Curso Db2 for z/OS QMF Workshop

  • Mainframe | Cobol

Curso Db2 for z/OS QMF Workshop

Visão Geral

Este curso fornece uma apresentação abrangente dos recursos e usos do QMF. Além disso, o curso aborda o desenvolvimento de consultas do QMF usando a Linguagem de Consulta Estruturada (SQL) e o recurso “Modo Solicitado” do QMF. Tópicos adicionais do QMF incluem o desenvolvimento e usos de formulários, procedimentos e Variáveis ​​Globais do QMF. Exemplos detalhados são fornecidos ao longo do texto do aluno, e vários workshops práticos são fornecidos para reforçar o que é abordado em aula.


Após a conclusão deste curso, você será capaz de:

  • Entenda como desenvolver/executar uma consulta SQL ou Modo Prompted
  • Compreender como desenvolver uma consulta do QMF que contém uma(s) Expressão(ões) e/ou uma(s) Variável(es)
  • Compreender como desenvolver/executar um formulário QMF
  • Entenda como desenvolver um formulário que contém Breakpoints
  • Entender como desenvolver um formulário que contém Cálculos
  • Compreender como desenvolver um formulário que contém recursos de Grupo e/ou Cruzados
  • Compreender como desenvolver/executar um Procedimento do QMF
  • Entenda como estabelecer e usar variáveis ​​globais
  • Complete vários “workshops práticos”
Publico Alvo
  • Este curso destina-se a qualquer pessoa interessada em compreender os recursos e usos do Query Management Facility (QMF).
  • Conhecimento básico de TSO/ISPF.
Informações Gerais

Carga Horária: 24h

  • Se noturno este curso é ministrado de Segunda-feira à sexta-feira, das 19h às 23h
  • Se aos sábados este curso é ministrado das 9h às 18h
  • Se in-company por favor fazer contato para mais detalhes.

Formato de entrega: 

  • 100% on-line ao vivo, via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor ativo no mercado.
  • Nota: não é curso gravado. 


  • Laboratório + Exercícios práticos
Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico

QMF Overview

  1. What is QMF?
  2. QMF’s Operation
  3. QMF’s Naming Conventions
  4. QMF’s Query panels
  5. QMF’s Form panels

QMF’s Home, Help and Profile Panels

  1. QMF’s Home panel
  2. QMF’s Help panels
  3. QMF’s Profile panel

Creating QMF Queries using SQL

  1. Creating a query using SQL
  2. Using a variable within a query
  3. Executing a query
  4. Saving (and optionally sharing) a query
  5. Saving data resulting from executing a query
  6. Use of the LIST QUERIES command
  7. Use of the IMPORT and EXPORT commands
  8. Using TSO/ISPF’s Editor

Simple Select Statements (SQL) used to Develop QMF Queries

  1. Simple SELECT statements
  2. SELECT statement with a WHERE clause
  3. Compound WHERE clause
  4. SELECT statement with an ORDER BY clause
  5. Select statement with Literals and Generated columns
  6. Select statement that supports “Join” operations
  7. Use of BETWEEN syntax
  8. Use of IN syntax
  9. Use of LIKE syntax
  10. Use of IS NULL syntax

Creating QMF Queries using Prompted Mode

  1. Creating a query using Prompted Mode
  2. Entering Db2 table information
  3. Selecting the “columns” option
  4. Selecting data for the query
  5. Selecting the “row conditions” option
  6. Specifying a test condition for the query
  7. Selecting the “sort” option
  8. Specifying sort information for the query
  9. Exit from the Specify Box
  10. Prompted Query panel
  11. Show SQL option
  12. Execute the Prompted Mode query
  13. Reviewing output and saving the Prompted Mode query

Modifying Prompted Mode Queries/Including an Expression or a Variable in a Prompted Mode Query

  1. A Prompted Mode query
  2. Modifying an existing Prompted Mode query
  3. Including an Expression within a Prompted Mode query
  4. Including a Variable within a Prompted Mode query

QMF’s Form panels: Features, Usage Codes, Edit Codes

  1. Features associated with QMF’s Form panels
  2. Usage Codes associated with FORM.MAIN
  3. Edit Codes associated with FORM.MAIN

Using the FORM Panels to Create a Report Layout

  1. Creating a report layout (Form)
  2. FORM.MAIN (define a report’s characteristics)
  3. Designing a custom report layout
  4. Using the SHOW command panel
  5. FORM.PAGE (defining page headings and footings)
  6. FORM.FINAL (defining final totals)
  7. FORM.BREAKn (defining break information)
  8. FORM.OPTIONS (defining the report’s appearance)
  9. Results of executing the Query and Form
  10. Use of the LIST FORMS command


  1. Report results using the FORM.CALC feature
  2. Developing a query in conjunction with FORM.CALC
  3. Results of executing the query
  4. FORM.MAIN panel
  5. FORM.CALC panel
  6. FORM.BREAK1 panel
  7. FORM.FINAL panel

Creating QMF Procedures (PROCS)

  1. Creating a Procedure (PROC)
  2. PROC panel
  3. Use of the LIST PROCS command

Global Variables

  1. Naming Conventions
  2. Coding Guidelines
  3. Example: a Global Variable referenced in a Query
  4. Example: a Global Variable referenced in a Form
  5. Resetting a Global Variable (RESET GLOBAL … )
  6. Using the SHOW GLOBALS command


  1. Report results using the FORM.DETAIL feature
  2. Developing a query in conjunction with FORM.DETAIL
  3. Results of executing the query
  4. FORM.MAIN panel
  5. FORM.DETAIL panel
  6. FORM.CALC panel
  7. FORM.PAGE panel
  8. FORM.BREAK1 panel
  9. FORM.FINAL panel

Aligning Headings/Column Data

  1. Developing a query in conjunction with the Alignment feature
  2. Results of executing the query
  3. FORM.MAIN panel
  4. Alignment Feature

Using GROUP and/or ACROSS

  1. Developing a query in conjunction with GROUP and/or ACROSS
  2. Results of executing the query
  3. FORM.MAIN panel (using GROUP)
  4. Report output using GROUP
  5. FORM.MAIN panel (using GROUP and ACROSS)
  6. Report output using GROUP and ACROSS
  7. Suppressing Summary totals
  8. Suppressing Final totals

Automatic Reordering of Report Columns

  1. Developing a query in conjunction with the Automatic Reordering feature
  2. Results of executing the query
  3. FORM.MAIN panel
  4. FORM.BREAK1 panel
  5. Report output (not using Automatic Reordering)
  6. Specifying the Automatic Reordering feature
  7. Report output (using Automatic Reordering)

QMF Command Syntax Handout

  1. Each student will be provided with a handout that contains a listing of QMF Commands, including each command’s associated parameters (if any) and syntax requirements.

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