Curso Jmeter Performance & Load Testing

  • Test & Point Analysis

Curso Jmeter Performance & Load Testing

32 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Jmeter Performance & Load Testing, Jmeter é um software, que permite o upload de teste ou teste funcional em várias tecnologias.

O teste de desempenho/carga com Jmeter é capaz de registrar o tráfego em um limite, o que permite que os testadores fiquem longe do tedioso dever de registrar manualmente o tráfego.


Após realizar este Curso Jmeter Performance & Load Testing você será capaz de:

  • Compreender a anatomia de um teste JMeter
  • Compreender o ajuste e o teste de desempenho
  • Rastrear erros durante a execução do teste
  • Configurar o servidor proxy JMeter HTTP
  • Empregar o pós-processador BSF
  • Monitore o servidor com um plug-in JMeter
  • Iniciar uma instância da AWS
  • Noções básicas de teste de software
  • compreensão básica da linguagem de programação Java, editor de texto e execução de programas, etc
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

 Performance Testing Fundamentals

  1. The incident
  2. The aftermath
  3. Performance testing
  4. Performance testing and tuning
  5. Baselines
  6. Load and stress testing
  7. JMeter to the rescue
  8. Up and running with JMeter
  9. Installation
  10. Installing the Java JDK
  11. Setting JAVA_HOME
  12. Running JMeter
  13. Tracking errors during test execution
  14. Configuring JMeter
  15. Summary

Recording Your First Test

  1. Configuring the JMeter HTTP proxy server
  2. Setting up your browser to use the proxy server
  3. Using a browser extension
  4. Changing the system settings
  5. Running your first recorded scenario
  6. Anatomy of a JMeter test
  7. Test Plan
  8. Thread Groups
  9. Controllers
  10. Samplers
  11. Logic controllers
  12. Test fragments
  13. Listeners
  14. Timers
  15. Assertions
  16. Configuration elements
  17. Pre-processor and post-processor elements
  18. Summary

Submitting Forms

  1. Capturing simple forms
  2. Handling checkboxes
  3. Handling radio buttons
  4. Handling file uploads
  5. Handling file download
  6. Handling the XML response
  7. Summary

Managing Sessions

  1. Managing sessions with cookies
  2. Managing sessions with URL rewriting
  3. Summary

Resource Monitoring

  1. Basic server monitoring
  2. Setting up Apache Tomcat Server
  3. Configuring Tomcat users
  4. Setting up a monitor controller in JMeter
  5. Monitoring the server with a JMeter plugin
  6. Installing the plugins
  7. Adding monitor listeners to the test plan
  8. Summary

Distributed Testing

  1. Remote testing with JMeter
  2. Configuring JMeter slave nodes
  3. Configuring one slave per machine
  4. Configuring the master node to be tested against one slave per machine
  5. Configuring multiple slave nodes on a single box
  6. Configuring the master node to be tested against multiple slave nodes on a single box
  7. Executing the test plan
  8. Viewing the results from the virtual machines
  9. Summary

Timers and Functions

  1. JMeter properties and variables
  2. JMeter functions
  3. The Regular Expression tester
  4. The Debug sampler
  5. Using timers in your test plan
  6. The Constant timer
  7. The Gaussian random timer
  8. The Uniform random timer
  9. The Constant throughput timer
  10. The Synchronizing timer
  11. The Poisson random timer
  12. The JDBC Request sampler
  13. Configuring a JDBC Connection Configuration component
  14. Adding a JDBC Request sampler
  15. Summary

Helpful Tips

  1. JMeter integration with selenium
  2. Handling FTP request
  3. Installing CA certificate in the browser
  4. Testing REST web services
  5. Parameterization using CSV File
  6. Parameterization using Test Plan
  7. Summary

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