Curso OpenStack Fundamentals

  • Linux & Suse

Curso OpenStack Fundamentals

24 horas
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to an Ubuntu OpenStack Cloud

  1. Understand OpenStack
  2. Understand Ubuntu’s Approach to OpenStack

Install and Configure MAAS

  1. Understand MAAS Features and Functionality
  2. Understand MAAS Configuration Commands 
  3. Install a MAAS Server
  4. Configure a MAAS Cluster
  5. Commission Machines with MAAS
  6. Work with Tags

Lab I

  1. Prepare the Controller and Compute Nodes that will be part of the OpenStack cloud
  2. Install MAAS packages
  3. Perform initial configuration of a MAAS Server
  4. Configure a MAAS Rack Controller to Manage DHCP
  5. Enable MAAS to manage Libvirt VIrtual Machines
  6. Create a Cloud Infrastructure of VIrtual Machines
  7. Enlist and Commission Virtual Machines in MAAS
  8. Defines Tags for the Clouds Nodes

Install and Configure Juju

  1. Understand Juju Features and Functionality
  2. Understand Charms
  3. Understand Juju Configuration Commands
  4. Install and Configure Juju
  5. Deploy and Configure Services with Juju
  6. Understand Juju Service Deployment Troubleshooting

Lab II

  1. Prepare the OpenStack deployment with Juju app modeller
  2. Install the Juju client
  3. Bootstrap Juju for MAAS
  4. Create Model for Ubuntu OpenStack Deployment
  5. Access Juju GUI
  6. Use juju ssh to connect to a Node

Configure an OpenStack Cloud

  1. Understand OpenStack
  2. Understand OpenStack De
  3. ployment Architecture
  4. Understand OpenStack Deployment Sizes
  5. Understand General OpenStack Configuration Commands
  6. Configure the Global OpenStack Environment
  7. Deploy and OpenStack Cloud with Juju and MAAS
  8. Understand OpenStack Deployment with Juju
  9. Understand Relationships Between Cloud Services
  10. Prepare OpenStack for Use


  1. Deploy OpenStack cloud in two methinds, each charm individually or from a Bundle
  2. Deploy each OpenStack charm component individually
  3. Configure OpenStack CLI access
  4. Deploy OpenStack Cloud from a Bundle

Work with Software-Defined Networks

  1. Understand OpenStack Networking
  2. Understand Neutron Configuration Commands

Lab IV

  1. Define the external network that will be used to communicate outside the Cloud
  2. Define the OpenStack external network

Work with Cloud Images

  1. Understand Glance Features and Functionality
  2. Understand Glance Configuration Commands

Lab V

  1. Create the Images that are used to Instance creation
  2. Upload Images into Glance

Work with Software-Defined Networks

  1. Understand OpenStack Networking
  2. Understand Neutron Configuration Commands

Lab IV

  1. Define the external network that will be used to communicate outside the Cloud
  2. Define the OpenStack external network

Work with Cloud Images

  1. Understand Glance Features and Functionality
  2. Understand Glance Configuration Commands

Lab V

  1. Create the Images that are used to Instance creation
  2. Upload Images into Glance

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