Visão Geral
Curso OpenStack for Network Engineers, Este workshop examina o uso do painel do OpenStack Horizon, lidando especificamente com como iniciar instâncias (VNFs) e configurá-las. Além disso, o curso aborda tópicos relacionados à criação e configuração de componentes básicos, como criar e gerenciar Projetos, Usuários e Grupos, bem como redes privadas e públicas. Também explicamos como adicionar roteadores e associá-los às redes, bem como abordar alguns tópicos de segurança usando pares de chaves e atribuir IP flutuante.
O curso também fornece aos alunos uma compreensão básica de alguns fundamentos de dimensionamento (aumento e redução) e como migrar instâncias entre nós de computação revisando algumas técnicas de migração.
Por fim, o curso fornece uma compreensão básica de como usar o Open Source Mano (OSM), que atua como o NFV Orchestrator na arquitetura ETSI MANO e como aplicá-lo ao OpenStack, que então atua como um VIM.
Após realizar este Curso OpenStack for Network Engineers, você será capaz de:
- Visão geral dos principais conceitos em Cloud Computing
- Visão geral dos principais conceitos do ETSI Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
- Visão geral da arquitetura e serviços do OpenStack
- Entenda os serviços básicos do OpenStack, sua administração e armazenamento distribuído
- Experimente os serviços do OpenStack usando o Horizon Dashboard
- Experiência em configurar atributos de rede e armazenamento e lançar VMs
- Experiência em configuração de orquestração NFV e VIM usando OSM e OpenStack
Publico Alvo
Este curso é para arquitetos de rede, gerentes de rede e engenheiros de sistemas. Os administradores e desenvolvedores que implantam aplicativos e infraestrutura no OpenStack também se beneficiarão deste curso.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico
Current Virtualization Techniques
- Deployment for Virtualization
- What is the current maturity of Virtual Machines and Containers?
- How does Networking work with Virtual Machines and Containers Work?
- Benefits and Challenges of Virtual Machines and Containers
- Advanced Techniques for Containers and Virtualization
- Acceleration Techniques for Virtual Machines and Containers
- Networking Techniques for Virtual Machines and Containers
OpenStack Deep Dive
- Architecture and Deployment, Including Basic Networking from Consumer Perspective
- Component Discussion Focus
- Horizon
- Nova
- Neutron
- Glance
- Cinder
- Keystone
- Heat
Installation and Operating OpenStack
- Distribution Options (Mirantis, RedHat, and DevStack)
- PackStack Deployment & DevStack
- Identifying and Using Nodes
- Deploying Virtual Machines using OpenStack and Horizon
- Deploying Containers using OpenStack and Horizon
Lab 1: Creating Project, Users and Groups
- Create Users
- Create Groups
- Add users to Groups
Scaling Out OpenStack
- OpenStack Scalability and Elasticity (including disaggregation of key projects)
- Scaling Out with Object Storage
- Adding Compute Nodes
- Understanding the Need for High Availability
Networking with OpenStack
- Using Layer-2 Networking (Ethernet and Switching)
- Using Layer-3 Networking (DHCP, IP, Security Groups)
- Provider Networks and Self-service Networks
- OpenStack Network Services
- Routing services
- VPNaaS, LBaaS and FWaaS
Lab 2: Adding Router and Interfaces
- Create internal network as a User
- Create External Network as User.
- Create a Router.
- Adding interface to the Router.
- Confirm Router and interfaces in Topology.
Lab 3: Security with Key Pair and Floating IP
- Create a Private Network
- Create a Security Group.
- Assigning Key Pair.
- Adding ICMP and SSH Rule
- Attaching Instance to the Private Network
- Creating Router and adding Multiple Interfaces
- Allocating Floating IP
- Providing Private Network Instance access via Floating IP
Lab 4: Static Routing
- Create Subnetted Private Networks.
- Create Routers.
- Attach Instances to Subnetted Networks.
- Interconnect Subnets using Static Routes.
- Verify reachability between Subnets configured with static routes
Scaling Out with Software Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization
- Using Neutron with an SDN Controller
- Integrating the SDN Controller into OpenStack
- Using Open Stack for NFV Management and Orchestration
- Service Function Chaining
- Using NFV MANO Descriptors
- Onboarding
- Heat NFV Templates
- OpenStack Tacker
- Deploying VNFs, Service Function Chains
- Integration of NFV Open Source Platforms
- Open Networking Automation Platform (ONAP)
- Open Source Mano (OSM)
- OpenBaton
Lab 5: Tacker Lab with Single VNF
- Create a VIM.
- Onboard a VNF.
- Add a Sample Single VNF TOSCA template file.
- Add a VNF Catalog.
- Deploying the VNF.
- Verifying the deployed VNF instance.
Lab 6: Tacker Lab with VNF Monitoring
- Create a VIM.
- Onboard a VNF.
- Uploading a TOSCA template monitoring File.
- Adding a VNF Catalog.
- Console Access for deployed VNF.
- Pulling the VNF interface down.
- Verify Instance state from host machine.
- Monitoring with PING as per Policy.
- Confirm the Respawn of VNF.
Lab 7: Openstack and OSM Lab
- Introduction to the OSM GUI
- Onboarding 2 VNFs with OSM
- Onboarding the 2 VNFs as part of Network Service within OSM
- Launching Network Service in OSM
Lab 8: VIM Emulation with OSM
- Introduction to VIM emulation in CLI
- Attaching OSM to VIM Emulation (Vim-Emu)
- Onboarding the 2 VNFs and NS
- Launching the Network Service.
- Connecting the 2 VNFs and verifying the reachability between them.