Curso CISCO CICD Implementating Collaboration CISCO Devices

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Curso CISCO CICD Implementating Collaboration CISCO Devices

40 Horas
Visão Geral

Curso CISCO CICD Implementating Collaboration CISCO Devices,  ensina os alunos a manter e operar uma solução Cisco Unified Communications baseada no Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, Cisco Unity Connection e Cisco Unified Presence. Este curso fornece aos alunos o conhecimento e as habilidades para alcançar a competência de nível de associado nas Comunicações Unificadas da Cisco. Este curso apresenta a arquitetura, os componentes, as funcionalidades e os recursos das soluções Cisco Unified Communications e descreve como as tarefas diárias de trabalho, como monitoramento do sistema, movimentações, adições e alterações, são executadas no Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express, Cisco Conexão de unidade e presença unificada da Cisco.


Curso CISCO CICD Implementating Collaboration CISCO Devices 


O conhecimento e as habilidades que um aluno deve ter antes de participar deste curso são os seguintes: Conhecimento prático de redes convergentes de voz e dados Conhecimento básico de gateways Cisco IOS Conhecimento básico do Cisco Unified Communications Manager e Cisco Unity Connection

Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Module 1: Cisco Unified Communications Solutions

  1. Lesson 1: Understanding the Components of Cisco Unified Communications Solutions
  2. Lesson 2: Understanding the Characteristics of Cisco Unified Communications Solutions

Module 2: Administrator and End-User Interfaces

  1. Lesson 1: Understanding Administrator Interfaces
  2. Lesson 2: Understanding End-User Interfaces

Module 3: Call Flows in Cisco Call Control Platforms

  1. Lesson 1: Understanding Call Flows and Call Legs
  2. Lesson 2: Understanding the Configuration Components Impacting Call Flows in Cisco Unified Communications Manager
  3. Lesson 3: Understanding Configuration Components That Impact Call Flows in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express

Module 4: Endpoint and End User Administration

  1. Lesson 1: Understanding End-User Characteristics and Configuration Requirements
  2. Lesson 2: Understanding End-User Implementation Options
  3. Lesson 3: Understanding Endpoint Characteristics and Configuration Requirements
  4. Lesson 4: Understanding Endpoint Implementation Options

Module 5: End User Telephony and Mobility Features

  1. Lesson 1: Understanding Telephony Features
  2. Lesson 2: Enabling Telephony Features
  3. Lesson 3: Understanding Mobility Features
  4. Lesson 4: Enabling Mobility Features

Module 6: Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service

  1. Lesson 1: Understanding Cisco Unity Connection
  2. Lesson 2: Understanding End User and Voice Mailbox Characteristics and Configuration Requirements
  3. Lesson 3: Understanding End User and Voice Mailbox Implementation Options
  4. Lesson 4: Understanding Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service
  5. Lesson 5: Enabling Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service

Module 7: Cisco Unified Communications Solutions Maintenance

  1. Lesson 1: Providing End-User Support
  2. Lesson 2: Understanding Cisco Unified Communications Manager Reports
  3. Lesson 3: Understanding Cisco Unified Communications Manager CDR Analysis and Reporting Tool Reports
  4. Lesson 4: Monitoring the System with Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool
  5. Lesson 5: Monitoring Voicemail in Cisco Unity Connection
  6. Lesson 6: Understanding the Disaster Recovery System


  • Hardware Lab 1: Explore Administrator Interfaces
  • Hardware Lab 2: Explore End-User Interfaces
  • Hardware Lab 3: Explore Call Flows in Cisco Unified Communications Manager
  • Hardware Lab 4: Explore Call Flows in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
  • Hardware Lab 5: Implement End Users
  • Hardware Lab 6: Implement Endpoints
  • Hardware Lab 7: Enable Telephony Features
  • Hardware Lab 8: Enable Mobility Features
  • Hardware Lab 9: Implement End Users and Voice Mailboxes
  • Hardware Lab 10: Enable Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service
  • Hardware Challenge Lab 11: Provide End-User Support
  • Hardware Challenge Lab 12: Generate Cisco Unified Communications Manager CAR Tool Reports
  • Hardware Lab 13: Monitor the System with Cisco Unified RTMT
  • Hardware Lab 14: Back Up Cisco Unified Communications Manager

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