Curso MongoDB Developer and Administrator

  • Database

Curso MongoDB Developer and Administrator

32 horas
Visão Geral

Com Curso MongoDB Developer and Administrator, você aprenderá sobre replicação de dados com MongoDB e obterá insights sobre instalação, atualização e manutenção do ambiente MongoDB. 

MongoDB lança luz sobre os tópicos de análise de dados, como: modelagem de dados, ingestão, consulta e fragmentação, replicação de dados com MongoDB junto com a instalação, atualização e manutenção do ambiente MongoDB, o conhecimento sobre todos esses tópicos deixaria os candidatos confiantes para cobrar do trabalhos relacionados à análise de dados e realizá-los com precisão.

  • Como desenvolver experiência na escrita de aplicativos Java e Node.JS usando MongoDB
  • Como implementar as habilidades de replicação e fragmentação de dados no MongoDB para otimizar o desempenho de leitura/gravação
  • Como Realizar a instalação, configuração e manutenção do ambiente MongoDB
  • Como desenvolver conjuntos de habilidades que ajudam no processamento de uma grande quantidade de dados usando ferramentas MongoDB
  • Como armazenar dados não estruturados no MongoDB
  • Como configurar, aplicar os métodos de backup e monitorar e executar estratégias operacionais
  • Como implementar a compreensão do gerenciamento de DB Notes, conjunto de réplicas e conceitos Master-Slave
Publico Alvo
  • Administradores de banco de dados
  • Arquitetos de banco de dados
  • Desenvolvedores de software
  • Arquitetos de Software
  • Gerentes de projeto
  • Profissionais de pesquisa
  • Profissionais de análise
  • Profissionais de banco de dados
  • Desenvolvedores de TI
  • Testadores
  • Administradores de sistema
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

An Overview of the Course

  1. Introduction to the course
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Course Objectives
  4. Course Overview
  5. Value to Professionals and Organizations

MongoDB A Database for the Modern Web

  1. MongoDB-A Database for the Modern Web
  2. Introduction to MongoDB?
  3. JSON
  4. JSON Structure
  5. BSON
  6. MongoDB Structure
  7. Document Store Example
  8. MongoDB as a Document Database
  9. Transaction Management in MongoDB
  10. Easy Scaling
  11. Scaling Up vs. Scaling Out
  12. Vertical Scaling
  13. Horizontal Scaling
  14. Features of MongoDB
  15. Secondary Indexes
  16. Replication
  17. Memory Management
  18. Replica Set
  19. Auto Sharding
  20. Aggregation and MapReduce
  21. Collection and Database
  22. Schema Design and Modeling
  23. Reference Data Model
  24. Reference Data Model Example
  25. Embedded Data Model
  26. Embedded Data Model Example
  27. Data Types
  28. Data Types (contd.)
  29. Data Types (contd.)
  30. Core Servers of MongoDB
  31. MongoDB's Tools
  32. Installing MongoDB on Linux
  33. Installing MongoDB on Windows
  34. Starting MongoDB On Linux
  35. Starting MongoDB On Windows
  36. Use Cases

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

  1. CRUD Operations in MongoDB
  2. Objectives
  3. Data Modification in MongoDB
  4. Batch Insert in MongoDB
  5. Ordered Bulk Insert
  6. Performing Ordered Bulk Insert
  7. Unordered Bulk Insert
  8. Performing Un-ordered Bulk Insert
  9. Inserts: Internals and Implications
  10. Performing an Insert Operation
  11. Retrieving the documents
  12. Specify Equality Condition
  13. Retrieving Documents by Find Query
  14. $in, $or, and “AND” Conditions
  15. $or Operator
  16. Specify AND/OR Conditions
  17. Retrieving Documents by Using FindOne, AND/OR Conditions
  18. Regular Expression
  19. Array Exact Match
  20. Array Projection Operators
  21. Retrieving Documents for Array Fields
  22. $Where Query
  23. Cursor
  24. Retrieving Documents Using Cursor
  25. Pagination
  26. Pagination: Avoiding Larger Skips
  27. Advance query option
  28. Update Operation
  29. Updating Documents in MongoDB
  30. $SET
  31. Updating Embedded Documents in MongoDB
  32. Updating Multiple Documents in MongoDB
  33. $Unset and $inc Modifiers
  34. $inc modifier to increment and decrement
  35. Replacing Existing Document with New Document
  36. $Push and $addToSet
  37. Positional Array Modification
  38. Adding Elements into Array Fields
  39. Adding Elements to Array Fields Using AddToSet
  40. Performing AddToSet
  41. Upsert
  42. Removing Documents
  43. Performing Upsert and Remove Operation

Indexing and Aggregation

  1. Indexing and Aggregation
  2. Objectives
  3. Introduction to Indexing
  4. Types of Index
  5. Properties of Index
  6. Single Field Index
  7. Single Field Index on Embedded Document
  8. Compound Indexes
  9. Index Prefixes
  10. Sort Order
  11. Ensure Indexes Fit RAM
  12. Multi-Key Indexes
  13. Compound Multi-Key Indexes
  14. Hashed Indexes
  15. TTL Indexes
  16. Unique Indexes
  17. Sparse Indexes
  18. Demo—Create Compound, Sparse, and Unique Indexes
  19. Text Indexes
  20. Demo—Create Single Field and Text Index
  21. Text Search
  22. Index Creation
  23. Index Creation on Replica Set
  24. Remove Indexes
  25. Modify Indexes
  26. DemoDrop and Index from a Collection
  27. Rebuild Indexes
  28. Listing Indexes
  29. DemoRetrieve Indexes for a Collection and Database
  30. Measure Index Use
  31. Demo—Use Mongo Shell Methods to Monitor Indexes
  32. Control Index Use
  33. Demo—Use the Explain, $Hint and $Natural Operators to Creation
  34. Index Use Reporting
  35. Geospatial Index
  36. DemoCreate Geospatial Index
  37. MongoDBs Geospatial Query Operators
  38. Demo—Use Geospatial Index in a Query
  39. $GeoWith Operator
  40. Proximity Queries in MongoDB Aggregation
  41. Pipeline Operators and Indexes
  42. Aggregate Pipeline Stages
  43. The Aggregation Example
  44. Demo—Use Aggregate Function
  45. MapReduce
  46. Demo—Use MapReduce in MongoDB
  47. Aggregation Operations
  48. Demo—Use Distinct and Count Methods
  49. Aggregation Operations (contd.)
  50. Demo—Use the Group Function

Replication and Sharding

  1. Replication and Sharding
  2. Objectives
  3. Introduction to Replication
  4. Master-Slave Replication
  5. Replica Set in MongoDB
  6. Automatic Failover
  7. Replica Set Members
  8. Priority 0 Replica Set Members
  9. Hidden Replica Set Members
  10. Delayed Replica Set Members
  11. Demo—Start a Replica Set
  12. Write Concern
  13. Write Concern Levels
  14. Write Concern for a Replica Set
  15. Modify Default Write Concern
  16. Read Preference
  17. Read Preference Modes
  18. Blocking for Replication
  19. Tag Set
  20. Configure Tag Sets for Replica set
  21. Replica Set Deployment Strategies
  22. Replica Set Deployment Strategies (contd.)
  23. Replica Set Deployment Patterns
  24. Oplog File
  25. Replication State and Local Database
  26. Replication Administration
  27. Demo—Check a Replica Set Status
  28. Sharding
  29. When to Use Sharding?
  30. What is a Shard?
  31. What is a Shard Key
  32. Choosing a Shard Key
  33. Ideal Shard Key
  34. Range-Based Shard Key
  35. Hash-Based Sharding
  36. Impact of Shard Keys on Cluster Operation
  37. Production Cluster Architecture
  38. Config Server Availability
  39. Production Cluster Deployment
  40. Deploy a Sharded Cluster
  41. Add Shards to a Cluster
  42. Demo—Create a Sharded Cluster
  43. Enable Sharding for Database
  44. Enable Sharding for Collection
  45. Enable Sharding for Collection (contd.
  46. Maintaining a Balanced Data Distribution
  47. Splitting
  48. Chunk Size
  49. Special Chunk Type
  50. Shard Balancing
  51. Shard Balancing (contd.)
  52. Customized Data Distribution with Tag Aware Sharding
  53. Tag Aware Sharding
  54. Add Shard Tags
  55. Remove Shard Tags

Developing Java and Node JS Application with MongoDB

  1. Developing Java and Node JS Application with MongoDB Objectives Capped
  2. Collection Capped Collection Creation Capped Collection Creation (contd.)
  3. Demo—Create a Capped Collection in MongoDB
  4. Capped Collection Restriction
  5. TTL Collection Features Demo—Create TTL Indexes
  6. GridFS GridFS Collection Demo—Create GridFS in MongoDB Java Application
  7. MongoDB Drivers and Client Libraries
  8. Develop Java Application with MongoDB
  9. Connecting to MonogDB from Java Program
  10. Create Collection From Java Program
  11. Insert Documents From Java Program
  12. Insert Documents Using Java Code Example
  13. Demo—Insert a Document Using Java
  14. Retrieve Documents Using Java Code
  15. Demo—Retrieve Document Using Java
  16. Update Documents Using Java Code Demo—
  17. Update Document Using Java
  18. Delete Documents Using Java Code
  19. Demo—Delete Document Using Java
  20. Store Images Using GridFS API
  21. Retrieve Images Using GridFS API
  22. Remove Image Using GridFS API
  23. Connection Creation Using Node JS
  24. Insert Operations Using Node JS
  25. Demo—Perform CRUD Operation in Node JS
  26. Demo—Perform Insert and Retrieve Operations Using Node JS
  27. Update Operations Using Node JS Retrieve
  28. Documents Using Node JS
  29. Using DB Cursor to Retrieve Documents
  30. Mongoose ODM Module in Node JS
  31. Defining Schema Using Mongoose
  32. Demo—Use Mongoose to Define Schema
  33. Demo—How to Run Node JS Using Mongoose

Administration of MongoDB Cluster Operations

  1. Administration of MongoDB Cluster Operations
  2. Objectives
  3. Capped Collection
  4. Capped Collection Creation Capped Collection Creation (contd.)
  5. Demo-Create a Capped Collection in MongoDB
  6. Capped Collection Restriction
  7. TTL Collection Features
  8. Demo-Create TTL Indexes
  9. Grid FS
  10. Grid FS Collection
  11. Demo-Create GridFS in MongoDB Java Application
  12. Memory-Mapped Files
  13. Journaling Mechanics
  14. Storage Engines MMAPv1 Storage Engine
  15. WiredTiger Storage Engine
  16. WiredTiger Compression Support
  17. Power of 2-Sized Allocations
  18. No Padding Allocation Strategy
  19. Diagnosing Performance Issues
  20. Demo-Monitor Performance in MongoDB
  21. Optimization Strategies for MongoDB
  22. Configure Tag Sets for Replica Set
  23. Optimizing the Query Performance
  24. Monitor the Strategies for MongoDB
  25. About the MongoDB Utilities
  26. The MongoDB Commands
  27. About the MongoDB Management service (MMS)
  28. Data Backup Strategies in MongoDB
  29. Copying Underlying Data Files
  30. Backup with MongoDump
  31. Fsync and Lock
  32. MongoDB Ops Manager Backup Software
  33. Security Strategies in MongoDB
  34. Authentication Implementation in MongoDB
  35. Authentication in a Replica set
  36. Authentication on Sharded Clusters
  37. Authorization
  38. End-to-End Auditing for Compliance

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