Curso Angular Advanced

  • Development & Administration Fiori

Curso Angular Advanced

Visão Geral

Curso Angular Advanced


Após realizar este Curso Angular Advanced, você será capaz de:

  • Teste de unidade todas as partes de uma aplicação incluindo Componentes, Serviços e Tubulações
  • Entenda RxJS e Observables e onde eles podem ser usados
  • Implementar Autenticação e Autorização em uma Aplicação Angular
  • Otimizar o desempenho angular alterando as estratégias de detecção de mudanças
  • Configurar novos projetos a partir do zero utilizando a CLI Angular
  • Módulos de andaime, componentes, serviços, modelos, rotas e testes unitários de acordo com as melhores práticas usando a CLI Angular
  • Construir e implantar uma aplicação para a produção utilizando a CLI Angular
  • Escreva Testes de Ponta a Ponta (opcional; ensinados somente se isso se aplicar ao seu grupo)
  • Atualize uma aplicação existente do AngularJS para o Angular 9 (opcional; ensinado somente se isso se aplicar ao seu grupo)
Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico


Unit Testing

  1. Tools: Jasmine, Karma
  2. Jasmine Syntax: describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach, matchers
  3. Setup and your First Test
  4. Testing Terminology: Mock, Stub, Spy, Fakes
  5. Angular Testing Terminology: TestBed, ComponentFixture, debugElement, async, fakeAsync, tick, inject
  6. Simple Component Test
  7. Detecting Component Changes
  8. Testing a Component with properties (inputs) and events (outputs)
  9. Testing a Component that uses the Router
  10. Testing a Component that depends on a Service
  11. Testing a Service and Mocking its HTTP requests
  12. Testing a Pipe

RxJS and Observables

  1. What is an Observable?
  2. Creating Observables
  3. What is an Observer?
  4. Observer Example
  5. Operators: map, switchMap, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged
  6. Practical Application of using RxJS
  7. Subject
  8. Subject Example
  9. EventEmitter or Observable


  1. Best Practices
  2. Preventing Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
  3. Trusting values with the DOMSanitizer
  4. HTTP Attacks (CSRF and CSSI)
  5. Authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  6. Authorization: Router Guards

Change Detection

  1. Understanding Zone.js and Change Detection
  2. Change Detection Strategies Default and OnPush

Advanced Angular CLI

  1. Customizing a build using Builder APIs in the CLI
  2. Generating web workers

Advanced Routing

  1. Lazy-loading Angular Modules (using Dynamic Imports)
  2. Nested or Child Routes

Advanced Routing

  1. Lazy-loading Angular Modules
  2. Nested or Child Routes

Advanced Dependency Injection

  1. Providers
  2. Hierarchical Injection
  3. providedIn options: root, module, platform, any


  1. Creating a custom Pipe using PipeTransform
  2. Understanding Pure and Impure Pipes

npm QuickStart

  1. Installing Dependencies
  2. Understanding package.json and package-lock.json
  3. Using npm as a Build Tool

Managing Shared Application State using ngrx and Redux

  1. Benefits Overview
  2. Three Principles of Redux: Single Source of Truth, State is Read-Only, Pure Functions
  3. Examples of Pure Functions
  4. Reducers
  5. Simple ngrx Example
  6. Time-traveling with Redux Devtools
  7. Full ngrx Example Application

Upgrade Strategies from AngularJS

  1. High-level Approaches
  2. Concept Mapping AngularJS to Angular
  3. UpgradeAdapter
  4. What can be Upgraded or Downgraded
  5. What cannot be Upgraded or Downgraded
  6. UpgradeAdapter and Dependency Injection

End-to-End Testing

  1. What is Protractor?
  2. Why Protractor?
  3. Using Locators
  4. Page Objects
  5. Debugging E2E Tests

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