Curso OpenStack for Network Engineers

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Curso OpenStack for Network Engineers

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso OpenStack for Network Engineers, Este workshop examina o uso do painel do OpenStack Horizon, lidando especificamente com como iniciar instâncias (VNFs) e configurá-las. Além disso, o curso aborda tópicos relacionados à criação e configuração de componentes básicos, como criar e gerenciar Projetos, Usuários e Grupos, bem como redes privadas e públicas. Também explicamos como adicionar roteadores e associá-los às redes, bem como abordar alguns tópicos de segurança usando pares de chaves e atribuir IP flutuante.

O curso também fornece aos alunos uma compreensão básica de alguns fundamentos de dimensionamento (aumento e redução) e como migrar instâncias entre nós de computação revisando algumas técnicas de migração.

Por fim, o curso fornece uma compreensão básica de como usar o Open Source Mano (OSM), que atua como o NFV Orchestrator na arquitetura ETSI MANO e como aplicá-lo ao OpenStack, que então atua como um VIM.


Após realizar este Curso OpenStack for Network Engineers, você será capaz de:

  • Visão geral dos principais conceitos em Cloud Computing
  • Visão geral dos principais conceitos do ETSI Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
  • Visão geral da arquitetura e serviços do OpenStack
  • Entenda os serviços básicos do OpenStack, sua administração e armazenamento distribuído
  • Experimente os serviços do OpenStack usando o Horizon Dashboard
  • Experiência em configurar atributos de rede e armazenamento e lançar VMs
  • Experiência em configuração de orquestração NFV e VIM usando OSM e OpenStack
Publico Alvo

Este curso é para arquitetos de rede, gerentes de rede e engenheiros de sistemas. Os administradores e desenvolvedores que implantam aplicativos e infraestrutura no OpenStack também se beneficiarão deste curso. 

Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Current Virtualization Techniques

  1. Deployment for Virtualization
  2. What is the current maturity of Virtual Machines and Containers?
  3. How does Networking work with Virtual Machines and Containers Work?
  4. Benefits and Challenges of Virtual Machines and Containers
  5. Advanced Techniques for Containers and Virtualization
  6. Acceleration Techniques for Virtual Machines and Containers
  7. Networking Techniques for Virtual Machines and Containers

OpenStack Deep Dive

  1. Architecture and Deployment, Including Basic Networking from Consumer Perspective
  2. Component Discussion Focus
  3. Horizon
  4. Nova
  5. Neutron
  6. Glance
  7. Cinder
  8. Keystone
  9. Heat

Installation and Operating OpenStack

  1. Distribution Options (Mirantis, RedHat, and DevStack)
  2. PackStack Deployment & DevStack
  3. Identifying and Using Nodes
  4. Deploying Virtual Machines using OpenStack and Horizon
  5. Deploying Containers using OpenStack and Horizon

Lab 1: Creating Project, Users and Groups

  1. Create Users
  2. Create Groups
  3. Add users to Groups

Scaling Out OpenStack

  1. OpenStack Scalability and Elasticity (including disaggregation of key projects)
  2. Scaling Out with Object Storage
  3. Adding Compute Nodes
  4. Understanding the Need for High Availability

Networking with OpenStack

  1. Using Layer-2 Networking (Ethernet and Switching)
  2. Using Layer-3 Networking (DHCP, IP, Security Groups)
  3. Provider Networks and Self-service Networks
  4. OpenStack Network Services
  5. Routing services
  6. VPNaaS, LBaaS and FWaaS

Lab 2: Adding Router and Interfaces

  1. Create internal network as a User
  2. Create External Network as User.
  3. Create a Router.
  4. Adding interface to the Router.
  5. Confirm Router and interfaces in Topology.

Lab 3: Security with Key Pair and Floating IP

  1. Create a Private Network
  2. Create a Security Group.
  3. Assigning Key Pair.
  4. Adding ICMP and SSH Rule
  5. Attaching Instance to the Private Network
  6. Creating Router and adding Multiple Interfaces
  7. Allocating Floating IP
  8. Providing Private Network Instance access via Floating IP

Lab 4: Static Routing

  1. Create Subnetted Private Networks.
  2. Create Routers.
  3. Attach Instances to Subnetted Networks.
  4. Interconnect Subnets using Static Routes.
  5. Verify reachability between Subnets configured with static routes

Scaling Out with Software Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization

  1. Using Neutron with an SDN Controller
  2. Integrating the SDN Controller into OpenStack
  3. Using Open Stack for NFV Management and Orchestration
  4. Service Function Chaining
  5. Using NFV MANO Descriptors
  6. Onboarding
  7. Heat NFV Templates
  8. OpenStack Tacker
  9. Deploying VNFs, Service Function Chains
  10. Integration of NFV Open Source Platforms
  11. Open Networking Automation Platform (ONAP)
  12. Open Source Mano (OSM)
  13. OpenBaton

Lab 5: Tacker Lab with Single VNF

  1. Create a VIM.
  2. Onboard a VNF.
  3. Add a Sample Single VNF TOSCA template file.
  4. Add a VNF Catalog.
  5. Deploying the VNF.
  6. Verifying the deployed VNF instance.

Lab 6: Tacker Lab with VNF Monitoring

  1. Create a VIM.
  2. Onboard a VNF.
  3. Uploading a TOSCA template monitoring File.
  4. Adding a VNF Catalog.
  5. Console Access for deployed VNF.
  6. Pulling the VNF interface down.
  7. Verify Instance state from host machine.
  8. Monitoring with PING as per Policy.
  9. Confirm the Respawn of VNF.

Lab 7: Openstack and OSM Lab

  1. Introduction to the OSM GUI
  2. Onboarding 2 VNFs with OSM
  3. Onboarding the 2 VNFs as part of Network Service within OSM
  4. Launching Network Service in OSM

Lab 8: VIM Emulation with OSM

  • Introduction to VIM emulation in CLI
  • Attaching OSM to VIM Emulation (Vim-Emu)
  • Onboarding the 2 VNFs and NS
  • Launching the Network Service.
  • Connecting the 2 VNFs and verifying the reachability between them.

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