Visão Geral
Curso Blockchain Developer Course Python Js React. Quer adicionar aprendizagem de programação de software e, ao mesmo tempo, adicionar linguagens/tecnologias relevantes ao seu portfólio? Este curso é perfeito. De acordo com stackoverflow (pesquisa com desenvolvedores de 2019), Python é a principal linguagem de programação de crescimento mais rápido atualmente. React.js é o framework web mais querido. E não há dúvida de que blockchains e criptomoedas estão na vanguarda da tecnologia moderna.
Quer aprender Python e/ou JavaScript? Este curso é para todos os níveis. Se você for um novato, terá uma experiência do zero. Mas a jornada do curso está totalmente em suas mãos. Se você tiver mais experiência, sinta-se à vontade para pular as seções introdutórias de Python e JavaScript para começar a construir o projeto.
Conteúdo Programatico
Python Fundamentals
- Section Preview: Python Fundamentals
- Set up Python and other Software Installations (Mac, Linux, and Windows)
- Python Interpreter and Fundamentals
- Strings and Variables
- Functions
- Control Flow: Booleans, Comparison Operators, and If Statements
- Loops: While and For
- Data Structures: Lists, Sets, and Dictionaries
- Overview: Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
- Code: Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
- Section Summary: Python Fundamentals
Start The Blockchain Application
- Course Repository
- Mining Blocks and the Genesis Block
- Update add_block and Static Methods
- The Hashing Algorithm Part 1
- Hashing and SHA-256
- Encoding and Decoding in UTF-8 | An Overview
- The Hashing Algorithm Part 2, and Lambda Functions
- Section Summary: Start the Blockchain Application
Test The Application
- Section Preview: Test the Application
- Virtual Environments, Pip, and Pytest
- Organize the Application into Package
- Test the Application
- Test the Blockchain
- Section Summary: Test the Application
Proof of Work
- Section Preview: Proof of Work
- Proof of Work and the 51% Attack
- Difficulty and the Nonce Value
- Dynamic Difficulty and the Mine Rate
- Test Adjust Difficulty
- Proof of Work System | Average Work Script
- Hex to Binary Conversion
- Test hex_to_binary
- Section Summary: Proof of Work
Preparing The Blockchain For Collaboration
- Section Preview: Preparing the Blockchain for Collaboration
- Chain Validation and Replacement Overview
- Validate a Block
- Test is_valid_block
- Chain Validation
- Chain Replacement
- Section Summary: Preparing the Blockchain for Collaboration
The Blockchain Network – Flask API and Pub/Sub
- Section Preview: The Blockchain Network
- APIs, HTTP, and Flask Overview
- Set Up Flask
- GET the Blockchain Data
- Respond with the blockchain as JSON
- Mine Block Request
- Real-Time Messaging Network through Pub/Sub
- Set up PubNub
- PubSub Class
- Peer Instances
- Broadcast Blocks
- Add Received Blocks
- Synchronize a Peer on Startup
- Section Summary: The Blockchain Network
The Crypto Currencies: Wallets, Keys, Transactions
- Section Preview: The Cryptocurrency
- Wallets, Keys, and Transactions Overview
- Wallets and Cryptography Module
- Sign Data
- Verify Signatures
- Test the Wallet
- Transactions
- Test Transactions
- Transaction Updates
- Test Transaction Updates
- Validate Transactions
- Section Summary: The Cryptocurrency
Transactions on the Network
- Section Preview: Transactions on the Network
- Download Postman
- Transact Endpoint
- Serialize the Wallet Public Key
- Encode the Signature and a Successful POST Transact
- Transaction Pool: Overview
- Transaction Pool: Code
- Broadcast Transactions
- Transaction Updates in the API and Truthy/Falsy values
- Section Summary: Transactions on the Network
Connect the Blockchain and Crypto Currencies
- Section Preview: Connect the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
- Mine Transactions
- Test App Script
- Clear Blockchain Transactions
- Calculate Wallet Balances: Overview
- Calculate Wallet Balances: Code
- Test Calculate Wallet Balance
- Balance Property and Wallet Info Endpoint
- Mining Reward
- Validate Mining Rewards
- Transaction Chain Validations
- Test Transaction Chain Validations
- Check Historic Balances
- Section Summary: Connect the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
The Backend Review and Fronted Preview
- The Backend Review and Frontend Preview
From Python to JavaScript
- Section Preview: From Python to JavaScript
- From Python to JavaScript | Part 1
- From Python to JavaScript | Part 2
- Section Summary: From Python to JavaScript
Introduction to Web Development , React, and React Hooks
- Section Preview: Introduction to Web Development, React, and React Hooks
- A 7m Introduction to Web Development (and its relationship to React)
- The Core Concepts of React
- Install Node.js and Npx
- Set Up the Application
- Use State
- Use Effect
- The React Runtime and How React Applies Hooks
- Use State Under the Hood
- Section Summary: Introduction to Web Development, React, and React Hooks
Frontend Blockchain
- Section Preview: Frontend Blockchain
- Wallet Info Display
- Backend Interlude: Cors
- Blockchain Component
- Block Component and Props
- Transaction Component
- Toggle the Transaction Data
- Backend Interlude: Seed the Backend with Data
- Backend Interlude: Blockchain Pagination Endpoints
- Paginated Blockchain in the Frontend
- Section Summary: Frontend Blockchain
Frontend Cryptocurrencies
- Frontend Cryptocurrency
- Conduct Transaction Component
- React Router and History
- Known addresses: Backend and UI
- Transaction Pool: Backend and UI
- Navigate to transaction-pool and Poll Transactions
- Mine Transactions Frontend