Visão Geral
Este curso fornece uma apresentação abrangente dos recursos e usos do QMF. Além disso, o curso aborda o desenvolvimento de consultas do QMF usando a Linguagem de Consulta Estruturada (SQL) e o recurso “Modo Solicitado” do QMF. Tópicos adicionais do QMF incluem o desenvolvimento e usos de formulários, procedimentos e Variáveis Globais do QMF. Exemplos detalhados são fornecidos ao longo do texto do aluno, e vários workshops práticos são fornecidos para reforçar o que é abordado em aula.
Conteúdo Programatico
QMF Overview
- What is QMF?
- QMF’s Operation
- QMF’s Naming Conventions
- QMF’s Query panels
- QMF’s Form panels
QMF’s Home, Help and Profile Panels
- QMF’s Home panel
- QMF’s Help panels
- QMF’s Profile panel
Creating QMF Queries using SQL
- Creating a query using SQL
- Using a variable within a query
- Executing a query
- Saving (and optionally sharing) a query
- Saving data resulting from executing a query
- Use of the LIST QUERIES command
- Use of the IMPORT and EXPORT commands
- Using TSO/ISPF’s Editor
Simple Select Statements (SQL) used to Develop QMF Queries
- Simple SELECT statements
- SELECT statement with a WHERE clause
- Compound WHERE clause
- SELECT statement with an ORDER BY clause
- Select statement with Literals and Generated columns
- Select statement that supports “Join” operations
- Use of BETWEEN syntax
- Use of IN syntax
- Use of LIKE syntax
- Use of IS NULL syntax
Creating QMF Queries using Prompted Mode
- Creating a query using Prompted Mode
- Entering Db2 table information
- Selecting the “columns” option
- Selecting data for the query
- Selecting the “row conditions” option
- Specifying a test condition for the query
- Selecting the “sort” option
- Specifying sort information for the query
- Exit from the Specify Box
- Prompted Query panel
- Show SQL option
- Execute the Prompted Mode query
- Reviewing output and saving the Prompted Mode query
Modifying Prompted Mode Queries/Including an Expression or a Variable in a Prompted Mode Query
- A Prompted Mode query
- Modifying an existing Prompted Mode query
- Including an Expression within a Prompted Mode query
- Including a Variable within a Prompted Mode query
QMF’s Form panels: Features, Usage Codes, Edit Codes
- Features associated with QMF’s Form panels
- Usage Codes associated with FORM.MAIN
- Edit Codes associated with FORM.MAIN
Using the FORM Panels to Create a Report Layout
- Creating a report layout (Form)
- FORM.MAIN (define a report’s characteristics)
- Designing a custom report layout
- Using the SHOW command panel
- FORM.PAGE (defining page headings and footings)
- FORM.FINAL (defining final totals)
- FORM.BREAKn (defining break information)
- FORM.OPTIONS (defining the report’s appearance)
- Results of executing the Query and Form
- Use of the LIST FORMS command
- Report results using the FORM.CALC feature
- Developing a query in conjunction with FORM.CALC
- Results of executing the query
- FORM.MAIN panel
- FORM.CALC panel
- FORM.BREAK1 panel
- FORM.FINAL panel
Creating QMF Procedures (PROCS)
- Creating a Procedure (PROC)
- PROC panel
- Use of the LIST PROCS command
Global Variables
- Naming Conventions
- Coding Guidelines
- Example: a Global Variable referenced in a Query
- Example: a Global Variable referenced in a Form
- Resetting a Global Variable (RESET GLOBAL … )
- Using the SHOW GLOBALS command
- Report results using the FORM.DETAIL feature
- Developing a query in conjunction with FORM.DETAIL
- Results of executing the query
- FORM.MAIN panel
- FORM.CALC panel
- FORM.PAGE panel
- FORM.BREAK1 panel
- FORM.FINAL panel
Aligning Headings/Column Data
- Developing a query in conjunction with the Alignment feature
- Results of executing the query
- FORM.MAIN panel
- Alignment Feature
Using GROUP and/or ACROSS
- Developing a query in conjunction with GROUP and/or ACROSS
- Results of executing the query
- FORM.MAIN panel (using GROUP)
- Report output using GROUP
- FORM.MAIN panel (using GROUP and ACROSS)
- Report output using GROUP and ACROSS
- Suppressing Summary totals
- Suppressing Final totals
Automatic Reordering of Report Columns
- Developing a query in conjunction with the Automatic Reordering feature
- Results of executing the query
- FORM.MAIN panel
- FORM.BREAK1 panel
- Report output (not using Automatic Reordering)
- Specifying the Automatic Reordering feature
- Report output (using Automatic Reordering)
QMF Command Syntax Handout
- Each student will be provided with a handout that contains a listing of QMF Commands, including each command’s associated parameters (if any) and syntax requirements.