Curso Design Patterns using Objective C
32 horasMateriais
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab PraticoConteúdo Programatico
Object Creation
- Prototype
- Factory Method
- Abstract Factory
- Builder
- SingleTon
Interface Adaptation
- Adaptor
- Bridge
- Facade
Decoupling of Objects
- Mediator
- Observer
Abstract collection
- Composite
- Iterator
Behavioral Extension
- Visitor
- Decorator
- Chain of Responsibility
Algorithm Encapsulation
- Template Method
- Strategy
- Command
Performance and Object Access
- FlyWeight
- Proxy
State Of Object
- Momento
Memory Management
- Allocation and Initialization
- Allocating Memory For Objects
- Initializing New Objects
- Combining Allocation and Initialization
- Deallocation
IO Kit Fundamentals
- What is I/O Kit?
- Architectural Overview
- The I/O Registry
- Driver and Device Matching
- The Base Classes
- I/O Kit Families
- Handling Events
- Managing Data
- Managing Power and Device Removal
- Hello Debugger: Debugging a Device Driver with GDB
- Packing your KEXT for Distribution and Installation
- Loading Kernel Extensions at Boot Time
- Kernel Extension Dependencies
Writing an I/O Kit Device Driver
- Introduction
- The libkern C++ Runtime
- libkern Collection and Container Classes
- The IOService API
- Making Hardware Accessible to Applications
- Kernel-User Notification
- Displaying Localized information About Drivers
Performance management of applications
- Profiling using
- XCode Profiler
- Shark Profiler
- Activity Monitor
- Gathering statistics using Instruments
- HD Monitors
- Performance reporting using MacStats tool
Testing Mac, COCOA and IOS (COCOA Touch) Applications
- Debugging IOS Applications
- The Debug Navigator
- Debug Area
- Viewing Console output and logs
- Incorporate Unit Testing
- Writing test suites
- Setting Unit Testing in a project
- Writing Test Case methods
- Tests
- Logic Unit Tests
- Frame Unit Tests
- Application Unit Tests
- Running the tests
- Observing the test results
Advanced concepts of Cocoa
- Customizing the controller
- Hidden features of Cocoa that can be useful for development
- Overview of latest SDK features (not in detail, but just a preview of what is to follow)
iOS development
- Common pitfalls while designing iOS applications and how to avoid them
- Common Database pitfalls and how to overcome them
- Hidden features that can useful for developers
- Plan how to design, code and test applications effectively - share your personal experience, best practices