Curso Flutter App Development Foundation
40 horasVisão Geral
Curso Flutter App Development Foundation, foi desenvolvido para aprender a usar o Flutter para desenvolver aplicativos móveis interativos de alta qualidade para dispositivos iOS e Android. Neste treinamento, você aprenderá como codificar usando o Dart e criar aplicativos iOS e Android bonitos, rápidos e de qualidade nativa. Mesmo se você tiver experiência em programação ZERO. Se você é novato no desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis ou experiente com outras estruturas de aplicativos móveis, você aproveitará o desenvolvimento de alta velocidade e os aplicativos de qualidade que o Flutter permite.
Após realizar este, Curso Flutter App Development Foundation, você será capaz de:
- Entenda os fundamentos do framework Flutter
- Incorpore widgets e estado em seu aplicativo
- Use as ferramentas do Flutter para aprimorar seu processo de desenvolvimento
- Personalize seu aplicativo com Material Design, temas, ativos e muito mais
- Torne seu aplicativo interativo com entrada de texto, gestos e muito mais
- Recupere dados locais e em tempo real da web
Publico Alvo
- Desenvolvedor Web Front-end
- Desenvolvedor Web Full Stack
- desenvolvedor de Java
- Conhecimentos Básicos de Informática
Informações Gerais
- Carga horaria, 40h
- Se noturno este curso e ministrado de segunga-feira a sexta-feira das 19h às 23h, total de 10 noites,
- Se aos sábados este curso e ministrado das 09h às 18h, total de 5 sábados
- Integral para empresas, consultar disponibilidade
Formato de entrega:
- On-line ao vivo via Microsoft Teams, na presença de um instrutor (nota. Não é curso gravado!), o mesmo acontece em tempo real.
- In-company em turmas fechada ou on-line ao vivo para empresas
- Professores:
- Ambos os professores são profissionais ativo no mercado de desenvolvimento de aplicativos e Aflições Mobile, Flutter, Android, isso, Java, entre outras aplicações.
Lab Flutter
- Todos os alunos terão acesso aos laboratórios e exercícios que serão realizados em sala de aula acompanhado pelo instrutor.
Português + Exercícios + Lab PraticoConteúdo Programatico
Introduction to Flutter and Dart Programming Language
- Introduction
- Importance of Flutter Introduction to Dart Writing Dart code
- DartPad
- Installing Dart SDK
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Lab 1: Installing Dart IDE and Writing Dart Program
- Installing IntelliJ IDEA
- Creating a Dart Project Using IntelliJ IDEA
- Using DartPad
Lab 1: Installing Dart IDE and Writing Dart Program
- Installing IntelliJ IDEA
- Creating a Dart Project Using IntelliJ IDEA
- Using DartPad
Dart Programming - Syntax
- Introduction
- main () function
- Dart Variables
- Dart Data Types
- Input of Information to Dart Program
- Writing Comments
- Dart Conditional Operators
- If Statement
- If – Else Statement
- If…Else and Else…If... Statement
- If Else and Logical Operators
- For Loops
- While Loops
- Do-while Loops
- Break Statement
- Switch Case Statement
- Lab 2: Create a Pizza Order Program
Dart Functions & Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Functions
- Function Structure
- Creating a Function
- Function Return Data Types
- Void Function
- Function Returning Expression
- Functions and Variable Scope
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Object
- Class
- Creating a Class
- Adding Methods to Classes
- Providing Constructors for Your Classes
- Class — Getters and Setters
- Class Inheritance
- Abstract Class
- Dart Project Structure and Dart Libraries
- Lab 3: Create a Small Overtime Payment Program
Introduction to Flutter
- Understanding Flutter
- Flutter Framework
- Android Studio
- What is Android Studio?
- Android Studio Software Prerequisite
- Installing Android Studio
- Flutter SDK
- Installing and Configuring Flutter SDK
- Creating a New Flutter Project
- Setup an Android Virtual Device
- Run a Flutter App
- Installing Flutter on Mac
- Test Your Flutter App on iOS Phone with Windows O.S
- Android Studio Sugar and Spice
- Run your Apps on a Hardware Device (Physical Phone)
- Run your Flutter App on Android Phone
- Emulator Debug Mode
- Introduction to Flutter Widgets
- Creating a Flutter App Using Widgets
- What is a MaterialApp widget?
- Lab 4: Creating a Simple Flutter App
Flutter Widgets Fundamentals
- Scaffold Widget
- Image Widget
- Container Widget
- Column and Row Widgets
- Icon Widget
- Layouts in Flutter
- Card Widget
- App Icons for iOS and Android Apps
- Hot Reload and Hot Restart
- Stateful and Stateless Widgets
- Use a Custom Font
- Lab: Creating a Restaurant Menu
Navigation and Routing
- Button Widget
- FloatingActionButton
- RaisedButton, FlatButton, and IconButton
- DropdownButton
- OutlineButton
- ButtonBar
- PopupMenuButton
- App Structure and Navigation
- Navigate to a New Screen and Back
- Navigate with Named Routes
- Send and Return Data Among Screens
- Animate a Widget Across Screens
- WebView Widget in Flutter
- Lab 6: Navigation and Routing a Pizza Store App
Visual, Behavioral, and Motion-Rich Widgets implementing
- Material Design Guidelines - Part 1
- Introduction
- BottomNavigatorBar Widget
- DefaultTabController, TabBar, and TabBarView Widgets
- ListTile Widget
- ListView Widget
- Drawer Widget
- DataTable Widget
- SelectableText Widget
- Stack Widget
- Lab: 7
- Lab A: Creating a Flutter App using BottomNavigatorBar Navigation Technique
- Lab B: Using DataTable Sorting Built-in function
Visual, Behavioral, and Motion-Rich Widgets implementing
- Material Design Guidelines - Part 2
- Input and Selections
- Text Field Widget.
- Checkbox Group and RadioButtonGroup Widgets
- Date Picker.
- Time Picker
- Slider Widget.
- Switch Widget
- Dialogs, Alerts, and Panels
- Alert Dialog Widget
- Cupertino Alert Dialog Widget.
- Bottom Sheet
- Modal Bottom Sheet
- Persistent Bottom Sheet.
- Expansion Panel Widget.
- Snack Bar Widget.
- Lab 8: Creating a Hotel Reservation App
- Introduction
- What is the JSON?
- How does Firebase Database work?
- Firebase authentication (Signup and Login to Flutter App)
- Configure Your App to use Firebase Services
- Adding Firebase to your Android App
- Adding Firebase to your iOS App
- Configuring Firebase Authentication
- Login to an App Using Firebase User Accounts
- Logout Configuration
- Firebase Database
- Which database is right for your project?
- Real Time Database
- Cloud Firestore
- Lab 9: Create a User Profile Interface using Firebase
Location-Aware Apps: Using GPS and Google Maps
- Introduction
- What is GPS and how does it work?
- The Camera Position
- Adding Google Maps to a Flutter app
- Getting a Google API key
- Adding Google Maps Flutter plug-in as a dependency
- Adding your API key for your Android app
- Adding your API key for your iOS app
- Adding a Google Map on Your Flutter App Screen
- Adding a Google Map Marker
- Google Map Types
- Moving the Camera (Camera Animation)
- Capturing an App User’s Location for iOS and Android Apps.
- Lab10: Location-Aware Apps Using GPS and Google Maps
- Getting a Google API key
- Creating an App Interface
- Configuring your App to Use Your API Key
- Adding a Google Map on your Flutter App Screen
- Adding a Google Map Marker
- Flutter TM Application Development
- Capturing Users’ Location
- Configuring User App’s Permission
App Testing & Publishing
- Testing and Feedback for Your App
- Setting up a Test Environment
- Usability Testing by Participants
- Starting your Test Session
- Analyzing your Test
- Publishing Flutter Apps
- Publishing Android App on Google Play Store
- Publishing iOS app on Apple Store