Curso Greenplum Architecture

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Curso Greenplum Architecture

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Este Curso Greenplum Architecture e SQL Greenplum foi projetado para fornecer aos alunos um conhecimento e compreensão mais profundos da Arquitetura e SQL Greenplum e de como escrevê-los. Os alunos aprenderão a Arquitetura Greenplum e SQL começando no nível mais básico e indo até o nível mais avançado com muitos exemplos.


Após a conclusão do curso Greenplum Architecture and SQL, os alunos serão capazes de:

  • Identifique e aplique funções SQL básicas
  • Entenda a cláusula WHERE
  • Contraste distinto vs. grupo por
  • Reconhecer e aplicar funções, como:
  • Agregação, Junção, Data, OLAP, Visualização, Subconsulta e Agregado Estatístico
  • Reconhecer e produzir tabelas temporárias
  • Definir e distinguir Strings
  • Interrogue os dados
  • Definir operadores
  • Demonstrar conhecimento da Linguagem de Manipulação de Dados (DML)
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  • Qualquer pessoa que deseje aprender a Arquitetura Greenplum e SQL, desde iniciantes até um público avançado

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Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to the Greenplum Architecture

  1. The Basics of a Single Computer
  2. Data in Memory is Fast as Lightning
  3. Parallel Processing Of Data
  4. Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP) Server
  5. Commodity Hardware Servers are Configured for Greenplum
  6. The Segment's Responsibilities The Host's Plan is Either All Segments or a Single Segment
  7. Greenplum has Linear Scalability
  8. The Architecture of A Greenplum Data Warehouse
  9. Nexus is Now Available For Greenplum

Greenplum Table Structures

  1. The Concepts of Greenplum Tables
  2. Tables are Either Distributed by Hash or Random
  3. Random Distribution Uses a Round Robin Technique
  4. Table are Either a Heap or Append-Only
  5. Tables are Stored in Either Row or Columnar Format
  6. Comparing Normal Table Vs. Columnar Tables
  7. Segments on Distributions are Aligned to Rebuild a Row
  8. Visualize the Data – Rows vs. Columns
  9. Table Rows are Either Sorted or Unsorted
  10. Creating a Clustered Index in Order to Physically Sort Rows
  11. Physically Ordered Tables Are Faster on Certain Queries
  12. Another Way to Create a Clustered Table
  13. Creating a B-Tree Index and then Running Analyze
  14. Creating a Bitmap Index
  15. Tables Can Be Partitioned
  16. Creating a Partitioned Table Using a List
  17. Creating a Multi-Level Partitioned Table
  18. Not Null and Unique Constraints
  19. Unique Constraints That Fail
  20. Primary Key Constraints
  21. A Primary Key Automatically Creates a Unique Index
  22. Creating an Automatic Number Called a Sequence
  23. Multiple INSERT example Using a Sequence

Hashing and Data Distribution

  1. Distribution Keys Hashed on Unique Values Spread Evenly
  2. Distribution Keys With Non-Unique Values Spread Unevenly
  3. Best Practices for Choosing a Distribution Key
  4. The Hash Map Determines which Segment owns the Row
  5. The Hash Map Determines which Node will Own the Row
  6. Hash Map Determines which Node will Own the Row
  7. A Review of the Hashing Process
  8. Non-Unique Distribution Keys have Skewed Data

The Technical Details

  1. Greenplum Limitations
  2. Tables are Distributed Across All Segments
  3. The Table Header and the Data Rows are Stored Separately
  4. Segments Store Rows inside a Data Block Called a Page
  5. To Read a Data Block a Node Moves the Block into Memory
  6. A Full Table Scan Means All Nodes Must Read All Rows
  7. Rows are Organized inside a Page
  8. Heap Page
  9. Creating a Table that has a Clustered Index
  10. Clustered Index Page
  11. The Row Offset Array is the Guidance System for Every Row
  12. The Row Offset Array Provides Two Search Options
  13. The Row Offset Array Helps With Inserts
  14. B-Trees
  15. The Building of a B-Tree for a Clustered Index
  16. When Do I Create a Clustered Index?
  17. When Do I Create a Non Clustered Index?
  18. B-Tree for Non Clustered Index on a Clustered Table
  19. Adding a Non Clustered Index To A
  20. B-Tree for Non Clustered Index on a Heap Table

Physical Database Design

  1. The Four Stages of Modeling for Greenplum - Check out #4
  2. The Logical Model
  3. First, Second and Third Normal Form
  4. The Employee_Table and Department_Table can be Joined
  5. The Employee_Table and Department_Table Join SQL
  6. The Extended Logical Model Template
  7. User Access is of Great Importance
  8. User Access in Layman’s Terms
  9. User Access for Joins in Layman’s Terms
  10. The Nexus Shows Users the Table’s Distribution Key
  11. Data Demographics:
  12. Distinct Rows
  13. Distinct Rows Query
  14. Max Rows Null
  15. Max Rows Null Query
  16. Max Rows Per Value
  17. Max Rows Per Value
  18. Typical Rows Per Value
  19. Change Rating
  20. Typical Rows Per Value Query For Greenplum Systems
  21. SQL to Get the Average Rows Per Value for a Column (Mean)
  22. Factors When Choosing Greenplum Indexes
  23. Distribution Key Data Demographics Candidate Guidelines
  24. Distribution key Access Considerations
  25. Step 1 is to Pick All Potential Distribution Key Columns
  26. Step 2 is to Pick All Potential Secondary Indexes
  27. Answer to 2nd Step to Picking Potential Secondary Indexes
  28. Choose the Distribution Key and Secondary Indexes
  29. 3rd Step is to Picking your Indexes
  30. Our Index Picks


  1. Denormalization
  2. Derived Data
  3. Repeating Groups
  4. Pre-Joining Tables
  5. Storing Summary Data with a Trigger
  6. Summary Tables or Data Marts the Old Way
  7. Horizontal Partitioning the Old Way and the New Way
  8. Vertical Partitioning the Old Way
  9. Columnar Tables Are the New Vertical Partitioning

Nexus for Greenplum

  1. Nexus Queries Every Major System
  2. Nexus Data Visualization
  3. Nexus is Doing a Five-Table Join
  4. Nexus Generates the SQL Automatically
  5. Nexus Delivers the Report
  6. Cross-System Joins From Teradata, Oracle and SQL Server
  7. The Tabs of the Super Join Builder
  8. The 9 Tabs of the Super Join Builder
  9. Objects Tab 1- Selecting Columns in the Objects Tab
  10. Columns Tab 2- Removing Columns From the Report in the Columns Tab
  11. Sorting Tab 3
  12. Joins Tab 4
  13. Where Tab 5- Using the WHERE Tab For Additional WHERE or AND
  14. SQL Tab 6 – check paragraph below
  15. Answer Set Tab 7
  16. Analytics Tab 9
  17. Nexus Data Movement
  18. Moving a Single Table To a Different System
  19. The Single Table Data Movement Screen
  20. Moving an Entire Database To a Different System
  21. The Database Mover Screen and Options Tab
  22. Converting DDL Table Structures
  23. Compare and Synchronize
  24. Compare Two Different Databases From Different Systems
  25. Comparisons Down to the Column Level
  26. The Results Tab
  27. View Differences
  28. Synchronizing Differences In the Results Tab
  29. Hound Dog Compression

The Basics of SQL

  1. Introduction
  2. SELECT * (All Columns) in a Table
  3. Fully Qualifying a Database, Schema and Table
  4. SELECT Specific Columns in a Table
  5. Sort the Data with the ORDER BY Keyword
  6. ORDER BY Defaults to Ascending
  7. Use the Name or the Number in your ORDER BY Statement
  8. Two Examples of ORDER BY using Different Techniques
  9. Changing the ORDER BY to Descending Order
  10. NULL Values sort First in Ascending Mode (Default)
  11. NULL Values sort Last in Descending Mode (DESC)
  12. Major Sort vs. Minor Sorts
  13. Multiple Sort Keys using Names vs. Numbers
  14. Sorts are Alphabetical, NOT Logical
  15. Using A CASE Statement to Sort Logically
  16. How to ALIAS a Column Name
  17. A Missing Comma can by Mistake become an Alias
  18. Comments using Double Dashes are Single Line Comments
  19. Comments for Multi-Lines

The WHERE Clause

  1. The WHERE Clause limits Returning Rows
  2. Double Quoted Aliases are for Reserved Words and Spaces
  3. Character Data needs Single Quotes in the WHERE Clause
  4. Comparisons against a Null Value
  5. Use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL when dealing with NULLs
  6. Using Greater Than or Equal To (>=)
  7. AND in the WHERE Clause
  8. OR in the WHERE Clause
  9. Troubleshooting Character Data
  10. Using Different Columns in an AND Statement
  11. What is the Order of Precedence?
  12. Using Parentheses to change the Order of Precedence
  13. Using an IN List in place of OR
  14. IN List vs. OR brings the same Results
  15. Using a NOT IN List
  16. Null Values in a NOT IN List Bring Back No Rows
  17. A Technique for Handling Nulls with a NOT IN List
  18. BETWEEN is Inclusive
  19. NOT BETWEEN is Also Inclusive
  20. LIKE uses Wildcards Percent ‘%’ and Underscore ‘_’
  21. LIKE command Underscore is Wildcard for one Character
  22. ilike
  23. LIKE Command Works Differently on Char Vs Varchar
  24. Troubleshooting LIKE Command on Character Data
  25. Introducing the TRIM Command
  26. Introducing the RTRIM Command
  27. Numbers are Right Justified and Character Data is Left
  28. A Visual of CHARACTER Data vs. VARCHAR Data
  29. Use the TRIM command to remove spaces on CHAR Data
  30. Escape Character in the LIKE Command changes Wildcards
  31. Escape Characters Turn off Wildcards in the LIKE Command
  32. Introducing the RTRIM Command
  33. An example of Data with Left and Right Justification
  34. A Visual of CHARACTER Data vs. VARCHAR Data
  35. RTRIM command Removes Trailing spaces on CHAR Data
  36. Using Like with an AND/OR Clause to Find Letters

Distinct vs. Group By

  1. The Distinct Command
  2. Distinct vs. GROUP BY


  1. The 3 Rules of Aggregation
  2. There are Five Aggregates
  3. Troubleshooting Aggregates
  4. GROUP BY when Aggregates and Normal Columns Mix
  5. GROUP BY delivers one row per Group
  6. GROUP BY Dept_No or GROUP BY 1 the same thing
  7. Limiting Rows and Improving Performance with WHERE
  8. WHERE Clause in Aggregation limits unneeded Calculations
  9. Keyword HAVING tests Aggregates after they are Totaled
  10. Aggregates Return Null on Empty Tables
  11. Keyword HAVING is like an Extra WHERE Clause for Totals
  12. Keyword HAVING tests Aggregates after they are Totaled
  13. Getting the Average Values Per Column
  14. Average Values Per Column For all Columns in a Table
  15. Three types of Advanced Grouping
  16. Group By Grouping Sets/Rollup
  17. GROUP BY Cube

Join Functions

  1. Redistribution
  2. Big Table Small Table Join Strategy
  3. Duplication of the Smaller Table across All-Distributions
  4. If the Join Condition is the Distribution Key no Movement
  5. Matching Rows That Are On The Same Node Naturally
  6. Strategy 1 of 4 – The Merge Join
  7. Strategy 2 of 4 – The Hash Join
  8. Strategy 3 of 4 – The Nested Join
  9. Strategy 4 of 4 – The Product Join
  10. A Two-Table Join Using Traditional Syntax
  11. A two-table join using Non-ANSI Syntax with Table Alias
  12. You Can Fully Qualify All Columns
  13. A two-table join using ANSI Syntax
  14. Both Queries have the same Results and Performance
  18. Which Tables are the Left and which Tables are Right?
  19. INNER JOIN with Additional AND Clause
  20. ANSI INNER JOIN with Additional AND and WHERE Clause
  21. OUTER JOIN with Additional WHERE and AND Clause
  22. Evaluation Order for Outer Queries
  23. The DREADED Product Join
  24. The Horrifying Cartesian Product Join
  25. The ANSI Cartesian Join will ERROR
  26. The CROSS JOIN
  27. The Self Join
  28. The Self Join with ANSI Syntax
  29. How would you Join these two tables?
  30. An Associative Table is a Bridge that Joins Two Tables
  31. The 5-Table Join – Logical Insurance Model
  32. The Nexus Query Chameleon Writes the SQL for Users.

Date Function

  1. Current_Date
  2. Current_Date, Current_Time, and Current_Timestamp
  3. Current_Time vs. LocalTime With Precision
  4. Local_Time and Local_Timestamp With Precision
  5. Now() and Timeofday() Functions
  6. Adding A Week to a Date
  7. Add or Subtract Days from a date
  8. Formatting Dates and Dollar Amounts
  9. The EXTRACT Command
  10. EXTRACT Command on the Century
  11. Date_part Command
  12. Date_Trunc Command With Time/Dates
  13. The AGE Command
  14. Epoch
  15. Using Intervals
  16. Interval Arithmetic Results
  17. A Complex Time Interval example using CAST
  18. The OVERLAPS Command
  19. Using Both CAST and CONVERT in Literal Values
  20. A Better Technique for YEAR, MONTH, and DAY Functions

Conversions and Formatting

  1. Postgres Conversion Functions
  2. To_Char command Examples
  3. Formatting A Date with To_Char
  4. To_Number
  5. To_Date
  6. To_Timestamp

Sub-query Functions

  1. An IN List is much like a Subquery
  2. The Subquery
  3. The Three Steps of How a Basic Subquery Works
  4. These are Equivalent Queries
  5. The Final Answer Set from the Subquery
  6. Should you use a Subquery of a Join?
  7. The Basics of a Correlated Subquery
  8. The Top Query always runs first in a Correlated Subquery
  9. Correlated Subquery Example vs. a Join with a Derived Table
  10. How to handle a NOT IN with Potential NULL Values
  11. IN is equivalent to =ANY
  12. Using a Correlated Exists
  13. How a Correlated Exists matches up
  14. The Correlated NOT Exists

OLAP Functions

  1. CSUM
  2. The ANSI CSUM
  3. Troubleshooting The ANSI OLAP on a GROUP BY
  4. Reset with a PARTITION BY Statement
  5. PARTITION BY only Resets a Single OLAP not ALL of them
  6. Moving SUM
  7. How ANSI Moving SUM Handles the Sort
  8. Moving SUM every 3-rows Vs a Continuous Average
  9. Partition By Resets an ANSI OLAP
  10. Both the Greenplum Moving Average and ANSI Version
  11. Moving Average
  12. The Moving Window is Current Row and Preceding
  13. How Moving Average Handles the Sort
  14. Moving Average every 3-rows Vs a Continuous Average
  15. Partition By Resets an ANSI OLAP
  16. Moving Difference using ANSI Syntax with Partition By
  17. RANK Defaults to Ascending Order
  18. Getting RANK to Sort in DESC Order
  22. COUNT OVER for a Sequential Number
  23. Troubleshooting COUNT OVER
  24. The MAX OVER Command
  25. Troubleshooting MAX OVER
  26. The MIN OVER Command
  27. Troubleshooting MIN OVER
  28. Finding a Value of a Column in the Next Row with MIN
  29. The Row_Number Command
  30. Using a Derived Table and Row_Number
  31. Ordered Analytics OVER
  33. Different Windowing Options
  34. The CSUM For Each Product_Id and the Next Start Date
  35. How Ntile Works
  36. Ntile
  37. Ntile Percentile
  38. Using Tertiles (Partitions of Four)
  39. NTILE
  40. Using FIRST_VALUE
  43. LEAD
  44. LAG
  46. SUM(SUM(n))

Temporary Tables

  1. There are Two Types of Temporary Tables
  2. CREATING A Derived Table
  3. Naming the Derived Table
  4. Aliasing the Column Names in The Derived Table
  5. Multiple Ways to Alias the Columns in a Derived Table
  6. CREATING A Derived Table using the WITH Command
  7. The Same Derived Query shown Three Different Ways
  8. Most Derived Tables Are Used To Join To Other Tables
  9. The Three Components of a Derived Table
  10. Visualize This Derived Table
  11. A Derived Table and CAST Statements
  12. Clever Tricks on Aliasing Columns in a Derived Table
  13. MULTIPLE Derived Tables using the WITH Command
  14. Three Steps to Creating a Temporary Table
  15. Three Versions of Creating a Temporary Table
  16. ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS is the Greenplum Default
  18. How to Use the ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS Option
  20. Create Table AS/LIKE
  21. Creating a Clustered Index on a Temporary Table

Substrings and Positioning Functions

  1. The CHARACTERS Command Counts Characters
  3. The TRIM Command
  4. Trim Combined with the CHARACTERS Command
  5. A Visual of the TRIM Command Using Concatenation
  6. The SUBSTRING Command
  7. An example using SUBSTRING, TRIM and CHAR Together
  8. The POSITION Command finds a Letters Position
  9. Concatenation
  10. Concatenation and SUBSTRING
  11. Four Concatenations Together
  12. Troubleshooting Concatenation

Interrogating the Data

  1. The NULLIF Command
  2. The COALESCE Command – Fill In the Answers
  3. COALESCE is Equivalent to This CASE Statement
  4. The COALESCE Command
  5. The Basics of CAST (Convert and Store)
  6. A Rounding Example
  7. Some Great CAST (Convert And STore) example
  8. Using an ELSE in the Case Statement
  9. Using an ELSE as a Safety Net
  10. Rules For a Valued Case Statement
  11. Rules for a Searched Case Statement
  12. Valued Case Vs. A Searched Case
  13. The CASE Challenge
  14. Combining Searched Case and Valued Case
  15. A Trick for getting a Horizontal Case
  16. Nested Case

Set Operators Functions

  1. Rules of Set Operators
  2. INTERSECT Explained Logically
  3. UNION Explained Logically
  4. UNION ALL Explained Logically
  5. EXCEPT Explained Logically
  6. An Equal Amount of Columns in both SELECT List
  7. Columns in the SELECT list should be from the same Domain
  8. The Top Query handles all Aliases
  9. The Bottom Query does the ORDER BY (a Number)
  10. Great Trick: Place your Set Operator in a Derived Table
  12. Using UNION ALL and Literals
  13. A Great example of how EXCEPT works
  14. USING Multiple SET Operators in a Single Request
  15. Changing the Order of Precedence with Parentheses
  16. Using UNION ALL for speed in Merging Data Sets

View Functions

  1. The Fundamentals of Views
  2. Creating a Simple View to Restrict Sensitive Columns/Rows
  3. Basic Rules for Views
  4. Exception to the ORDER BY Rule inside a View
  5. Views sometimes CREATED for Formatting
  6. Creating a View to Join Tables Together
  7. Another Way to Alias Columns in a View CREATE
  8. The Standard Way Most Aliasing is Done
  9. What Happens When Both Aliasing Options Are Present
  10. Resolving Aliasing Problems in a View CREATE
  11. Answer to Resolving Aliasing Problems in a View CREATE
  12. Aggregates on View Aggregates
  13. Altering A Table
  14. A View that Errors After An ALTER

Table Create and Data Types

  1. Greenplum Has Only Two Distribution Policies
  2. Creating a Table With A Single Column Distribution Key
  3. The Default Table Storage is a Heap
  4. Creating a Table With a Multi-Column Distribution Key
  5. Creating a Table With Random Distribution
  6. Creating a Table With No Distribution Key
  7. Guidelines for Partitioning a Table
  8. Creating a Partitioned Table Using a Range
  9. A Visual of One Year of Data with Range Partitioning
  10. Creating a Partitioned Table Using a Range Per Day
  11. Creating a Partitioned Table Using a List
  12. Creating a Multi-Level Partitioned Table
  13. Not Null Constraints
  14. Unique Constraints
  15. Primary Key Constraints
  16. Check Constraints
  17. Append Only Tables
  18. Column-Orientated Tables
  19. CREATE INDEX Syntax
  20. Create Table LIKE
  21. Greenplum Data Types

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

  1. INSERT Syntax # 1
  2. INSERT Syntax # 2
  3. INSERT example with Syntax 3
  4. INSERT/SELECT Command
  5. Two UPDATE Examples
  6. Subquery UPDATE Command Syntax
  7. Join UPDATE Command Syntax
  8. Fast UPDATE
  9. The DELETE Command Basic Syntax
  10. To DELETE or to TRUNCATE
  11. Subquery and Join DELETE Command Syntax
  14. What Columns Should You Analyze?
  15. Why Analyze?
  16. VACUUM

Greenplum Explain

  1. How to See an EXPLAIN Plan
  2. The Eight Rules to Reading an EXPLAIN Plan
  3. Interpreting Keywords in an EXPLAIN Plan
  4. Interpreting an EXPLAIN Plan
  5. A Single Segment Retrieve – The Fastest Query
  6. EXPLAIN With an ORDER BY Statement
  8. EXPLAIN With a Range Query on a Table Partitioned By Day
  9. EXPLAIN That Uses a B-Tree Index Scan
  10. EXPLAIN That Uses a Bitmap Scan
  11. EXPLAIN With a Simple Subquery
  12. EXPLAIN With a Columnar Query
  13. EXPLAIN With a Clustered Index
  14. EXPLAIN With Join that has to Move Data
  15. EXPLAIN With Join that has to Move Data
  16. Changing the Join Query Changes the EXPLAIN Plan
  17. Analyzing the Tables Structures For a 3-Table Join
  18. An EXPLAIN For a 3-Table Join
  19. Explain of a Derived Table vs. a Correlated Subquery

Statistical Aggregate Functions

  1. The Stats Table
  2. Above, is the Stats_Table data in which we will use in our statistical examples
  3. The STDDEV_POP Function
  4. The STDDEV_SAMP Function
  5. The VAR_POP Function
  6. The VAR_SAMP Function
  7. The VARIANCE Function
  8. The CORR Function
  9. The COVAR_POP Function
  10. The COVAR_SAMP Function
  11. The REGR_INTERCEPT Function
  12. The REGR_SLOPE Function
  13. The REGR_AVGX Function
  14. The REGR_AVGY Function
  15. The REGR_COUNT Function
  16. The REGR_R2 Function
  17. The REGR_SXX Function
  18. The REGR_SXY Function
  19. The REGR_SYY Function
  20. Using GROUP BY

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