Curso Informix System Administration

  • Database

Curso Informix System Administration

24 horas
Visão Geral

No Curso Informix System Administration, você desenvolverá as habilidades necessárias para administrar com sucesso um ou mais servidores de banco de dados Informix. Você aprenderá como configurar e utilizar uma instância de servidor de banco de dados, configurar e testar a conectividade do cliente, configurar e gerenciar o uso de memória e disco, planejar e implementar tarefas de manutenção do sistema e configurar o servidor para processamento ideal de transações on-line (OLTP) ou suporte a decisões ( DS) utilização.


Ao participar do Curso Informix System Administration, os participantes aprenderão a:

  • Descrever os componentes de um servidor de banco de dados
  • Configurar e inicializar um servidor de banco de dados
  • Configure o servidor para permitir conexões locais e remotas
  • Use utilitários de servidor dinâmico para monitorar a atividade do servidor
  • Descrever os componentes da memória compartilhada e configurar os tamanhos dos componentes
  • Liste, descreva e configure as diferentes classes de processadores virtuais
  • Identifique os componentes da arquitetura de disco do servidor de banco de dados
  • Crie dbspaces, blobspaces e sbspaces e adicione pedaços a esses espaços
  • Explicar a finalidade dos logs físicos e lógicos e monitorar a atividade dos logs
  • Visualize as transações individuais gravadas nos arquivos de log lógico
  • Descreva a importância dos pontos de verificação no servidor
  • Descreva a importância da recuperação rápida
  • Execute backups do servidor de banco de dados e logs lógicos
  • Use métodos diferentes para restaurar um servidor de banco de dados a partir de um backup
  • Explique a finalidade dos espaços temporários usados ​​pelo servidor
  • Configure o servidor de banco de dados para operar com mais eficiência usando operações paralelas
  • Monitore os recursos usados ​​por sessões de usuários individuais
  • Configure o servidor para responder a eventos específicos executando um programa de alarme
  • Use comandos SQL para executar funções administrativas e agendar tarefas
  • Use várias técnicas de solução de problemas para identificar e resolver problemas comuns
Publico Alvo

Esta classe de Administração de Sistema Informix destina-se a Administradores de Sistema Informix, Administradores de Banco de Dados Informix e Desenvolvedores de Aplicativos Informix.

  • Capacidade de escrever consultas SQL complexas
  • Capacidade de navegar por um sistema de arquivos Linux/UNIX e usar utilitários comuns nesse ambiente
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Overview of Informix Dynamic Server

  1. Describe the major components of Informix Dynamic Server
  2. Define database server terms
  3. Describe major database server events

Preparing for Configuration

  1. Review the contents of the release notes
  2. Identify the kernel parameters that must be set
  3. Determine operating system patches that must be applied

Configuring Client-Server Connectivity

  1. List the methods to connect to the database server
  2. Make appropriate server entries into the sqlhosts file
  3. Set the environment variables necessary for a client application to connect to the database server

Configuring a Database Server

  1. Create cooked files or prepare raw devices for server disk storage
  2. Set environment variables necessary to administer a database server
  3. Explain the purpose of the configuration file
  4. Identify basic configuration parameter settings required to bring up a simple database server
  5. Use a text editor to modify the configuration file
  6. Bring the database server online

Monitoring database Server

  1. Describe the use of the system monitoring interface (SMI)
  2. Connect to the sysmaster database and run simple SQL queries
  3. Use onstat to monitor information about the database server
  4. Use oncheck to gather information about space usage and the status of indexes and tblspaces
  5. Use ISA to monitor server activity

Managing Shared Memory

  1. List and describe the database server operating modes
  2. Use onmode and oninit to change the operating mode
  3. Describe the shared memory segments used by the database server
  4. Describe the configuration parameters that affect the size of shared memory
  5. Set the RESIDENT parameter to control shared memory residency
  6. Monitor the major components of shared memory

Virtual Processors and Threads

  1. Define a thread
  2. Describe the multithreaded architecture
  3. Describe how the virtual processors are implemented in UNIX
  4. Use onstat to monitor VPs and threads
  5. List and explain the virtual processor classes
  6. Describe how network connections are handled by the server
  7. Set server configuration parameters related to VPs and threads
  8. Dynamically add and remove virtual processors

Disk Architecture

  1. Describe the Dynamic Server chunk and page structure
  2. Explain how pages are allocated within extents
  3. Explain the difference between table and index extents
  4. Describe the relationship between chunks and DBSPACES
  5. Describe the overhead pages in various types of chunks
  6. Describe the structure of a dbspace, blobspace, and sbspace
  7. Use the oncheck command to display reports about space allocation, tblspace usage, and index usage
  8. Use onstat to display dbspace and chunk information

Managing and Monitoring Disk Space

  1. Create and drop dbspaces, blobspaces, and sbspaces
  2. Change the status of a mirrored dbspace
  3. Monitor dbspaces, blobspaces, and sbspaces
  4. Use the storage pool and the APIs to administer storage spaces

Physical and Logical Logging

  1. Move the physical log to a new dbspace
  2. Add, drop, and modify logical logs
  3. Change the logging mode of a database
  4. Define a long transaction
  5. List and describe configuration parameters related to physical and logical logging
  6. Monitor the physical and logical logs

The Shared Memory Buffer Pool

  1. List the steps performed by the server to update a row on disk
  2. Describe the checkpoint process
  3. Describe the differences between a blocking and a nonblocking checkpoint
  4. Properly set the configuration parameters related to checkpoints
  5. Describe what events cause a checkpoint to occur
  6. Monitor checkpoints and buffer writes performed by the server

Fault Tolerance

  1. Describe the types of failures that could occur on the server system
  2. Describe the fast recovery process
  3. Examine the status of chunks and dbspaces
  4. Identify the configuration parameters associated with recovery

Introduction to Backup and Restore

  1. Identify Informix backup and restore utilities
  2. Explain the backup and restore process
  3. Explain the incremental backup levels
  4. Explain the two different methods to back up logical logs
  5. Describe the difference between a warm and cold restore

Backup and Restore Using Ontape

  1. Configure your server to use ontape for backup and restore
  2. Perform a server backup using ontape
  3. Back up logical log files using ontape
  4. Perform a warm restore using ontape

Temporary Files and Tables

  1. Describe the temporary objects created by the database server
  2. Describe the configuration parameters and environment variables related to temporary objects
  3. Explain the importance of using multiple temporary dbspaces
  4. Explain the purpose of the WITH NO LOG clause when used to create temporary tables
  5. Use onstat and the SMI to monitor the space used to create temporary objects

Performance Features

  1. Configure your server to perform read-aheads
  2. Configure your server to use recovery threads
  3. Configure your server to enable or disable the use of OS time
  4. Describe the PDQ operations available in the database server
  5. Describe configuration parameters that control Parallel Database Query (PDQ) resources
  6. Configure your server to use the SQL statement cache

Monitoring User Activity

  1. Use onstat and the sysmaster database to monitor user activity on the database server
  2. Identify the resources held by a user session
  3. Display the last SQL command run by a user session
  4. Identify which user sessions have created temporary tables
  5. Describe how to identify the types of locks held by user sessions
  6. Identify and terminate a specific user session
  7. Explain the purpose of the dynamic lock manager

Event Alarms

  1. Explain how to use the event alarm feature
  2. List the event severity codes
  3. List the classes of alarm events in the server environment
  4. Explain the purpose of the system alarm program

SQL Administration Functions and Task Scheduler

  1. Use SQL commands to perform system administrative tasks
  2. Use the built-in scheduler to automatically perform routine tasks


  1. Identify and respond to common server problems
  2. Run the commands to check for consistency of the disk subsystem
  3. Identify the version and serial number of the database server
  4. Identify permission problems with devices and server files
  5. Describe the information required by IBM Technical Support
  6. Describe the parts of a database version number
  7. Recover from a simple permission or data storage location problem in the server

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