Curso Linux LPI 202 Selected network services and network security

  • Linux & Suse

Curso Linux LPI 202 Selected network services and network security

32 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Linux LPI 202 Selected network services and network security, ma visão prática dos serviços de rede mais importantes para um administrador: do Apache, servidores proxy e Samba, passando por NFS , servidores DHCP e LDAP , até servidores de correio, segurança e solução de problemas e monitoramento.

Publico Alvo

Este Curso Linux LPI 202 Selected network services and network security é destinado a pessoas interessadas em fazer o exame LPI 202 e que dominam os tópicos abordados pelo certificado LPIC -1 – ou seja, noções básicas de trabalho em Linux, linha de comando e configuração do sistema.

Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Network services

  1. Apache server
  2. Configuration
  3. Interesting modules

Server security

  1. SSL, OpenSSL
  2. Virtual servers in Apache 2.x

Proxy servers – Squid

  1. Samba – MS Windows integration:
  2. A theoretical introduction;
  3. Server configuration;
  4. Clients;

Sharing files via NFS

  1. NFS configuration: client- and server-side
  2. Fundamental tools
  3. Access control
  4. TCP Wrapper

DHCP server

  1. Server configuration
  2. BOOTP and DHCP protocols
  3. Best practices in DHCP server management

LDAP catalog services in Linux

  1. Using the LDAP client: data modification
  2. Importing and adding objects
  3. Managing users

E-mail systems based on Postfix

  1. Design, setup, configuration
  2. Maps and data sources
  3. Postfix server – management, command line tools
  4. Procmail
  5. Secure e-mail infrastructure based on Postfix and Dovecot (IMAP and POP3), monitoring its work.


  1. PAM authentication
  2. IPTables as a firewall: configuration, a simple NAT and typical setup
  3. A safe FTP server – vsftpd
  4. Using SSH and SFTP; SSH server

Problem solving and system monitoring

  1. Boot problems solving
  2. Syslog
  3. Useful tools
  4. Most common problems

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