Visão Geral
O curso "Node.js Fundamentals" é projetado para fornecer uma introdução abrangente ao Node.js, um ambiente de execução poderoso e popular que permite que o JavaScript seja usado para desenvolvimento no lado do servidor. Este curso abordará os conceitos fundamentais do Node.js, desde a compreensão do ambiente de execução até a construção e implantação de aplicações simples. Ao final do Curso Node JS Fundamentals, os participantes terão uma base sólida em Node.js, capacitando-os a desenvolver e manter aplicações web escaláveis e de alto desempenho.
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction to Node.js
- What is Node.js?
- Node.js architecture and the event loop
- Installing and setting up Node.js
- Running your first Node.js script
Node.js Modules and npm
- Understanding modules in Node.js
- Built-in modules (fs, path, http, etc.)
- Creating custom modules
- Introduction to npm (Node Package Manager)
- Managing dependencies with npm
Asynchronous Programming in Node.js
- Callback functions and the callback pattern
- Promises and async/await syntax
- Handling asynchronous operations in Node.js
- Managing concurrency in Node.js applications
Building Web Servers with Node.js
- Creating a simple HTTP server
- Understanding request and response objects
- Serving static files with Node.js
- Introduction to Express.js
- Building a basic web application with Express.js
Working with RESTful APIs
- Understanding RESTful principles
- Building a simple RESTful API with Node.js and Express.js
- Handling different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
- Parsing JSON and URL-encoded data
- Introduction to middleware in Express.js
Working with File Systems and Streams
- Reading and writing files in Node.js
- Working with streams and buffers
- Handling file uploads and downloads
- Using the
module to interact with the file system
Error Handling and Debugging
- Error handling in Node.js (try/catch, error objects)
- Debugging Node.js applications
- Using debugging tools (Node.js inspector, Chrome DevTools)
- Best practices for error handling in Node.js
Deploying Node.js Applications
- Preparing a Node.js application for deployment
- Hosting Node.js applications on platforms like Heroku, AWS, etc.
- Environment variables and configuration management
- Scaling Node.js applications
Introduction to Databases in Node.js
- Connecting to databases (e.g., MongoDB, MySQL)
- Performing CRUD operations
- Using ORMs and ODMs (e.g., Mongoose)
- Data validation and error handling with databases
Real-World Applications and Best Practices
- Case studies of Node.js in production
- Best practices for developing scalable Node.js applications
- Security considerations in Node.js applications
- Future trends in Node.js development