Curso iOS Applications Development with SDK v12
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No Curso iOS Applications Development with SDK v12, você aprende a construir e executar seus aplicativos no iOS usando a linguagem de programação Swift. Este curso ensina as ferramentas comuns, elementos de interface e padrões de design necessários para criar aplicativos para iPhone e iPad. Inclui explicações detalhadas sobre tecnologias iOS, uso prático de ferramentas de desenvolvimento da Apple e exercícios de codificação em Swift que usam estruturas iOS comuns.
Ao participar do Curso iOS Applications Development with SDK v12, os participantes aprenderão a:
- Crie aplicativos nativos usando o iOS SDK
- Use o Xcode e o Simulador
- Use padrões de navegação e controles de UI comuns
Publico Alvo
- Arquitetos e desenvolvedores de software
- Familiaridade com os hardwares de dispositivos móveis da Apple, as características dos aplicativos modernos, o kit de desenvolvimento de software iOS, os programas de desenvolvedor da Apple e a abordagem da Apple em relação à segurança e distribuição.
- Conceitos básicos de programação de computadores: Você deve estar confortável com conceitos básicos de programação de computadores, incluindo variáveis, strings, lógica e classes.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab PraticoConteúdo Programatico
Interface Builder Basics
- Learn how to navigate through Interface Builder, add elements onto the canvas, and interact with those elements in the code.
Displaying Data
- Use Interface Builder to create the beginnings of an app, adding labels and images.
Controls in Action
- Use Interface Builder to add buttons, switches, and sliders to a scene. Create actions and outlets, write some basic code, and learn how these tools work together.
Auto Layout and Stack Views
- Learn the fundamentals of Auto Layout for building precisely designed user interfaces.
Segues and Navigation Controllers
- Learn how to use segues to transition from one view controller to another, and how to define relationships between view controllers. Learn how navigation controllers can help you manage scenes that display related or hierarchical content.
Tab Bar Controllers
- Learn how to use tab bar controllers to organize different kinds of information or different modes of operation.
View Controller Life Cycle
- Learn more about the view controller life cycle so you can understand the potential of this important class.
Building Simple Workflows
- Tie together the concepts you've learned so far to design simple workflows and familiar navigation hierarchies.
App Anatomy and Life Cycle
- Explore the different life cycle states and the delegate hooks for executing logic as the app moves through each state.
Model View Controller
- Learn how to organize files, structures, and classes into a design pattern called Model- View-Controller.
Table Views
- Learn the basics of creating table views in an iOS app.
Intermediate Table Views
- Learn how to customize your table views by creating custom cells, dynamically inserting and removing cells, using static table views to present forms or other non-changing lists, and allowing the user to swipe to delete cells.
Saving Data
- Learn how to implement data persistence using NSCoding, a protocol for saving files to your app's Documents directory.
System View Controllers
- Discover how to incorporate a variety of system view controllers for displaying alerts, sharing content, sending messages, and accessing the camera and photo library on an iOS device.
Building Complex Input Screens
- Learn how to use a combination of static and dynamic table views. Explore how to use controls and views to build custom workflows that put an elegant face on any kind of business information.
Working with the Web: HTTP and URLSession
- Discover how web data is sent and received, how URLs work, and how to fetch data for use in your app.
Working with the Web: Decoding JSON
- Learn how to read and write basic JSON. Explore how to convert JSON to and from Swift types and into your own custom model objects.
Working with the Web: Concurrency
- Become familiar with the concurrency system in iOS and learn how to make sure code that updates the user interface is executed in the right place.