Curso Design Thinking Foundation

  • Web UX Design Era Digital

Curso Design Thinking Foundation

16 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Design Thinking Foundation, nove ou morra! Esse é o mantra de muitas empresas que se movem rapidamente e são bem-sucedidas, especialmente neste mundo de interconectividade de alta velocidade. A questão que as organizações enfrentam para se manterem relevantes no ambiente atual é como estabelecer uma cultura de inovação e solução criativa de problemas. O design thinking, uma abordagem para inovação e solução criativa de problemas, está se tornando a abordagem para organizações com visão de futuro. O que é design thinking? Design thinking é uma abordagem iterativa para resolver problemas com equipes multifuncionais lideradas por facilitadores. Este curso apresenta uma introdução à abordagem e mentalidade de design thinking usando exercícios altamente interativos que dão aos participantes uma amostra de algumas das técnicas e métodos de design thinking que despertam as habilidades inovadoras e de resolução de problemas dentro de cada um de nós.


Após realizar este Curso Design Thinking Foundation, você será capaz de:

  • Compreender os conceitos de abordagens de design thinking
  • Crie equipes de design thinking e conduza sessões de design thinking
  • Aplicar o pensamento crítico e o design thinking em paralelo para resolver problemas
  • Aplicar alguns conceitos de design thinking ao seu trabalho diário

Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico

Design Thinking Overview

  1. What Is Different About Design thinking?
  2. Exercise: Design Thinking in the Workplace
  3. Design Thinking Skills
  4. Exercise: Design Thinking Skills
  5. Design Thinking Mindset
  6. Principles of Design Thinking
  7. Exercise: Design Thinking Principles

General Approaches to Design Thinking

  1. The Basis for Design Thinking
  2. Design Thinking Frameworks
  3. Exercise: Build a Design Thinking Framework
  4. The Design Thinking Team
  5. What Constitutes a Design Thinking Team?
  6. Exercise: Create a Design Thinking Team
  7. Design Thinking Workshops and Meetings
  8. Characteristics
  9. Types of Workshops

A Design Thinking Approach in Stages

  1. Apply the Design Thinking Frameworks
  2. Class Exercise: Review the Case Study
  3. Empathize with the Customers and/or Users
  4. Exercise: Engage the Customer /User
  5. Define the Problem
  6. Exercise: Review and Follow-Up
  7. Exercise: Define the Point of View
  8. Ideate
  9. Exercise: Develop Potential Solutions
  10. Exercise: Feedback on the Solutions
  11. Prototype Alternate Solutions
  12. Exercise: Create a Prototype of the Solution
  13. Exercise: Review the Prototype and Gain Feedback
  14. Test the Solutions
  15. Exercise: Prepare Test of the Prototype and Solution

Design Thinking Techniques

  1. Listening and Empathizing Techniques
  2. Engagement
  3. Exercise: Ask the Right Questions
  4. Observation
  5. Exercise: Setting Up the Observation
  6. Showing Empathy
  7. Define and Ideation Techniques
  8. Unpacking
  9. Exercise: Unpack to the Wall
  10. Personas
  11. Exercise: Create Personas for the Case Study
  12. Pattern Recognition and Connecting the Dots
  13. Prototype and Test Techniques
  14. Types of Prototypes
  15. Exercise: Revise Franken Prototype to Refined Prototype
  16. Forms of Testing in Design Thinking
  17. Exercise: Prepare and A / B Test of the Prototype

General Design Thinking Practices

  1. Visualization Techniques and Diagrams
  2. Use of Diagrams and Maps in Design Thinking
  3. Exercise: Create an Empathy Map
  4. Exercise: Revisit the Wall
  5. Exercise; Create an Affinity Diagram
  6. Exercise: Create a Mind Map
  7. Exercise: Create a Journey Map
  8. Story Telling Techniques
  9. Story Telling Throughout the Design Thinking Process
  10. Improvisation
  11. Exercise: Tell a Story
  12. Scenarios
  13. Exercise: Create a Set of Scenarios for the Case Study
  14. K-Scripts
  15. Exercise: Create a Set of K-Scripts for the Case Study
  16. Exercise: Perform Role Playing of Scenarios for the Case Study

Adopt and Adapt Design Thinking

  1. Cautions and Pitfalls
  2. Assumptions
  3. Exercise: Assumptions
  4. Pitfalls and Cautions in Design Thinking Workgroups
  5. Final Words and Best Practices
  6. Best Practices
  7. Exercise: Best Practices
  8. Exercise: Take the Practices Back to the Office

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