Conteúdo Programatico
Appium Installation and Setup for Android and iOS
- Appium Desktop Application Installation
- Appium Inspector Installation
- Android Installation and Setup
- iOS Setup for Appium
- And More....
Appium and Mobile Testing Introduction
- Appium Introduction Including the history and what it can do ?
- A details insight about how it is designed and configured internally
- The Software and Libraries required to complete Appium Installation
- Session about - Native, Hybrid and web Applications From Appium Perspective
- Details about the Appium Server andits Configuration
- Quick Overview about the limitation in Appium
Appium Android Basics: Get Started
- Understand the top used ADB commands for Appium automation
- Necessary steps to configure to run against the device through WIFI connection
- Understand about the android APP package and their internals
- The desired capabilities from Appium to interact with apps
- Detailed overview about available locators in Appium
- At times, real phones are not available. Emulators learning assist to simulate on virtual devices
Start with First Appium Script
- Overview about Appium Driver, Android Driver and Remote webdriver classes.
- Build the first script on a native application.
- Perform actions totype, click, get text and so on.
- Reset capabilities using live nativeapp - fast reset, noreset, full reset
- Detailed understanding about the logs, errors and how to debug the scripts
- Execution in Virtual devices on different configuration
Perform Touch Actions
- These actions are commonly required in mobile automation
- Dealing with multi-touch actions using equivalent finger actions
- Dealing to zoom in and zoom out in mobile apps using appium
- Dealing with swipe and its equivalent action
- Dealing with Press, Long Press and Tap options in appium
- Dealed information about available Context and how to switch to them
Automating Hybrid Apps using Appium
- Using Chrome Inspector to know the hybrid app details.
- The context to beswitched for recognizing the Web Apps.
- Locators specific to Web-Especially theXPath
- Building several Web and Hybrid scripts from different apps.
- The best practices when you write Android Appium scripts.
- The commonest mistakes done by most of the Appium test engineers and the solutions for them
Integration with TestNg, Cucumber and Grid
- Create MavenProject to have a Appium script build with required dependencies
- Integration with BDD so that the scenarios can be written and glued with Appium Javacode
- Allow the appium scripts to run insequential, parallel and with other options
- Integration with Selenium Grid to enable multiple devices to run to gether.
- Integration with Extent Reports in HTML formats
- Integration of Appium scripts tobe triggered from Jenkins Job
Get Started with Appium iOS
- Installation
- XCode, Appium
- Setup &Configuration
- Real device
- Simulator
- Get Started with native app
- Locators
Automate more with iOS Apps using Appium
- Appium server Logs
- Practice - iOS Native App
- Gestures, Sliders, Switches
- Other appium iOS actions and Exceptions
- Hybrid and Safari Automation
- Practice - iOS Hybrid and WebApp
iOS Automation Integration with Grid and Cloud Devices
- Setup Grid - Hub, Nodes, Appium Servers & devices for Parallel tests
- Run the appium tests in parallel for 2 different devices(Real+Simulator)
- Run Test against cloud like saucelabs and matLab
- Write Cucumber Feature nd Step Definitions for Appium tests
- Build Runner & hooks to run tests in Sequence
- Implement Pages and Methods, We appers for Appium Function
- Execute tests with POM with ExtentReports
- Best practice to Develop and Run Appium iOS Tests
Interview Preparation Worksop (Blended)
- Get expert advice on your resume writing
- Fine-tune your linked-in profile
- Get ready to succeed at job interviews