Curso IBM Mainframe CICS TS Estrutura Interna e Sistemas de Depuração

  • Mainframe | Cobol

Curso IBM Mainframe CICS TS Estrutura Interna e Sistemas de Depuração

24 horas
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Curso IBM Mainframe CICS TS Estrutura Interna e Sistemas de Depuração,  O curso fornecerá uma explicação detalhada da Estrutura Interna do CICS e como Depurar Dumps de Aplicativo e Sistema usando IPCS. Isso inclui oficinas de leitura de despejo. Os alunos são apresentados aos "sintomas externos" que podem ser evidentes quando um sistema ou dump de transação é criado. Mensagens e códigos CICS, nenhuma espera de resposta e recuperação do sistema são discutidos em detalhes.


Após realizar este Curso IBM Mainframe CICS TS Estrutura Interna e Sistemas de Depuração, você será capaz de:

  • Descreva a estrutura interna do CICS/TS, incluindo a estrutura de domínio.
  • Fornece ao aluno procedimentos passo a passo para resolver uma variedade de CICSabends e falhas.
  • As situações de falha do CICS/TS são explicadas.
  • Como as falhas são tratadas internamente e como o usuário pode participar do processamento ABEND é discutido.
  • Blocos de controle e lógica interna para falhas específicas são apresentados.
  • Os dumps de transação e dumps do sistema são investigados.
  • As habilidades de leitura de despejo são aprimoradas.
  • Despejos e Workshops são fornecidos.
  • O IPCS também é ensinado para que os alunos se familiarizem com este produto.
  • Recovery Manager, RRMS e UOWs são explicados junto com DFHLOG e DFHSHUNT.
Publico Alvo
  • Programadores de sistema e equipe de suporte técnico responsáveis ​​por apoiar um CICS
  • sistema. Programadores de Aplicativos CICS que são responsáveis ​​por ler seus próprios dumps CICS.
Português + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico


  1. Students are introduced to the "external symptoms" that may be evident when a system or transaction dump is created.
  2. New CICS messages and codes, no response-waits and system recovery are discussed in detail. Types of dumps, using IPCS and the relevant CICS control blocks (DTAs/TXNs/SMXs/TCAs) are outlined.
  3. Transaction Definition changes - runaway vs ICVR, TRANCLASS vs TCLASS and CMXTLIM vs PURGETHRESH are explained.


  1. Task logical levels (PLCB's), ABEND exits and link control blocks are discussed in the context of recursive abends.
  2. The new layout of a dump is analyzed checking Program Status Word (PSW), program entry and load points and short symptom string.
  3. COBOL II compile listings are reviewed with emphasis on condensed listings, DSA, TGT, BLW, BLL, working storage and linkage.
  4. Methods for solving recursive ASRA's are investigated. Program definition autoinstall is discussed.


  1. Storage Manager Domain (SM) functions are reviewed. Subpools, LSCZ,TSCZ, SAAs, STORAGE PROTECTION, Transaction Isolation, ERDSA, RDSA, Page Allocation Maps (PAM), Storage Element Descriptors, Free Storage Descriptors and EXECKEYs are described. Ways in which storage may be violated are investigated.
  2. Violations are solved and traced back to the source coding error. Storage acquisition by CICS modules is examined. Using the Storage Trap is discussed.
  3. New DSA management techniques (Extents/Page Segment Tables) are investigated.


  1. Resources and insuring integrity are discussed.
  2. Tasks in the system examined. The dispatcher domain (DS) summary is investigated and resource types and names explained.
  3. The use of Enqueues and possible problems are investigated. Resource management including VSAM Strings, Local Shared Resources (LSR), Control Intervals (CIs), and Logging is covered. Temporary Storage Domain is discussed. VSAM RLS and the shared vs exclusive locks are examined.


  1. The use of Traces and the Trace Domain (TR) are reviewed.
  2. Activating tracing through CETR and the types of tracing, for example Standard or Special, Component Tracing, Internal/Auxiliary or GTF traces, are examined.
  3. The four different trace styles are explained, i.e. Level Two Tracing is investigated with the new VERBEXIT keyword TRS.


  1. The Domain Architecture is discussed. The Kernel Domain Task Summary is explained.
  2. Evidence from the summary is tracked through to the Storage Manager Domain Summary.
  3. The Kernel Error Data Report is investigated.
  4. The Kernel Linkage Stack Entries are reviewed together with Kernel Domain and subroutine calls.
  5. The transaction manager and the dispatcher domain are examined in detail.
  6. OTE support for JVM and DB2 is discussed.
  7. The dump domain and dump table are discussed.
  8. Program Manager Domain, Loader Domain, Directory Domain, Enqueue Domain, Sockets and Web Domains, Document Domain, Temp Storage Domain and the roles played by Application Domain and Transaction Manager are reviewed.


  1. Management of tasks in a distributed environment through UOWs and RMCs.
  2. The new commands are discussed. RRM in the EXCI Environment and SYNCONRETURN are studied.


  1. The Initialization process is discussed.
  2. The PLTPI is reviewed. Types of Shut Down, including Initial, and the problems that may be encountered are discussed.
  3. IPCS
  4. Formatting SDUMPS using IPCS is discussed.

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