Visão Geral
Você recebeu a tarefa de suportar e manter o IBM MQ em seu z/OS ou sistemas distribuídos, mas não tem treinamento formal em IBM MQ. Então este é o curso para você. Em cinco dias, abordaremos o que você precisa entender sobre o IBM MQ for z/OS e plataformas distribuídas, além do conhecimento e das técnicas para administrar o ambiente MQ. Na aula, passaremos da criação de um gerenciador de filas à definição de recursos do MQ e à interconexão de nossos gerenciadores de filas, além de abordar alguns processos de suporte ao longo do caminho. Utilizaremos as plataformas z/OS e Windows para os workshops práticos.
Conteúdo Programatico
Terminology, Component and Environment Overview
- Describe MQ named resources
- Describe MQ programming model and interface
- Describe MQ styles of processing implemented
- Describe MQ functions and capabilities implemented
Base Installation and Queue Manager Creation on z/OS
- Define necessary z/OS requirements plus PARMLIB member changes
- Describe, modify and implement required MQ JCL and data sets
- Describe, modify and implement MQ ZPARMS plus other necessary options
- Describe, modify and implement MQ BUFFERPOOL, Page Set, and Storage Class resources
- Review MQ startup and shutdown processing
Base Installation and Queue Manager Creation on Distributed Platforms
- Define necessary distributed platform file system requirements
- Describe, modify and implement an MQ queue manager
- Describe, modify and implement related queue manager processes
- Describe and understand MQ system level commands
- Review MQ startup and shutdown processing
Queue Creation and Administration Tool Overview
- Describe and implement various queue resources in MQ
- Describe and utilize MQ administrative tools
Message Queuing Interface Overview Plus Application Triggering Process
- Describe and understand MQ interface usage
- Describe and understand MQ special message processing features
- Describe and understand MQ special processes like ReplyToQ and data conversion
- Describe and understand MQ trigger process
- Describe, modify and implement MQ trigger resources
Distributed Queuing Plus Related Topics
- Describe distributed queuing concepts and resources for MQ
- Describe, modify and implement resources for MQ intercommunications
- Describe and understand MQ functional processes related to distributed queuing
- Describe and understand useful commands for MQ intercommunication
- Describe and understand MQ Dead Letter Process
System and Application Integrity on z/OS
- Describe and understand MQ application UOW processing
- Describe and understand MQ queue manager UOW processing
- Describe, modify and implement MQ BSDS and log changes
- Describe, modify and implement MQ page set changes
System and Application Integrity on Distributed Platforms
- Describe and understand MQ application UOW processing
- Describe and understand MQ queue manager UOW processing
- Describe, modify and implement MQ file system and log changes
- Describe, modify and implement MQ simple backup and recovery processes
MQ Resource Security on z/OS
- Describe and understand RACF classes and profiles for MQ
- Describe and understand command and context security MQ options
- Describe and understand MQ security related commands
MQ Resource Security on Distributed Platforms
- Describe and understand OAM profiles for MQ
- Describe and understand MQ security related commands
- Describe and understand command and context security MQ options