Visão Geral
No curso de treinamento CyberSecurity Analyst+, os participantes aprenderão a obter ferramentas e táticas para gerenciar riscos de segurança cibernética, identificar vários tipos de ameaças comuns, avaliar a segurança de uma organização, coletar e analisar inteligência de segurança cibernética e lidar com incidentes à medida que ocorrem.
Conteúdo Programatico
Assessing Information Security Risk
- Identify the Importance of Risk Management
- Assess Risk
- Mitigate Risk
- Integrate Documentation into Risk Management
Analyzing Reconnaissance Threats to Computing and Network Environments
- Assess the Impact of Reconnaissance Incidents
- Assess the Impact of Social Engineering
Analyzing Attacks on Computing and Network Environments
- Assess the Impact of System Hacking Attacks
- Assess the Impact of Web-Based Attacks
- Assess the Impact of Malware
- Assess the Impact of Hijacking and Impersonation Attacks
- Assess the Impact of DoS Incidents
- Assess the Impact of Threats to Mobile Security
- Assess the Impact of Threats to Cloud Security
Analyzing Post-Attack Techniques
- Assess Command and Control Techniques
- Assess Persistence Techniques
- Assess Lateral Movement and Pivoting Techniques
- Assess Data Exfiltration Techniques
- Assess Anti-Forensics Techniques
Managing Vulnerabilities in the Organization
- Implement a Vulnerability Management Plan
- Assess Common Vulnerabilities
- Conduct Vulnerability Scans
- Conduct Penetration Tests on Network Assets
Collecting Cybersecurity Intelligence
- Deploy a Security Intelligence Collection and Analysis Platform
- Collect Data from Network-Based Intelligence Sources
- Collect Data from Host-Based Intelligence Sources
Analyzing Log Data
- Use Common Tools to Analyze Logs
- Use SIEM Tools for Analysis
Performing Active Asset and Network Analysis
- Analyze Incidents with Windows-Based Tools
- Analyze Incidents with Linux-Based Tools
- Analyze Malware
- Analyze Indicators of Compromise
Responding to Cybersecurity Incidents
- Deploy an Incident Handling and Response Architecture
- Mitigate Incidents
- Prepare for Forensic Investigation as a CSIRT
Investigating Cybersecurity Incidents
- Apply a Forensic Investigation Plan
- Securely Collect and Analyze Electronic Evidence
- Follow Up on the Results of an Investigation
Addressing Security Architecture Issues
- Remediate Identity and Access Management Issues
- Implement Security During the SDLC