page types ranging from reports, forms, and calendars
  5. How to perform an action using page processing

Regions and Items

  1. Create and modify a region
  2. Understanding the different region types
  3. Create and modify buttons
  4. Create and modify items
  5. Understand the different item types
  6. Conditionally display and run components
  7. Customize queries to provide search filters and change display attributes
  8. Download the report to a CSV file

Page Processing

  1. How to validate form input
  2. Use computations to intelligently modify input
  3. Control page flow with branches
  4. Gain understanding of APEX URL structure
  5. Understanding the relationship between items and session state
  6. Introduction to debugging an application

Shared Components

  1. Create a list of links for a better quality of life for users
  2. Understand the relationship between breadcrumb component and breadcrumb region
  3. Save commonly used lookup values using Lists of values (LOVs)
  4. How to organize user navigation using Tabs, navigation bar, breadcrumbs and lists
  5. Create processes that perform work for every page
  6. Create items for tracking global values suck as USER_ID or PREVIOUS_PAGE
  7. Avoid hardcoding values by using shortcuts
  8. Discuss the possibility of web services

Themes and Templates

  1. Understand how to use the theme repository
  2. Learn about the relationship between components and templates
  3. How to effectively manage templates using the Subscription model
  4. Brief intro to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Other Page and Region Types

  1. Interactive reports
  2. Charts for visualizing many data elements
  3. Calendars for organizing data by day/week/month
  4. Display hierarchical data such as an org chart using a tree region
  5. Understand the usefulness of the APEX Global Page (Page Zero) for displaying the same content on multiple pages

Utilities and Reporting

  1. Understand where to find the translation tool
  2. How to manage developer files (CSS, JS, and Images)
  3. Exporting and importing

Advanced Development Techniques

  1. Identify users using Authentication schemes
  2. Define user roles with Authorization schemes
  3. Security concerns and how to prevent threats (Cross Site Scripting, SQL Injection)
  4. Prevent URL tampering with Session State Protection
  5. Introduction to using AJAX

Administration and Deploying An Application

  1. How to prepare applications for deployment
  2. Understand Application Express management tools (users, logs, preferences)
  3. Provision workspaces to organize applications
  4. Define application models for standardizing application creation

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