Curso Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (SISE)

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Curso Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (SISE)

Visão Geral

O curso Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (SISE) v3.0 mostra como implementar e utilizar o Cisco® Identity Services Engine (ISE) v2.4, uma plataforma de política de controlo de identidade e acesso que simplifica a entrega de um controlo de acesso consistente e altamente seguro através de ligações com fios, sem fios, e VPN. Este curso prático fornece-lhe os conhecimentos e competências para implementar e utilizar o Cisco ISE, incluindo aplicação de políticas, serviços de definição de perfis, autenticação web e serviços de acesso de convidados, BYOD, serviços de conformidade de endpoints, e administração de dispositivos TACACS+. Através de instrução especializada e prática prática, aprenderá como utilizar o Cisco ISE para ganhar visibilidade do que está a acontecer na sua rede, racionalizar a gestão de políticas de segurança, e contribuir para a eficiência operacional.


Após concluir o Curso Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (SISE), você será capaz de:

  • Describe Cisco ISE deployments, including core deployment components and how they interact to create a cohesive security architecture. Describe the advantages of such a deployment and how each Cisco ISE capability contributes to these advantages.
  • Describe concepts and configure components related to 802.1X and MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB) authentication, identity management, and certificate services.
  • Describe how Cisco ISE policy sets are used to implement authentication and authorization, and how to leverage this capability to meet the needs of your organization.
  • Describe third-party Network Access Devices (NADs), Cisco TrustSec®, and Easy Connect.
  • Describe and configure web authentication, processes, operation, and guest services, including guest access components and various guest access scenarios.
  • Describe and configure Cisco ISE profiling services, and understand how to monitor these services to enhance your situational awareness about network-connected endpoints. Describe best practices for deploying this profiler service in your specific environment.
  • Describe BYOD challenges, solutions, processes, and portals. Configure a BYOD solution, and describe the relationship between BYOD processes and their related configuration components. Describe and configure various certificates related to a BYOD solution.
  • Describe the value of the My Devices portal and how to configure this portal.
  • Describe endpoint compliance, compliance components, posture agents, posture deployment and licensing, and the posture service in Cisco ISE.
  • Describe and configure TACACS+ device administration using Cisco ISE, including command sets, profiles, and policy sets. Understand the role of TACACS+ within the Authentication, Authentication, and Accounting (AAA) framework and the differences between the RADIUS and TACACS+ protocols.
  • Migrate TACACS+ functionality from Cisco Secure Access Control System (ACS) to Cisco ISE, using a migration tool.
  • Familiaridade com o Software Cisco IOS® Interface de Linha de Comando (CLI)
  • Familiaridade com Cisco AnyConnect® Secure Mobility Client
  • Familiaridade com os sistemas operativos Microsoft Windows
  • Familiaridade com 802.1X
Informações Gerais


Carga Horária: 40h

  • Se noturno este curso é ministrado de Segunda-feira à sexta-feira, das 19h às 23h
  • Se aos sábados este curso é ministrado das 9h às 18h
  • Se in-company por favor fazer contato para mais detalhes.

Formato de entrega: 

  • 100% on-line ao vivo, via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor ativo no mercado.
  • Nota: não é curso gravado. 


  • Laboratório + Exercícios práticos
Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico

Architecture and Deployment

  1. Configure personas
  2. Describe deployment options

Policy Enforcement

  1. Configure native AD and LDAP
  2. Describe identity store options
  3. Configure wired/wireless 802.1X network access
  4. Configure 802.1X phasing deployment
  5. Configure network access devices
  6. Implement MAB
  7. Configure Cisco TrustSec
  8. Configure policies including authentication and authorization profiles

Web Auth and Guest Services

  1. Configure web authentication
  2. Configure guest access services
  3. Configure sponsor and guest portals


  1. Implement profiler services
  2. Implement probes
  3. Implement CoA
  4. Configure endpoint identity management


  1. Describe Cisco BYOD functionality
  2. Configure BYOD device on-boarding using internal CA with Cisco switches and Cisco wireless LAN controllers
  3. Configure certificates for BYOD
  4. Configure blacklist/whitelist

Endpoint Compliance

  1. Describe endpoint compliance, posture services, and client provisioning
  2. Configure posture conditions and policy, and client provisioning
  3. Configure the compliance module
  4. Configure Cisco ISE posture agents and operational modes
  5. Describe supplicant, supplicant options, authenticator, and server

Network Access Device Administration

  1. Compare AAA protocols
  2. Configure TACACS+ device administration and command authorization

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