Curso Linux LPIC 102 Preparatório para a Certificacao

  • Linux & Suse

Curso Linux LPIC 102 Preparatório para a Certificacao

32 horas
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Curso Linux LPIC 102 Preparatório para a Certificação

LPIC-1 é a primeira certificação no programa de certificação profissional Linux multinível da LPI. O LPIC-1 validará a capacidade do candidato de  realizar tarefas de manutenção na linha de comando, instalar e configurar um computador executando Linux e configurar redes básicas.

Este curso LPIC-1 Exam Prep (Curso 2) prepara os alunos para fazer o exame LPI 102 da certificação LPI nível 1. O Linux Professional Institute (LPI) é o organismo de certificação para certificações Linux independentes de fornecedores. Este curso abrange habilidades fundamentais do Linux, como gerenciamento e manipulação de arquivos, processamento de texto, uso de linha de comando, gerenciamento de pacotes, sistemas de arquivos, hardware e muito mais. Os alunos se sentirão confiantes ao fazer o exame LPI LPIC-1 102 com avaliações em sala de aula e exames práticos.

Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Account And Security Administration

  1. LPI Objectives Covered
  2. Gathering System Info
  3. Approaches to Storing User Accounts
  4. User and Group Concepts
  5. User Private Group Schem
  6. User Administration
  7. Modifying Accounts
  8. Group Administration
  9. Password Aging
  10. Limiting Logins
  11. Default User Files
  12. su and Wheel
  13. sudo
  14. Setting Resource Limits via ulimit
  16. lsof and fuser

Customizing The Shell And Writing Simple Scripts

  1. LPI Objectives Covered
  2. Configuration Files
  3. Script Execution
  4. Bash: Configuration Files
  5. Shell and Environment Variables
  6. Bash Shell Options
  7. Bash: 'shortcuts'
  8. Bash: prompt
  9. Nesting Commands
  10. Shell Script Strengths and Weaknesses
  11. Example Shell Script
  12. Positional Parameters
  13. Input & Output
  14. Doing Math
  15. Comparisons with test
  16. Exit Status
  17. Conditional Statements
  18. Flow Control: case
  19. The for Loop
  20. The while and until Loops
  21. Functions
  22. Sending and Receiving Email with mailx

Automating Tasks

  1. LPI Objectives Covered
  2. Automating Tasks
  3. at/batch
  4. cron
  5. The crontab Command
  6. crontab Format
  7. /etc/cron.*/ Directories
  8. Anacron


  1. LPI Objectives Covered
  2. IPv4 Fundamentals
  3. TCP/UDP Fundamentals
  4. IPv6
  5. Linux Network Interfaces
  6. Ethernet Hardware Tools
  7. Configuring Routing Tables
  8. Network Configuration with ip Command
  9. Starting and Stopping Interfaces
  10. SUSE YaST Network Configuration Tool
  11. Hostname and Domain Name
  12. Name Resolution
  13. DNS Clients
  14. Network Diagnostics
  15. Information from ss and netstat
  16. nmap
  17. Netcat

X Window System

  1. LPI Objectives Covered
  2. The X Window System
  3. X Modularity
  4. X.Org Drivers
  5. Starting X
  6. Configuring X Manually
  7. Automatic X Configuration
  8. Xorg and Fonts
  9. Installing Fonts for Modern Applications
  10. Installing Fonts for Legacy Applications
  11. The X11 Protocol and Display Names
  12. Display Managers and Graphical Login
  13. X Access Control
  14. Remote X Access (historical/insecure)
  15. Remote X Access (modern/secure)
  16. Customizing X Sessions
  17. Starting X Apps Automatically

Accessibility And Localization

  1. LPI Objectives Covered
  2. GNOME Accessibility Support
  3. Internationalization & Localization
  4. Character Encodings
  5. Locales
  6. Setting the Time Zone

Time And Printing

  1. LPI Objectives Covered
  2. Hardware and System Clock
  3. Managing Network-Wide Time
  4. Continual Time Sync with NTP
  5. Configuring NTP Clients
  6. Useful NTP Commands
  7. Common UNIX Printing System
  8. Defining a Printer
  9. Standard Print Commands
  10. CUPS Troubleshooting

Log File Administration

  1. LPI Objectives Covered
  2. System Logging
  3. Syslog-ng
  4. systemd Journal
  5. systemd Journal's journactl
  6. Secure Logging with Journal's Log Sealing
  7. Rsyslog
  8. /etc/rsyslog.conf
  9. Log Management
  10. Sending logs from the shell

SQL And MTA Fundamentals

  1. LPI Objectives Covered
  2. Popular SQL Databases
  3. SELECT Statements
  4. INSERT Statements
  5. UPDATE Statements
  6. DELETE Statements
  7. JOIN Clauses
  8. SMTP
  9. SMTP Terminology
  10. SMTP Architecture
  11. Sendmail Architecture
  12. Sending Email with sendmail
  13. Sendmail Components
  14. Exim
  15. Postfix Features
  16. Postfix Architecture
  17. Postfix Components
  18. Postfix Map Types
  19. Configuration Commands

Host Security And Encryption

  1. LPI Objectives Covered
  2. Controlling Login Sessions
  3. Xinetd
  4. TCP Wrappers
  5. /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} Shortcuts
  6. Advanced TCP Wrappers
  7. Discovering Hosts
  8. Secure Shell
  9. ssh and sshd Configuration
  10. Accessing Remote Shells
  11. SSH Port Forwarding
  12. Transferring Files
  13. Alternative sftp Clients
  14. SSH Key Management
  15. ssh-agent
  16. GPG – GNU Privacy Guard

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