Visão Geral
Este Curso Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Functional Consultant, cobrirá os recursos e funcionalidades mais importantes necessários ao consultor funcional do Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, incluindo: As informações do produto e como configurar, criar e gerenciar seu produto e inventário.
Gerenciamento e certificação da cadeia de suprimentos do Dynamics 365. Conheça os recursos e funcionalidades importantes necessários ao Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, incluindo: As informações do produto, como configurar, criar e gerenciar seu produto e inventário. Configuração e processamento do gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos. Os recursos de gerenciamento de transporte e os recursos de gerenciamento de armazém. Funcionalidades de gestão e controle de qualidade. Configuração e processamento do planejamento mestre. Este curso inclui palestras e vários exercícios práticos. Os exercícios serão apresentados a você na forma de um estudo de caso apresentado a um consultor funcional do Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. Cada exercício será baseado em um cenário de negócios seguido por uma pergunta ou discussão e, em seguida, uma orientação passo a passo para executar as etapas relacionadas ao sistema.
Publico Alvo
Este Curso Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Functional Consultant especializado em cadeia de suprimentos do MB-350 Dynamics 365 certo para você?
Este Curso Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Functional Consultant, foi desenvolvido para o consultor funcional do Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. O consultor funcional do Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management é um recurso importante que projeta e configura aplicativos para atender aos requisitos de um cliente. O consultor funcional analisa os requisitos de negócios e os traduz em processos e soluções de negócios totalmente realizados que implementam práticas recomendadas pelo setor. O consultor funcional é especializado em um ou mais dos seguintes conjuntos de recursos do Dynamics: finanças, manufatura ou gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos. Eles fazem parceria com arquitetos, desenvolvedores, administradores e outras partes interessadas para fornecer soluções que atendam ou superem as necessidades de seus clientes.
Conteúdo Programatico
Module 1: Implement product information management
This module will introduce you to the following topics:
- Create and release products and product variants
- Create and apply product templates
- Create bills of materials (BOMs)
- Identify the purpose and capabilities of the product configuration models
- Configure catch weights
- Configure direct-delivery products
- Create and manage inventory dimensions
- Configure item groups
- Create and assign bar codes and Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN) codes
- Configure category hierarchies and product attributes
- Configure product unit conversions
- Configure default order settings
- Describe inventory costing methods & model groups
- Configure Costing versions for standard and planned costs
- Configure and default purchase prices, default sales prices, and trade agreements.
- Create and manage products
- Configure products for supply chain management
- Manage inventory pricing and costing
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Implement product information management
Module 2: Implement inventory management
This module will introduce you to the following areas:
- Set up inventory management parameters and journals
- Configure inventory breakdown Structure
- Configure ABC classifications
- Configure inventory valuation reports
- Create and process journals including bill of materials, item arrival, transfer, movement, inventory adjustment, counting, and tag counting journals
- Create and process transfer orders
- Perform inventory closings and adjustments.
- Configure Inventory management
- Manage and process inventory activities
Lab : Case study 1 Implement inventory management
- Add products to a new warehouse using basic inventory management
- Create a standard cost version that uses a specific model group
- Add and releasing new products to a warehouse
- Use the inventory movement journal to initialize stock levels in a warehouse
- Use the inventory transfer journal to move items to a new location in the warehouse
- Adjust stock levels using the inventory adjustment journal
- Use the inventory counting journal to compare D365 inventory amounts to manually counted
- Create a BOM in the BOM designer
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Implement inventory management
Module 3: Implement and manage supply chain processes
This module will introduce you to the following topics:
- Create and manage purchase requisitions, requests for quotes (RFQs), and purchase orders (POs)
- Configure change management processes
- Configure and apply vendor rebates
- Introduction to Vendor collaboration
- Manage consignment inventory
- Manage over and under deliveries
- Configure procurement categories and purchasing policies
- Configure charges
- Configure quotations, sales orders, and return orders
- Configure sales groups and commissions
- Configure customer, product, and prospect searches
- Configure and process inter-company trade relations documents
- Introduction to D365 Guides
- Authoring of D365 Guides
- Operating of D365 Guides.
- Implement Procurement and sourcing
- Implement common sales and marketing features
- Using Microsoft Guides
Lab : Case study 2A Procurement and sourcing
- Create, submit, and approve a purchase requisition
- Create, reply and accept a request for quotation
- Create purchase requisition and purchasing policies
- Create a purchase order for delivery to multiple sites
- Create a charges code
- Create a vendor charges group and assign to vendors
- Create an automatic charge
- Approve purchase orders prior to confirmation
- Create trade agreements for vendors
- Create a purchase order based on a trade agreement
Lab : Case study 2B Sales and marketing
- Enter and confirm sales order
- Create and review a sales order for commission
- Create a customer trade agreement
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Implement and manage supply chain processes
Module 4: Implement warehouse management and transportation management
This module will introduce you to the following topics:
- Create sites, warehouses, locations, location formats, location profiles, location types, and zones
- Implement location directives
- Configure Inventory Statuses, unit sequence groups, and reservation hierarchies
- Implement wave and work, templates
- Implement wave load building template
- Configure mobile device menus, menu items, and display settings
- manage inventory stock movement processes
- Perform cycle counting
- Process inbound and outbound orders
- Process shipments
- Describe the replenishment process cross-docking
- Introduction
- Configure shipping carriers and carrier groups
- Perform planning and executing loads and shipments
- Configure and generate freight bills and invoices
- Configure route plans and guides
- Configure route and rate engines
- Configure and use dock appointment scheduling
- Configure warehouse management
- Perform warehouse management processes
- Implement transportation management
Lab : Case study 3 Warehouse management and transportation management
- Configure warehouse management
- Create a reservation hierarchy
- Create disposition codes and inbound location directives
- Configure mobile devices
- Configure purchase orders
- Configure wave processing
- Configure cycle counting
- Define cycle counting
- Define a partial location cycle counting process
- Transfer orders and replenishments
- Setup replenishment
- Configure outbound processing
- Configure cluster picking
- Setup manual packing
- Configure carriers
- Configure rate masters
- Setup route plans and route guides
- Process inbound shipments
- Process outbound shipments
- Configure freight reconciliation
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Implement warehouse management and transportation management
Module 5: Configure and manage quality control and quality management
This module will introduce you to the following topics:
- Configure quality control
- Configure quality management
- Manage quality orders and quarantine Order
- Manage inventory blocking.
- Configure quality control and quality management
- Manage quality control and quality management
Lab : Case study 4 Quality control and quality management
- Enable quality management process
- Create a manual quality order with a specification
- Define conditions to work with non-conformance issues
- Use non-conformance order to repair an item and a faulty machine
- Run non-conformance reports
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Configure and manage quality control and quality management
Module 6: Implement master planning
This module will introduce you to the following topics:
- Differentiate between planning optimization and master planning
- Set up coverage groups and item coverage
- Configure master planning parameters, master plan, forecast plans, and continuity plans
- Differentiate between action messages, delay messages, time fences, and negative days
- Process and view planned orders
- Set up and use the Supply Schedule form
- Configure and process safety stock journals
- Set up and Implement inter-company master planning
- Implement demand-base forecasting
- Implement planning optimization
- Configure master planning and forecasting
- Run master plans and manage planned orders
- Implement additional master planning features
Lab : Case study 5 Master planning
- Process and view planned orders
- Create and run intercompany master plans
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Implement master planning