Visão Geral
Este Curso Kafka Advanced for DevOps, Architects and Developers, ensina o básico ao avançado da plataforma de streaming distribuído Apache Kafka . A plataforma de streaming distribuído Apache Kafka é uma das plataformas de streaming confiáveis mais poderosas e amplamente utilizadas. Kafka é tolerante a falhas, altamente escalável e usado para agregação de logs, processamento de fluxo, fontes de eventos e logs de confirmação. Kafka é usado pelo LinkedIn, Yahoo, Twitter, Square, Uber, Box, PayPal, Etsy e muito mais para permitir o processamento de fluxo, mensagens online, facilitar a computação na memória fornecendo um log de confirmação distribuído, coleta de dados para big data e muito mais .
Este Curso Kafka Advanced for DevOps, Architects and Developers fornece uma introdução técnica a todas as áreas conceituais e práticas necessárias para usar a Kafka Streaming Platform com sucesso e implantá-la em produção.
- Ele foi escrito expressamente para desenvolvedores que devem desenvolver e DevOps que devem implantar com ênfase em implantações da AWS. O curso fornece uma base sólida na arquitetura ok Kafka e como trabalhar com ela.
- Depois de fazer este curso, você estará pronto para trabalhar com Kafka de maneira informada e produtiva.
- Fornecemos mais do que apenas treinamento para desenvolvedores. Fornecemos o treinamento para maximizar sua experiência de desenvolvedor e DevOps.
- Neste curso prático de 32 horas, desenvolvedores e DevOps aprendem como criar aplicativos que podem publicar dados e assinar dados de um cluster Kafka. Eles aprendem sobre a configuração e manutenção desse cluster.
Microsserviços Kafka
Kafka é um ingrediente-chave no desenvolvimento de microsserviços . Ele ajuda a afastar você de arquiteturas de estado compartilhado lentas e sem resposta com sua abundância de falhas em cascata para sistemas de atores na memória feitos em fluxos Kafka, QBit e Akka . Podemos mostrar como configurar a plataforma de streaming Kafka como parte de sua arquitetura de microsserviços reativa de alta velocidade . Technology stacks like Kafka, Akka e QBit são a espinha dorsal dos microsserviços orientados a eventos.
Deixe-nos ajudá-lo a configurar uma base sólida na arquitetura e no modelo de dados da Kafka Streaming Platform e como implantá-la corretamente com base em seus casos de uso na AWS.
Resumo do curso Kafka:
- Introdução ao Kafka
- Configuração do Kafka
- Arquitetura Kafka, Casos de Uso e Melhores Práticas
- Produtores de Redação
- Escrevendo consumidores
- Manipulação de fluxos e integração
- Administrador de cluster
- Trabalhando com partições para processamento paralelo e resiliência
- Implantando o Kafka na AWS para sobreviver a uma única falha de AZ
- Como implantar o Kafka na AWS usando um espelhamento de cluster em várias regiões
- Integração Kafka com Spark
- Consumidores Complexos
- Produtores Avançados
- Euro
- Registro de esquema
- Executando o Kafka Cluster na AWS
- Kafka REST Proxy
- Fluxo Kafka
- Kafka Connect
- Consumidores multi-thread
Conteúdo Programatico
Kafka Introduction
- Architecture
- Overview of key concepts
- Overview of ZooKeeper
- Cluster, Nodes, Kafka Brokers
- Consumers, Producers, Logs, Partitions, Records, Keys
- Partitions for write throughput
- Partitions for Consumer parallelism (multi-threaded consumers)
- Replicas, Followers, Leaders
- How to scale writes
- Disaster recovery
- Performance profile of Kafka
- Consumer Groups, “High Water Mark”, what do consumers see
- Consumer load balancing and fail-over
- Working with Partitions for parallel processing and resiliency
- Brief Overview of Kafka Streams, Kafka Connectors, Kafka REST
Lab Kafka Setup single node, single ZooKeeper
- Create a topic
- Produce and consume messages from the command line
Lab Set up Kafka multi-broker cluster
- Configure and set up three servers
- Create a topic with replication and partitions
- Produce and consume messages from the command line
Writing Kafka Producers Basics
- Introduction to Producer Java API and basic configuration
Lab Write Kafka Java Producer
- Create topic from command line
- View topic layout of partitions topology from command line
- View log details
- Use ./ to verify replication is correct
Writing Kafka Consumers Basics
- Introduction to Consumer Java API and basic configuration
Lab Write Java Consumer
- View how far behind the consumer is from the command line
- Force failover and verify new leaders are chosen
Low-level Kafka Architecture
- Motivation Focus on high-throughput
- Embrace file system / OS caches and how this impacts OS setup and usage
- File structure on disk and how data is written
- Kafka Producer load balancing details
- Producer Record batching by size and time
- Producer async commit and commit (flush, close)
- Pull vs poll and backpressure
- Compressions via message batches (unified compression to server, disk and consumer)
- Consumer poll batching, long poll
- Consumer Trade-offs of requesting larger batches
- Consumer Liveness and fail over redux
- Managing consumer position (auto-commit, async commit and sync commit)
- Messaging At most once, At least once, Exactly once
- Performance trade-offs message delivery semantics
- Performance trade-offs of poll size
- Replication, Quorums, ISRs, committed records
- Failover and leadership election
- Log compaction by key
- Failure scenarios
Writing Advanced Kafka Producers
- Using batching (time/size)
- Using compression
- Async producers and sync producers
- Commit and async commit
- Default partitioning (round robin no key, partition on key if key)
- Controlling which partition records are written to (custom partitioning)
- Message routing to a particular partition (use cases for this)
- Advanced Producer configuration
Lab 1: Write Kafka Advanced Producer
- Use message batching and compression
Lab 2: Use round-robin partition
Lab 3: Use a custom message routing scheme
Writing Advanced Kafka Consumers
- Adjusting poll read size
- Implementing at most once message semantics using Java API
- Implementing at least once message semantics using Java API
- Implementing as close as we can get to exactly once Java API
- Re-consume messages that are already consumed
- Using ConsumerRebalanceListener to start consuming from a certain offset (*)
- Assigning a consumer a specific partition (use cases for this)
Lab 1 Write Java Advanced Consumer
Lab 2 Adjusting poll read size
Lab 3 Implementing at most once message semantics using Java API
Lab 4 Implementing at least once message semantics using Java API
Lab 5 Implementing as close as we can get to exactly once Java API
Schema Management in Kafka
- Avro overview
- Avro Schemas
- Flexible Schemas with JSON and defensive programming
- Using Kafka’s Schema Registry
- Topic Schema management
- Validation of schema
- Prevent producers that don’t align with topic schema
Lab1 Topic Schema management
- Validation of schema
- Prevent Consumer from accepting unexpected schema / defensive programming
- Prevent producers from sending messages that don’t align with schema registry
Kafka Security
- SSL for Encrypting transport and Authentication
- Setting up keys
- Using SSL for authentication instead of username/password
- Setup keystore for transport encryption
- Setup truststore for authentication
- Producer to server encryption
- Consumer to server encryption
- Kafka broker to Kafka broker encryption
- SASL for Authentication
- Overview of SASL
- Integrating SASL with Active Directory
- Securing ZooKeeper
Optional Lab setting up SSL for transport encryption from Consumer to Kafka broker
Kafka Disaster Recovery
- Mirror Maker, cluster replication to another DC/region
- Deploying partitions spread over racks or AZs
- Using Mirror Maker to setup mirroring from DC/region to DC/region
Optional Lab: Setup mirror maker running locally
Kafka Cluster Admin and Ops
- OS config and hardware selection (EC2 instance type selection)
- Monitoring Kafka KPIs
- Monitoring Consumer Lag (consumer group inspection)
- Log Retention and Compaction
- Fault tolerant Cluster
- Growing your cluster
- Reassign partitions
- Broker configuration details
- Topic configuration details
- Producer configuration details
- Consumer configuration details
- ZooKeeper configuration details
- Tools to managing ZooKeeper
- Accessing JMX from command line
- Using dump-log segment from command line
- Replaying a log (replay log producer)
- Re-consume messages that are already consumed
- Setting Consumer Group Offset from command line
- Kafka Migration Tool − migrate a broker from one version to another
- Mirror Maker − Mirroring one Kafka cluster to another (one DC/region to another DC/region)
- Consumer Offset Checker − Displays Consumer Group, Topic, Partitions, Offset, logSize, Owner for the specified set of Topics, Partitions and Consumer Group
Optional Lab Kafka Admin
- Use JMX tool to look at Kafka metrics
- Use Offset Checker to set offset for a particular consumer group
- Use replaying a log to send messages from one topic to another
Optional Session 11: Kafka AWS
- Brief overview of VPC, EC2, CloudFormation
- Brief overview to CloudWatch and sending custom metrics from Kafka JMXTool
- AWS clustering networking (up to 10GBE), placement groups
- Deploying Kafka to private subnet in AWS VPC
- Setting up NACL, routes and security groups
- Data at Rest Encryption using AWS KMS
- EBS considerations for Kafka (performance profiles, IOPs, JBOD)
- Local volume IOPs vs EBS
- Brief review of AWS cmd line tools
- Deploying Kafka to AWS to survive a single AZ failure
- Deploying Kafka to AWS using a cluster mirroring in multi-regions
- Brief overview of AWS ELBs
- Using Kafka REST proxy behind an ELB
- Optional Lab setup Kafka cluster with ZooKeeper, Kafka Brokers, Consumers and Producers
- CloudFormation to setup subnet (or specify subnet)
- AWS command line to create machines
- Configuration setting and throttles for bringing up a clean Kafka instance
- Spin Kafka Broker down
- Monitor Kafka broker is cleanly shut down
- Create new Kafka Broker (no data)
- Create Kafka Broker with snapshot of log
- Spin up the second cluster
- Connect the second cluster to the first cluster with mirror maker
- Monitor lag from the first cluster to the second cluster
- Shut the first cluster down
- Connect producers and consumer to the first cluster
Optional Lab setup Kafka mirror maker spanning two AWS regions
Optional Lab setup rolling re-hydration of Kafka Broker Nodes
Optional Session 12: Kafka REST Proxy
- Using the REST API to write a Producer
- Using the REST API to write a Consumer
Optional Lab Writing REST Producer
Optional Lab Writing REST Consumer
Optional Session 13: Kafka Connect
- Kafka Connect Basics
- Modes of Working: Standalone and Distributed
- Configuring Connectors
- Tracking Kafka Connector Offsets
- Lab using Kafka Connect
Optional Session 14: Kafka Streams
- Overview of Kafka Streams
- Kafka Streams Fundamentals
- Kafka Streams Application
- Working with low-level Streams
- Working with Kafka Streams DSL
Optional Lab low-level streams
Optional Lab Streams DSL