Curso Ethereum Solidity and Smart Contract Development

  • Blockchain | NFT | DeFi | Metaverse

Curso Ethereum Solidity and Smart Contract Development

32 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Ethereum Solidity and Smart Contract Development, você também aprenderá a usar o Truffle (um framework JS popular) para compilar contratos inteligentes e automatizar o teste de contratos. Além disso, você aprenderá a criar e gerenciar um serviço de carteira. Por fim, este curso é acompanhado por muitos laboratórios práticos.


Após realizar este Curso Ethereum Solidity and Smart Contract Development, você será capaz de:

  • Revise a arquitetura e os componentes do Ethereum
  • O que são DApps e como eles funcionam
  • Cobrir todos os tópicos e sintaxes para fazer programação Solidity
  • Crie e implante seu primeiro DApp usando Ethereum
  • Saiba como a API Web3.js ou Ethereum JS funciona
  • Configure e use a estrutura Truffle.JS para compilar contratos inteligentes e automatizar o teste de contratos
  • Saiba como criar e gerenciar um serviço de carteira
Publico Alvo


Conhecimento prévio de tecnologia blockchain e criptografia que são abordados em nosso curso Blockchain Solution Architect são necessários antes de fazer este curso. Bons conhecimentos de JavaScript, Node.JS e OOP são os outros pré-requisitos deste curso.

Informações Gerais
  • Carga horaria, 32h
  • Se noturno este curso e ministrado de segunda-feira a sexta-feira das 19h às 23h, total de 8 encontros
  • Se aos sábados das 09h às 18h, total de 4 encontros,
  • In-company

Formato de Entrega:

  • In-company
  • 100% on-line ao vivo via Microsoft Teams, na presença de um instrutor/consultor/developer
  • Apostila + Exercícios Práticos 
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Overview of Blockchain, DApp and Ethereum

  1. Overview of blockchain technology
  2. Centralized versus decentralized networks
  3. Decentralized autonomous organization
  4. User identity in DApps
  5. User accounts in DApps
  6. Internal currency in DApps
  7. What are permissioned DApps?
  8. Popular DApps
  9. Overview of blockchain cryptography
  10. Blockchain development platforms
  11. What is Ethereum and how it works
  12. Ethereum versus Hyperledger
  13. Hyperledger Burrow & Ethereum

Overview of Ethereum Components

  1. Ethereum accounts
  2. Transactions
  3. Consensus
  4. Timestamp
  5. Nonce
  6. Block time
  7. Forking
  8. Genesis block
  9. Ether denominations
  10. Gas
  11. Peer discovery
  12. Whisper and Swarm
  13. Geth
  14. Ethereum Wallet
  15. Mist

Introduction to Smart Contracts

  1. A Simple Smart Contract
  2. Blockchain Basics
  3. The Ethereum Virtual Machine

Installing the Solidity Compiler

  1. Versioning
  2. Remix
  3. npm / Node.js
  4. Docker
  5. Binary Packages
  6. Building from Source
  7. CMake options
  8. The version string in depth

Solidity in Depth

  1. Layout of a Solidity Source File
  2. Structure of a Contract
  3. Types
  4. Units and Globally Available Variables
  5. Expressions and Control Structures
  6. Contracts
  7. Solidity Assembly
  8. Miscellaneous
  9. Solidity v0.5.0 Breaking Changes

Using the Compiler in Solidity

  1. Using the Command line Compiler
  2. Setting the EVM version to target
  3. Compiler Input and Output JSON Description

Contract Metadata

  1. Encoding of the Metadata Hash in the Bytecode
  2. Usage for Automatic Interface Generation and NatSpec
  3. Usage for Source Code Verification

Contract ABI Specification

  1. Basic Design
  2. Function Selector
  3. Argument Encoding
  4. Types
  5. Design Criteria for the Encoding
  6. Formal Specification of the Encoding
  7. Function Selector and Argument Encoding
  8. Examples
  9. Use of Dynamic Types
  10. Events
  11. JSON
  12. Strict Encoding Mode
  13. Non-standard Packed Mode

Introduction to Web3.js

  1. Initiating of Web3
  2. Web3.modules
  3. Options
  4. Default components
  5. defaultBlock
  6. defaultAccount
  7. defaultGasPrice
  8. defaultGas
  9. Transaction components
  10. transactionBlockTimeout
  11. transactionConfirmationBlocks
  12. transactionPollingTimeout
  13. transactionSigner
  14. Provider components
  15. setProvider
  16. providers
  17. givenProvider
  18. currentProvider
  19. BatchRequest
  20. Version

Get Started with Truffle.JS

  1. Installation
  2. Creating a Project
  3. Compiling Contracts
  4. Running Migrations
  5. Interacting with Your Contracts
  6. Truffle with MetaMask
  7. Package Management via EthPM
  8. Package Management via NP
  9. Debugging Your Contracts

Solidity Hands-on Labs

  1. Develop a complex voting application
  2. Build voting contract part- Lab 1
  3. Build blind auction part- Lab 2
  4. Create safe remote purchase part- Lab 3
  5. Develop micropayment channel part- Lab 4

Creating a Wallet Service

  1. Online versus offline wallets
  2. hooked-web3-provider and ethereumjs-tx libraries
  3. Overview of hierarchical deterministic wallet
  4. Introduction to key derivation functions
  5. Overview of LightWallet
  6. Building a wallet service

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