Curso Ansible Customizing Ansible Overview

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Ansible Customizing Ansible Overview

24 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Ansible  Customizing Ansible Overview, foi projetado para levar os alunos além do Ansible Essentials e une o Ansible com outros conjuntos de habilidades de DevOps, incluindo: scripts Python, utilização do Ansible Galaxy, execução de soluções automatizadas com Jenkins, sincronização de código com Git e GitHub, integração contínua, depuração/linting e muito mais! As lições são construídas em torno de conceitos atuais observados em empresas que usam Ansible. 

A aula é uma combinação de palestra por demonstração, codificação junto com o instrutor e laboratórios práticos. Os alunos são convidados a ajudar a personalizar este curso, trazendo seus próprios projetos, soluções e ideias para garantir que os assuntos das aulas permaneçam tão relevantes quanto possível.


Após realizar este Curso Ansible  Customizing Ansible Overview, você será capaz de:

  • Scripts Python
  • utilizando o Ansible Galaxy
  • executando soluções automatizadas com Jenkins
  • sincronizando código com Git e GitHub
  • integração contínua, depuração
  • linting e muito mais!
Publico Alvo
  • Engenheiros DevOps
  • Administradores de sistemas e de nuvem
  • Engenheiros e programadores de redes
  • Programadores Python
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to Environment

  1. Running with GitHub
  2. Syncing Git and GitHub
  3. Cloning repos
  4. Commits
  5. Push and Pull operations
  6. Master and Branches
  7. Documenting work
  8. Moving HEAD
  9. GitHub Desktop for GUIs

Ansible and Jenkins

  1. Syncing GitHub Playbooks to Jenkins
  2. Running Playbooks with Jenkins
  3. Building Jenkins Jobs
  4. Jenkins and Plugins to know

Roles and Galaxy

  1. Building an Ansible Role
  2. Role Testing with Molecule
  3. Using a Role within a Playbook (review)
  4. Pushing Role to GitHub
  5. Syncing Ansible Galaxy to GitHub
  6. Making Role Highly Available with Galaxy
  7. Updating Roles on Galaxy
  8. Documenting Roles

Advanced Ansible

  1. Blocks & Rollback
  2. Asynchronous Actions and Polling
  3. Check Mode (“Dry Run”)
  4. Playbook Debugger
  5. Delegation, Rolling Updates, and Local Actions
  6. Setting the Environment (and Working With Proxies)
  7. Working With Language-Specific Version Managers
  8. Error Handling In Playbooks
  9. Advanced Syntax
  10. Working With Plugins
  11. Prompts
  12. Tags
  13. Using Vault in playbooks
  14. Start and Step
  15. Playbook Keywords
  16. Lookups
  17. Module defaults

Python Catchup & Review

  1. Overview of Python and Ansible
  2. Conditional expressions
  3. Relational and Boolean operators
  4. Using Paramiko to SSH with keys and passwords
  5. Python and Jinja templating

Python in Playbooks

  1. Using methods within playbooks
  2. Python methods vs Jinja2 filters
  3. Calling Scripts with Ansible
  4. Writing Python Scripts for Customer Environment
  5. Returning JSON when our script finishes
  6. Ansible callback plugins - returning data other than JSON

Extending the Ansible Library

  1. Extending Ansible to support (Your Unsupported Ansible Vendor Here)
  2. Galaxy for new Ansible modules
  3. GitHub for new Ansible modules

Indexing and slicing

  1. Built-in functions
  2. Writing custom functions
  3. Getting at methods
  4. Iterating with Loops (for and while)
  5. Working with files
  6. Getting at RESTful interfaces with Python
  7. Working with JSON
  8. Python, Ansible and Paramiko

Creating Ansible Modules

  1. Writing a Python Script
  2. Adopting a Python Script to function as a Ansible Module
  3. Pushing our new module to GitHub
  4. Documenting our new module
  5. Classes of Ansible Modules available

Ansible and for Enterprise

  1. Hiding credentials
  2. Using Ansible Vault
  3. Collaborating on Playbooks
  4. Options for logging results
  5. Options for running Ansible Jobs in an Enterprise
  6. Jenkins
  7. Ansible Towew
  8. Logging Results
  9. Rolling Back bad jobs & other jobs

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